Currently searching for any information on the whereabouts of my grandmother's grave. Her name is Marion Wythe Dengler. (Memorial ID 250999428).
Her 1st husband's last name was Dengler. Her 2nd husband's last name was Welch, so I'm not certain which names would be on her gravestone, if one exists.
Her full name is Elsie Marion Wythe Dengler Welch. She never went by Elsie, only Marion. She passed away October 16, 1990 in Riverside, California. If anyone comes across any information on her, I'd be so grateful to hear of it. You can email me directly at [email protected] or send a message. Thank you so much!
I'm the Daughter of David Wythe Dengler & Karen Girnus Dengler
Grandparents on Father's side:
Kenneth Everhart Dengler (1909 - 1982) & Marion Wythe Dengler (1912 - 1990)
Grandparents on Mother's side:
William Erick Girnus (1917 - 2003) & Hallie Gallagher Girnus (1917 - 2010)
Currently searching for any information on the whereabouts of my grandmother's grave. Her name is Marion Wythe Dengler. (Memorial ID 250999428).
Her 1st husband's last name was Dengler. Her 2nd husband's last name was Welch, so I'm not certain which names would be on her gravestone, if one exists.
Her full name is Elsie Marion Wythe Dengler Welch. She never went by Elsie, only Marion. She passed away October 16, 1990 in Riverside, California. If anyone comes across any information on her, I'd be so grateful to hear of it. You can email me directly at [email protected] or send a message. Thank you so much!
I'm the Daughter of David Wythe Dengler & Karen Girnus Dengler
Grandparents on Father's side:
Kenneth Everhart Dengler (1909 - 1982) & Marion Wythe Dengler (1912 - 1990)
Grandparents on Mother's side:
William Erick Girnus (1917 - 2003) & Hallie Gallagher Girnus (1917 - 2010)