It is an interesting journey that has taken me from NY/NJ to Alaska. I hope it will take me to Russia, Germany, Switzerland and Ireland.
I am happy to transfer memorials to friends and relatives. When requesting a transfer, be sure to include your relationship to the memorial.
If you are a friend and I transfer a memorial to your care, I do so with the understanding that if a close relative later asks you to transfer the memorial, you will do so. I don't want to hold on to it in the hope that someone closer will show up. If it is meaningful for you to care for it now, that's enough for me. Thanks for your understanding.
INFORMATION that makes things work smoothly: The easiest and fastest way to request a transfer is to go the memorial, select the edit tab in the upper right hand corner and then opt the "suggest any other correction or addition" option. Then write that you want a transfer and let me know what your relationship is. When you do this I have all the information I need to do a quick transfer.
PLEASE: If you have other information you would like added to a memorial, select the edit tab in the upper right hand corner and then select the "suggest any other correction or addition" option.
DON'T put the information in a message. It's too difficult to make sure it will get to the right place. OCCASIONALLY an edit suggestion doesn't make it from you to Find-A-Grave to me. If you think that's happened, do leave a heads up on my message page so we can figure it out.
If you make a dates or a relationship suggestion that is not immediately obvious, please also send me the source via an edit suggestion. I will then not only accept the edit, but note the source and acknowledge your work on the memorial. The reason I ask that you do this is that I have had people ask the source of my information on a memorial. Please help me help them!
As someone who has contributed obituaries and biographical statements to already existing memorials than I have created new, I am always appreciative when someone acknowledges my efforts in the memorial.
Although Find A Grave doesn't have a formal way to do so, if someone makes an important contribution to a memorial you manage, please consider acknowledging the contributor as a source provider in the body of the memorial. Likewise, thank photographers.
Find A Grave doesn't have a mechanism that alerts managers when a picture has been added to a memorial. However, if you do discover that a photo has been added to one of your memorials, please consider sending the photographer a thank-you message (after all, if it were easy for you to get a photo, you would have taken one and posted it yourself!)
People contribute to Find A Grave for a lot of different reasons. We are the largest group of volunteers working on behalf of a for-profit enterprise that has ever been assembled. So People, be kind!
As in life ask yourself: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? If you cannot answer "Yes" to all three questions, think long and hard before contributing the information.
It is an interesting journey that has taken me from NY/NJ to Alaska. I hope it will take me to Russia, Germany, Switzerland and Ireland.
I am happy to transfer memorials to friends and relatives. When requesting a transfer, be sure to include your relationship to the memorial.
If you are a friend and I transfer a memorial to your care, I do so with the understanding that if a close relative later asks you to transfer the memorial, you will do so. I don't want to hold on to it in the hope that someone closer will show up. If it is meaningful for you to care for it now, that's enough for me. Thanks for your understanding.
INFORMATION that makes things work smoothly: The easiest and fastest way to request a transfer is to go the memorial, select the edit tab in the upper right hand corner and then opt the "suggest any other correction or addition" option. Then write that you want a transfer and let me know what your relationship is. When you do this I have all the information I need to do a quick transfer.
PLEASE: If you have other information you would like added to a memorial, select the edit tab in the upper right hand corner and then select the "suggest any other correction or addition" option.
DON'T put the information in a message. It's too difficult to make sure it will get to the right place. OCCASIONALLY an edit suggestion doesn't make it from you to Find-A-Grave to me. If you think that's happened, do leave a heads up on my message page so we can figure it out.
If you make a dates or a relationship suggestion that is not immediately obvious, please also send me the source via an edit suggestion. I will then not only accept the edit, but note the source and acknowledge your work on the memorial. The reason I ask that you do this is that I have had people ask the source of my information on a memorial. Please help me help them!
As someone who has contributed obituaries and biographical statements to already existing memorials than I have created new, I am always appreciative when someone acknowledges my efforts in the memorial.
Although Find A Grave doesn't have a formal way to do so, if someone makes an important contribution to a memorial you manage, please consider acknowledging the contributor as a source provider in the body of the memorial. Likewise, thank photographers.
Find A Grave doesn't have a mechanism that alerts managers when a picture has been added to a memorial. However, if you do discover that a photo has been added to one of your memorials, please consider sending the photographer a thank-you message (after all, if it were easy for you to get a photo, you would have taken one and posted it yourself!)
People contribute to Find A Grave for a lot of different reasons. We are the largest group of volunteers working on behalf of a for-profit enterprise that has ever been assembled. So People, be kind!
As in life ask yourself: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? If you cannot answer "Yes" to all three questions, think long and hard before contributing the information.