My name is Cindy Castle Hayel.
My family names are Castle/Cassell/Kassell, Reach, Cole, Sampson, Heron, Baker, Syring and Huff.
My sister's username here on FAG was 'Angels Among Us'. A lot of her memorials were taken by other members when she passed away in 2020. If you have a memorial originally created by her, I might ask for a transfer of that memorial to me depending on the relationship.
I rarely set up a memorial for someone I don't know. But if I do and you are related to that person, I have no problem transferring management to you. Just let me know the relationship. I have no interest in having thousands of memorials to my name.
My name is Cindy Castle Hayel.
My family names are Castle/Cassell/Kassell, Reach, Cole, Sampson, Heron, Baker, Syring and Huff.
My sister's username here on FAG was 'Angels Among Us'. A lot of her memorials were taken by other members when she passed away in 2020. If you have a memorial originally created by her, I might ask for a transfer of that memorial to me depending on the relationship.
I rarely set up a memorial for someone I don't know. But if I do and you are related to that person, I have no problem transferring management to you. Just let me know the relationship. I have no interest in having thousands of memorials to my name.