Any suggestions made to other's memorials are based on the best research sources available to me, and if partly speculative, will be noted as such. Those memorials which I administer may be revised or updated as/if new information is found, sometimes correcting prior errors, so those viewing them should check periodically for updates. I consider it my responsibility to get them "right".
None of the photos added should be considered copyrighted and are free for anyone to use for non-commercial purposes, only appropriate attribution requested as a courtesy and as a way for those viewing them to know to contact me if further information is desired.
For those who wish more information on individuals for whom the memorials I administer or on family for whom I have added photos, there in some cases being many more in my digital files, you may feel free to contact me.
Any suggestions made to other's memorials are based on the best research sources available to me, and if partly speculative, will be noted as such. Those memorials which I administer may be revised or updated as/if new information is found, sometimes correcting prior errors, so those viewing them should check periodically for updates. I consider it my responsibility to get them "right".
None of the photos added should be considered copyrighted and are free for anyone to use for non-commercial purposes, only appropriate attribution requested as a courtesy and as a way for those viewing them to know to contact me if further information is desired.
For those who wish more information on individuals for whom the memorials I administer or on family for whom I have added photos, there in some cases being many more in my digital files, you may feel free to contact me.