
国土地理院における ALOS 衛星シリーズを利用した地殻・地盤変動監視の成果と今後の展望
キーワード:ALOS 衛星シリーズ,国土監視,地殻・地盤変動,SAR 干渉解析,時系列解析
国土地理院では,SAR による地表変位の検出を高精度地盤変動測量事業と位置づけ,ALOS 以
降,SAR 干渉解析により全国を対象とした地殻・地盤変動監視を実施している.現在は,火山活動や
本発表では,現在運用中の ALOS-2 による変動検出・監視の効果を振り返るとともに,ALOS-4を
しかくALOS-2 がもたらした国土監視への効果
ALOS から ALOS-2 へのスペック向上の中で監視上最も重要な項目の 1 つは高空間分解能化
であろう.その効果の1つは火山活動の監視能力の向上に見られる.2015 年の箱根山・大涌谷で
の水蒸気噴火の事例は象徴的で,200m ほどの局所変動の空間分布の詳細を噴火前に検出し,そ
う地表変位把握への貢献は大きい.2016 年に発生した熊本地震は、そのことを示す近年の重要な
ALOS-2 による監視では,こうした変動結果が,地震や火山の公的な活動評価に利用されるよう
になったことも大きい.例えば,2015 年の桜島のマグマ貫入活動における火山噴火予知連絡会拡
大幹事会見解では SAR で推定された地下の力源膨張量が,2018 年北海道胆振東部地震におけ
る地震調査委員会では SAR による地殻変動量がそれぞれ活動評価文に組み込まれた.ALOS-2
の登場により,SAR が社会の安全を支える社会基盤の1つになりつつあることを意味している.
しかくALOS-4 によるこれからの国土監視
次期国産 L バンド SAR 衛星である ALOS-4 の最大の特長は,干渉解析に可能な画像が 2 週
間毎に撮像される高頻度観測の実現であろう.これにより,干渉 SAR 時系列解析による国土の地
国土地理院では,ALOS-4 での事業を見据え,2021 年より,従来の標準的な SAR 干渉解析に
加えて,時系列解析を火山の定常的な監視業務に導入し,国内の活動的な 38 活火山(2022年 2
月現在)の結果を地理院地図上で一般公開している.ALOS-2 は観測頻度が年に数回にとどまるも
れており,その有効性が示されている.今後は ALOS-4 による高い時間分解能での監視や ALOS-
2 を組み合わせた長期変動把握の実現が強く期待される.国土地理院では,今後も対象火山を拡大
理院では GNSS データから見積もられた補正情報の提供を実施しているが,この補正情報の空間
Achievements of ground deformation monitoring using ALOS satellite series at
GSI and the way forward
#Tomokazu Kobayashi, Yudai Sato, Masayoshi Ishimoto, Kumi Shimazaki,
Nobuhiro Ishikura, Kano Mikihara, Misa Ichimura, Tatsuya Yamashita, and Yu
Keywords : ALOS satellite series, land monitoring, ground deformation, SAR
interferometric analysis, time series analysis
The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) has a project for detection
of ground displacement by SAR, and has been conducting nationwide ground
deformation monitoring by InSAR analysis since ALOS satellite. At present, the
main missions of the project are a regular nationwide monitoring of ground
deformation due to volcanic activity and land subsidence, and an emergency
analysis for earthquakes and other disasters. The results are provided through
GSI Maps, and are also provided to specialized conferences such as the
Coordinating Committee for Prediction of Volcanic Eruption for use in evaluation
of seismic/volcanic activity. With this background, this presentation will review
the effectiveness of ALOS-2 in detecting and monitoring changes in the earth's
surface, and introduce the GSI's efforts in preparation for ALOS-4.
しかくEffects of ALOS-2 on national land monitoring
One of the most important improvements from ALOS to ALOS-2 in terms of land
monitoring is the improvement of spatial resolution. The 2015 phreatic eruption
at Owakudani volcano is a symbolic event, as it was a kind of breakthrough
observation that enables us to detect the details of the spatial distribution of
local ground deformation of about 200 m in size before the eruption. This kind of
information on local deformations has greatly contributed to evaluation of
volcanic activity at other volcanoes. For earthquake observations, the
contribution to inland earthquakes is particularly crucial, and the 2016 Kumamoto
earthquake was an important recent observation. We succeeded in
comprehensively and in detail capturing the location, the spatial extent, and the
displacements of major source faults and their secondary-produced faults.
Further the high resolution has promoted practical use of the amplitude images.
For the Nishinoshima eruption, we successfully monitored formation and growth
of the newly-created island. ALOS-2 has contributed to prompt monitoring of the
expansion of the national land.
For the ALOS-2-based monitoring, it is also important that the observation
results are used for official evaluation of seismic/volcanic activities such as the
2015 Sakurajima magma intrusion event. With the advent of ALOS-2, SAR is
becoming one of the social infrastructures that support the safety of our society.
しかくFuture national land monitoring by ALOS-4
The most significant feature of ALOS-4 is to realize high-frequency observation.
This will make it possible to provide information on temporal variation of ground
deformation by InSAR time series analysis (TSA) at a practical level. The TSA will
be a core product in future our projects.
The GSI has introduced the TSA to the routine monitoring of volcanoes since
2021, and the results of 38 active volcanoes in Japan (as of February 2022) are
available to the public on the GSI map. The effectiveness of ALOS-2 has been
demonstrated by the detection of local deformations in summit areas for some
volcanoes. It is expected that ALOS-4 will be used to monitor volcanoes with high
temporal resolution and in combination with ALOS-2 to monitor long-term changes.
The GSI will continue to increase the number of target volcanoes and publish the
results through GSI maps.
We plan to strengthen an attempt to utilize the results of TSA for the
management of national positioning information. Since Japan is subjected to
complex crustal movements, it is necessary to have a system to accurately correct
the deviations caused by crustal movements. The GSI has been providing GNSS-
estimated corrections, and is attempting to incorporate the results of TSA to
improve the spatial resolution of the corrections.
The ownership of ALOS-2 data belongs to Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA). ALOS-2 data were provided under a cooperative research contract
between GSI and JAXA, and from the Earthquake Working Group and the
Volcano Working Group under a cooperative research contract with JAXA.

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