Related family names in and around New York include Armstrong, Bauscher, Bradshaw, Brady, Bulley, Carrillo, Chaize, Clarke, Crawford, Crunden, Currier, Dutton, Favre, Fontaine, Fox, Furey, Gillespie, Hand, Hanks, Hanley, Harlan, Harrison, Hernandez, Hickey, Jardines, Kline, Lamberton, Leavens, Lediger, Lilliston, Long, Mautner, McGoldrick, Merritt, Monahan, Morales, Quinlan, Perry, Petz, Schuler, Small, Sutton, Sweet, Talcott, Tanner, Van Zilen, Von Stein and Westcott.
In the Lake District related family names include: Atkinson, Ashburner, Benson, Cragg, Crewdson, Curwen, Jones, Lunt, Park, Stones, Swainson, Townson, Watson and Wilson. In County Leitrim, Ireland, Conboy, McKenna, O'Keefe and O'Quigley. In County Sligo Armstrong. In Paris, France, Chauviteau. In Cuba Aloy, Arango, Carrillo de Albornoz, Hernandez, Linares, Menocal, Meyreles, Nunez del Castillo, Poey, Ribera. In Bavaria Hofmann, Lang, Lediger, Leitner and Ulrich.
I make an effort to contribute factual information where and when ever possible, and have been able to provide more than 600 edits which were approved for memorials I do not manage. Beyond that I submit additional information with the suggestion tab regularly and continue to add biographical information to the memorials I manage.
I am grateful for transfers of direct ancestors- not only to enable simplified posting of historical information of which I have been given a great deal, but also to add and edit repeatedly. I am not interested in 'collecting' memorials and am willing to manage memorials of siblings or cousins of direct ancestors who had no offspring to ensure that their memorials are cared for. Some contributors who manage thousands of memorials do not always have the time to give the personal attention to a memorial in the way a relative might. So please do not mind my asking.
I welcome suggestions, corrections and additions.
Related family names in and around New York include Armstrong, Bauscher, Bradshaw, Brady, Bulley, Carrillo, Chaize, Clarke, Crawford, Crunden, Currier, Dutton, Favre, Fontaine, Fox, Furey, Gillespie, Hand, Hanks, Hanley, Harlan, Harrison, Hernandez, Hickey, Jardines, Kline, Lamberton, Leavens, Lediger, Lilliston, Long, Mautner, McGoldrick, Merritt, Monahan, Morales, Quinlan, Perry, Petz, Schuler, Small, Sutton, Sweet, Talcott, Tanner, Van Zilen, Von Stein and Westcott.
In the Lake District related family names include: Atkinson, Ashburner, Benson, Cragg, Crewdson, Curwen, Jones, Lunt, Park, Stones, Swainson, Townson, Watson and Wilson. In County Leitrim, Ireland, Conboy, McKenna, O'Keefe and O'Quigley. In County Sligo Armstrong. In Paris, France, Chauviteau. In Cuba Aloy, Arango, Carrillo de Albornoz, Hernandez, Linares, Menocal, Meyreles, Nunez del Castillo, Poey, Ribera. In Bavaria Hofmann, Lang, Lediger, Leitner and Ulrich.
I make an effort to contribute factual information where and when ever possible, and have been able to provide more than 600 edits which were approved for memorials I do not manage. Beyond that I submit additional information with the suggestion tab regularly and continue to add biographical information to the memorials I manage.
I am grateful for transfers of direct ancestors- not only to enable simplified posting of historical information of which I have been given a great deal, but also to add and edit repeatedly. I am not interested in 'collecting' memorials and am willing to manage memorials of siblings or cousins of direct ancestors who had no offspring to ensure that their memorials are cared for. Some contributors who manage thousands of memorials do not always have the time to give the personal attention to a memorial in the way a relative might. So please do not mind my asking.
I welcome suggestions, corrections and additions.
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