She Was in Auschwitz, but ‘Had No Idea She Is in the Holocaust’
Prof. Hanna Yablonka, who pioneered the translation of Julia Skodova’s memoir into Hebrew, describes this unique report by a woman who was there from the first moments of the Final Solution
גילי איזיקוביץ כתב כתבים כותב כותבים עיתונאי עיתונאים דף כתב
גילי איזיקוביץ כתב כתבים כותב כותבים עיתונאי עיתונאים דף כתב
It’s impossible to read the first sentences of Julia Skodova’s memoir with anything but mounting anxiety. She describes a stark reality, but given everything we know about what is about to happen to her and her companions, she seems almost naïve. Through her innocent eyes the horror unravels in real time.
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