Clarice Foreyt (Cohen), her daughter, my paternal aunt, began in 1973, after Alvina passed.
I was 4 years old when Alvina passed. Clarice began that very first Memorial Day, to include me, in the time honored tradition. Clarice passed October 2003.
My offspring, from 2004 to 2019 accompanied me on those 200+ mile journeys, always for the Memorial Day weekend.
Clarice told me that her aunts, Rachael and Ethel, and Alvina, would race to be the first to the graves, each and every year.
These trips, were always treasured by me, and then my offspring.
Time together.
For me, one of my favorite, one of my "two", Clarice, gave me her 100% undivided attention.
2005 to 2019, these trips were also times of making memories, again, though now with me, giving 100% undivided attention to my child/teen/adult.
The second of my "1 of 2 people", I was very gifted, the time and undivided attention, of my great aunt Laverne Wolf, married to my grandma Alvina's youngest brother, Forrest Wolf.
For me, summers included minimum 3 weeks in Atlanta Georgia, many hours playing Aggravation, Monopoly, Cube Rummy, swimming, shopping, watching soap operas, going for walks, talking for endless hours, all through my formative years.
I was their "borrowed child", as Forry and Boots never had their own children.
Will add to, and write more, here at the FindaGrave profile.
My hope, is to share stories far and wide.
I was, and still am, a "listener", a "story teller", a natural born historian.
I was always sure to listen, when my paternal unit, Melvin David Cohen, Alvina's eldest born, and great uncle Forry, would be together, telling stories.
Forrest and Melvin were merely a few years apart, with Melvin's brother Lawrence also only a couple of years younger than Melvin.
Lawrence Lee Cohen, got his wings, too young, on Melvin's birthday 1958, May 30.
Lawrence and his wife Sharon on one motorcycle, Forry and Boots on another cycle.
Forry would stare at me as I was growing up, he would say "Tanya you look like Lawrence".
My features are dark around my eyes, as were Lawrence's.
Lawrence had an automobile accident previous to this fateful day.
It was determined that Lawrence had a clot in his brain that gave way.
With his young wife seated behind him, Forry said he recalled seeing their cycle traveling along with them once second, and then "they were gone in the ditch".
Lawrence had returned to Wisconsin for a visit that weekend, from Tampa Florida where his brother, 4 years older, and he, brokered produce at the docks.
Melvin and Lawrence were working for Santos Trafficante Jr.
Melvin, in 2008, told this story, in detail, to my best friend and I.
The phone rang at Melvin's in Tampa.
It was his little brother Ronnie, Mel figured he was calling with a birthday greeting.
Instead it was the call that would change all of their lives.
Alvina was never the same.
Melvin joined the armed services, being given prestigious positions, with an office overlooking the Presideo, as an Editor of Seaside the armed forces newspaper in LaRachelle France, then stateside in Illinois where he would start his family with his wife, of already over a decade, Marilyn Cohen nee Engen.
Clarice was just a child, Ronnie not much older.
At Forrest's Celebration of Life, March 2015 while he was being supported by Hospice, the families of all of Forry's siblings offspring and theirs and so on, gathered at the family roller rink in Fond Du Lac WI.
At this party, I heard it said time and time again, "so and so said to be sure to introduce yourself to Tanya, she knows, and can tell, a LOT of stories".
Yes, and tell and share, and listen, and learn, and write, the stories I shall.
Please feel free to reach out, if you are related. I love to listen.
All My Best,
TR Cohen
Clarice Foreyt (Cohen), her daughter, my paternal aunt, began in 1973, after Alvina passed.
I was 4 years old when Alvina passed. Clarice began that very first Memorial Day, to include me, in the time honored tradition. Clarice passed October 2003.
My offspring, from 2004 to 2019 accompanied me on those 200+ mile journeys, always for the Memorial Day weekend.
Clarice told me that her aunts, Rachael and Ethel, and Alvina, would race to be the first to the graves, each and every year.
These trips, were always treasured by me, and then my offspring.
Time together.
For me, one of my favorite, one of my "two", Clarice, gave me her 100% undivided attention.
2005 to 2019, these trips were also times of making memories, again, though now with me, giving 100% undivided attention to my child/teen/adult.
The second of my "1 of 2 people", I was very gifted, the time and undivided attention, of my great aunt Laverne Wolf, married to my grandma Alvina's youngest brother, Forrest Wolf.
For me, summers included minimum 3 weeks in Atlanta Georgia, many hours playing Aggravation, Monopoly, Cube Rummy, swimming, shopping, watching soap operas, going for walks, talking for endless hours, all through my formative years.
I was their "borrowed child", as Forry and Boots never had their own children.
Will add to, and write more, here at the FindaGrave profile.
My hope, is to share stories far and wide.
I was, and still am, a "listener", a "story teller", a natural born historian.
I was always sure to listen, when my paternal unit, Melvin David Cohen, Alvina's eldest born, and great uncle Forry, would be together, telling stories.
Forrest and Melvin were merely a few years apart, with Melvin's brother Lawrence also only a couple of years younger than Melvin.
Lawrence Lee Cohen, got his wings, too young, on Melvin's birthday 1958, May 30.
Lawrence and his wife Sharon on one motorcycle, Forry and Boots on another cycle.
Forry would stare at me as I was growing up, he would say "Tanya you look like Lawrence".
My features are dark around my eyes, as were Lawrence's.
Lawrence had an automobile accident previous to this fateful day.
It was determined that Lawrence had a clot in his brain that gave way.
With his young wife seated behind him, Forry said he recalled seeing their cycle traveling along with them once second, and then "they were gone in the ditch".
Lawrence had returned to Wisconsin for a visit that weekend, from Tampa Florida where his brother, 4 years older, and he, brokered produce at the docks.
Melvin and Lawrence were working for Santos Trafficante Jr.
Melvin, in 2008, told this story, in detail, to my best friend and I.
The phone rang at Melvin's in Tampa.
It was his little brother Ronnie, Mel figured he was calling with a birthday greeting.
Instead it was the call that would change all of their lives.
Alvina was never the same.
Melvin joined the armed services, being given prestigious positions, with an office overlooking the Presideo, as an Editor of Seaside the armed forces newspaper in LaRachelle France, then stateside in Illinois where he would start his family with his wife, of already over a decade, Marilyn Cohen nee Engen.
Clarice was just a child, Ronnie not much older.
At Forrest's Celebration of Life, March 2015 while he was being supported by Hospice, the families of all of Forry's siblings offspring and theirs and so on, gathered at the family roller rink in Fond Du Lac WI.
At this party, I heard it said time and time again, "so and so said to be sure to introduce yourself to Tanya, she knows, and can tell, a LOT of stories".
Yes, and tell and share, and listen, and learn, and write, the stories I shall.
Please feel free to reach out, if you are related. I love to listen.
All My Best,
TR Cohen