
Member for
5 years 9 months 8 days
Find a Grave ID


I leave "flowers" for many strangers, not known and not related to me, as well as for my family and friends. Thank you sincerely for the beautiful flowers and comments left for them.

I really appreciate Gravers everywhere for their time, effort, and particularly for their generosity in sharing their research discoveries. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot be perfect in this life. If a mistake is made by me, please bring it to my attention, with source of info, so I can correct it.
Typos are unintentional but can affect the meaning and accuracy. We learn from one another and leave a more complete history for future generations.
I leave "flowers" for many strangers, not known and not related to me, as well as for my family and friends. Thank you sincerely for the beautiful flowers and comments left for them.

I really appreciate Gravers everywhere for their time, effort, and particularly for their generosity in sharing their research discoveries. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot be perfect in this life. If a mistake is made by me, please bring it to my attention, with source of info, so I can correct it.
Typos are unintentional but can affect the meaning and accuracy. We learn from one another and leave a more complete history for future generations.
Search memorial contributions by TigerLilly