Cheats & Guides
Planescape: Torment Cheats For PC
Infinite Gold
Go to the imposter in the right hand side of the smoldering corpse bar. She is dressed like a dustman. Choose the dialog that makes her give you 50 gold coins. (Threaten that you will give up her identity). You can choose this dialog tree over and over again. This cheat wont work if you've downloaded a patch that fixes the problem, obviously.
Contributed by: Asher
Infinite Wisdom & Experience
When you meet Ravel, make sure you pick the dialogue choices that flatter her whenever possible, and don't threaten her. Talk to her for as long as you can, and MAKE SURE that you ask her about herself and who she is. When you tell her that you need to go, accept her boon. The instant that the dialog box goes away, pause the game, and click on Ravel. The conversation should resume from just after she returns to her own form, so keep going from there. You can repeat this as many times as you like, and you'll get 180,000 experience and 2 Wisdom for every time that you do.
Contributed by: K Project
Infinite Exp
After doing the quest to help Karina in the marketplace (see one of the walkthroughs for the quest) go back and speak to her and go through the dialogue (you only have 1 choice). After speaking with her it will give you 500 exp. Simply initiate dialogue with her again to get another 500 exp. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Contributed by: Blackjack7960
Cast mage spells as a fighter or thief
You must have previously been trained as a mage and scribed and memorized some spells before you can use this glitch.
- Select Dak'kon, Grace or Ignus, then right click to display his or her quick menu.
- Now, either press = or click on the "select all party members" button at the bottom left of the screen while still keeping the quick menu open.
- Press the select spell button of the quick menu (little explosion graphic), and The Nameless One's memorized spells will be displayed instead of those of the caster you initially selected. Selecting one of these spells will make TNO cast it normally even if he isn't currently a mage.Note that you cannot access your spell book, so if you ever want to change your memorized spells or scribe new ones, you will have to switch to mage. Resting as a fighter or thief will still rememorize your spells properly, however.Credit goes to Christopher Leigh Dodd for initially discovering this glitch, and I for refining the steps.Contributed by: PGoyet
Unused Movie
Open the Torment.ini file with notepad. Under [Movies] add the line INTROH=1 and save. Now when you view the movies from the main menu you will see added to the list Flame Transition which isn't played during the game.
Contributed by: SKARDAVNELNATE
Infinite Experience from Trias
After gaining Trias' sword and initiating the conversation that leads to you freeing him, you gain 306,250 experience points. But, if you break the discussion off with the answers 1-1-2 and address Trias again, you can once again get the substantial 306,250 points of experience. A lot more rewarding than other experience glitches.
Contributed by: The_Pip_Boy
Infinite XP for Nameless One
Play nice with Byron Pikit in the lower ward the first time you meet him and ask about thieves, he will direct you to speak with Lenny. After speaking with Lenny and telling him Byron sent you, you can train as a thief and gain 2500xp. Each time you train you will receive the XP.
Contributed by: Kagetto
Duplicate Lim-Lims
To duplicate Lim-Lims and have an unlimited numbers of pet Lim-Lims, place a Lim-Lim in your inventory first. Pause the game, and select the Lim-Lim in the inventory and select to talk to the item. You will return to the Game World. Go back into the inventory and select the Lim-Lim, and place it on the ground. Return to the Game World and unpause the game. You will be prompted to choose what to do with the Lim-Lim immdiately. Select "Put your Lim-Lim down to allow it to run around a bit." Now as well as the Lim-Lim that you allowed to run around, there will be another Lim-Lim for you to pick up and add into your inventory. You can repeat this process to duplicate as many Lim-Lims as you want.
Contributed by: Andros
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by NYu | 167K |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by DSimpson | 477K |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by BahamutZero | 95K |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by SMetzler | 158K |
In-Depth Guides | AD&D Rules FAQ by D_Simpson | 49K |
In-Depth Guides | Beginner's Guide by 0rion79 | 61K |
In-Depth Guides | Creature List by shoecream | 357K |
In-Depth Guides | Item List by DSimpson | 331K |
In-Depth Guides | Item List by BahamutZero | 94K |
In-Depth Guides | Magic List by Kizor Nerdbringer | 55K |
In-Depth Guides | Speed Run Guide by StevensFAQs | 22K |
In-Depth Guides | Store List by shoecream | 41K |
Maps and Charts | Player's Maze Map by shoecream | 12K |
Planescape: Torment - Enhanced Edition Cheats For PC
Steam Achievements
50 achievements total
Achievement Advance an attribute score to 25. "...yourself in your full glory." Gave birth to Adahn through belief. All too Real Join Anarchists. Anarch Agenda Gained Annah as a companion. Annah, Rose of my Eye Gained Nordom as a companion. Backwards Modron Maintained True Neutral Alignment until the end of the game. Balance in All Things Met all of Ravel's branching incarnations in Sigil. Branchings Escaped the Lady's Maze - this time. Cagebreaker Train to become a Mage. Call of the Art Switch back to Fighter class over the course of the game. Call of the Blade Train to become a Thief. Call of the Shadows Reach Chaotic Alignment (any). Chaos Bringer Restored Dak'kon's faith. Closing the Circle Defeated the Modron Wizard. Creative Die-Rector Shifted Curst back to the Outlands. Crossing Over Reach Evil Alignment (any). Dark Intent Kill all 3 incarnations in Fortress of Regrets. Deincarnation Reach Lawful Alignment (any). Deva's Heart Advance Dak'kon's karach blade to highest neutral point. Enchained Blade Gained Dak'kon as a companion. Endure. In enduring, grow strong. Rescued Morte. Friends, Indeed Advance Dak'kon's karach blade to highest evil point. Kin-Stealer Drew the Lady's Gaze and got mazed. Lady's Gaze Reach level 12 in Fighter class before any other class. Master of Blades Reach level 12 in Mage class before any other class. Master of the Art Escaped the Mortuary. Mortuary Gate Join Xaositects. N'joi Ts'Cai'Sotex Entered the Fortress of Regrets on your own. Nameless ONE Help Nordom resolve his issue. No Longer = Total Logic Reach Good Alignment (any). Noble Spirit Found Pharod's Vault. It smells in there. Ol' Stuttercrutch's Horde Reach level 12 in Thief class before any other class. One-With-Shadows Defeated your adversary. Parting Sorrows Gained Fall-From-Grace as a companion. Priestess of no Goddess Discovered why Dak'kon's faith is shattered. Shattered Circle Join Sensates. Society of Sensation Advance Dak'kon's karach blade to highest honor point. Streaming Blade Dealt with Trias the Betrayer Strength in Betrayal Recovered the Bronze Sphere. The Bronze Sphere Your name, at last. The Named One Gained Ignus as a companion. The Sssmoldering Corpssse Join Dustmen. The True Death Gained Vhailor as a companion. Through Justice, Perfection Gave the Transcendent One an answer to a "meaningless question." To Every Question, An Answer Absorb all 3 incarnations in Fortress of Regrets. Triincarnation Discovered the truth of why Morte is with you. Trust the Skull Issued Pronouncement of Two Deaths of One at Fortress of Regrets. Two Deaths As One Returned to Mebbeth and restored Unity of Rings. Unity of Rings Dealt with Ravel Puzzlewell. Unraveling Discovered your connection to Ignus What the Flames Teach Contributed by: grindwar
Enable Console Commands
1. Go to C:\YOURNAME\User\Documents\Planescape Torment - Enhanced Edition 2. Open the 'Baldur.lua' file with Notepad or Notepad++. 3. Navigated to the bottom of the open file and enter the following: SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1') 4. Save the file. 5. Start the game. 6. Open the console in-game by pressing the following key combination: CTRL+Space 7. Enjoy.
Effect C:AddGold("[Number]") This will set the total amount of gold the party has. C:SetCurrentXP("[Number]") This will set the total amount of XP that all selected characters have. Contributed by: mchampion
Planescape: Torment - Enhanced Edition Cheats For Linux
Steam Achievements
This title has a total of 50 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.
Achievement Advance an attribute score to 25. "...yourself in your full glory." Gave birth to Adahn through belief. All too Real Join Anarchists. Anarch Agenda Gained Annah as a companion. Annah, Rose of my Eye Gained Nordom as a companion. Backwards Modron Maintained True Neutral Alignment until the end of the game. Balance in All Things Met all of Ravel's branching incarnations in Sigil. Branchings Escaped the Lady's Maze - this time. Cagebreaker Train to become a Mage. Call of the Art Switch back to Fighter class over the course of the game. Call of the Blade Train to become a Thief. Call of the Shadows Reach Chaotic Alignment (any). Chaos Bringer Restored Dak'kon's faith. Closing the Circle Defeated the Modron Wizard. Creative Die-Rector Shifted Curst back to the Outlands. Crossing Over Reach Evil Alignment (any). Dark Intent Kill all 3 incarnations in Fortress of Regrets. Deincarnation Reach Lawful Alignment (any). Deva's Heart Advanced Dak'kon's karach blade to highest neutral point. Enchained Blade Gained Dak'kon as a companion. Endure. In enduring, grow strong. Rescued Morte. Friends, Indeed Advanced Dak'kon's karach blade to highest evil point. Kin-Stealer Drew the Lady's Gaze and got mazed. Lady's Gaze Reach level 12 in Fighter class before any other class. Master of Blades Reach level 12 in Mage class before any other class. Master of the Art Escaped the Mortuary. Mortuary Gate Join Xaositects. N'joi Ts'Cai'Sotex Entered the Fortress of Regrets on your own. Nameless ONE Helped Nordom resolve his issues. No Longer = Total Logic Reach Good Alignment (any). Noble Spirit Found Pharod's Vault. It smells in there. Ol' Stuttercrutch's Horde Reach level 12 in Thief class before any other class. One-With-Shadows Defeated your adversary. Parting Sorrows Gained Fall-From-Grace as a companion. Priestess of no Goddess Discovered why Dak'kon's faith is shattered. Shattered Circle Join Sensates. Society of Sensation Advanced Dak'kon's karach blade to highest honor point. Streaming Blade Dealt with Trias the Betrayer. Strength in Betrayal Recovered the Bronze Sphere. The Bronze Sphere Your name, at last. The Named One Gained Ignus as a companion. The Sssmoldering Corpssse Join Dustmen. The True Death Gained Vhailor as a companion. Through Justice, Perfection Gave the Transcendent One an answer to a "meaningless question." To Every Question, An Answer Absorb all 3 incarnations in the Fortress of Regrets. Triincarnation Discovered the truth of why Morte is with you. Trust the Skull Issued Pronouncement of Two Deaths of One at Fortress of Regrets. Two Deaths As One Returned to Mebbeth and restored Unity of Rings. Unity of Rings Dealt with Ravel Puzzlewell. Unraveling Discovered your connection to Ignus. What the Flames Teach Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Planescape: Torment - Enhanced Edition Cheats For Macintosh
Steam Achievements
This title has a total of 50 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.
Achievement Advance an attribute score to 25. "...yourself in your full glory." Gave birth to Adahn through belief. All too Real Join Anarchists. Anarch Agenda Gained Annah as a companion. Annah, Rose of my Eye Gained Nordom as a companion. Backwards Modron Maintained True Neutral Alignment until the end of the game. Balance in All Things Met all of Ravel's branching incarnations in Sigil. Branchings Escaped the Lady's Maze - this time. Cagebreaker Train to become a Mage. Call of the Art Switch back to Fighter class over the course of the game. Call of the Blade Train to become a Thief. Call of the Shadows Reach Chaotic Alignment (any). Chaos Bringer Restored Dak'kon's faith. Closing the Circle Defeated the Modron Wizard. Creative Die-Rector Shifted Curst back to the Outlands. Crossing Over Reach Evil Alignment (any). Dark Intent Kill all 3 incarnations in Fortress of Regrets. Deincarnation Reach Lawful Alignment (any). Deva's Heart Advanced Dak'kon's karach blade to highest neutral point. Enchained Blade Gained Dak'kon as a companion. Endure. In enduring, grow strong. Rescued Morte. Friends, Indeed Advanced Dak'kon's karach blade to highest evil point. Kin-Stealer Drew the Lady's Gaze and got mazed. Lady's Gaze Reach level 12 in Fighter class before any other class. Master of Blades Reach level 12 in Mage class before any other class. Master of the Art Escaped the Mortuary. Mortuary Gate Join Xaositects. N'joi Ts'Cai'Sotex Entered the Fortress of Regrets on your own. Nameless ONE Helped Nordom resolve his issues. No Longer = Total Logic Reach Good Alignment (any). Noble Spirit Found Pharod's Vault. It smells in there. Ol' Stuttercrutch's Horde Reach level 12 in Thief class before any other class. One-With-Shadows Defeated your adversary. Parting Sorrows Gained Fall-From-Grace as a companion. Priestess of no Goddess Discovered why Dak'kon's faith is shattered. Shattered Circle Join Sensates. Society of Sensation Advanced Dak'kon's karach blade to highest honor point. Streaming Blade Dealt with Trias the Betrayer. Strength in Betrayal Recovered the Bronze Sphere. The Bronze Sphere Your name, at last. The Named One Gained Ignus as a companion. The Sssmoldering Corpssse Join Dustmen. The True Death Gained Vhailor as a companion. Through Justice, Perfection Gave the Transcendent One an answer to a "meaningless question." To Every Question, An Answer Absorb all 3 incarnations in the Fortress of Regrets. Triincarnation Discovered the truth of why Morte is with you. Trust the Skull Issued Pronouncement of Two Deaths of One at Fortress of Regrets. Two Deaths As One Returned to Mebbeth and restored Unity of Rings. Unity of Rings Dealt with Ravel Puzzlewell. Unraveling Discovered your connection to Ignus. What the Flames Teach Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer