THANK YOU to all of the Find A Grave contributors! Without you, your memorials and your photos, I wouldn't know even a fraction of what I have been able to piece together. It was a memorial on this site that broke through a huge brick wall for me. I am forever grateful.
You are welcome to use the headstone photos I have taken. Please do not download my personal family photos from my trees and/or memorials then upload to your own public website(s) without permission. It's a good rule of thumb that if you cannot personally identify the face in the photo, you probably should not post it.
Beginning 2019, all photos are being taken with an iPhone and added through the Find A Grave app to preserve data. If I add a grave photo to a memorial with an existing grave photo, it is very likely to add the GPS coordinates. Transfers within guidelines.
PLEASE keep in mind when submitting edits this is a memorial site. Be respectful of the dead as their circumstances in life may not be fully understood by you. While the rules allow for multiple surnames, do you believe your loved one wishes to be remembered by every name they ever went by in life? They may have been born with one name but were called something different their entire life. Was there a legal name change you may be unaware of? Would they want the name they didn't use and potentially never liked at the top of their memorial? Could it be noted in the bio section?
Please do not copy/paste an indexed record into the memorial section. Take a minute and compose a note in memory of the deceased. Think about how YOU would want YOUR memorial to look when you are gone!
If I am unable to quickly validate edits, they will be denied. It would be swell to include a link to your source(s) when submitting, thanks.
THANK YOU to all of the Find A Grave contributors! Without you, your memorials and your photos, I wouldn't know even a fraction of what I have been able to piece together. It was a memorial on this site that broke through a huge brick wall for me. I am forever grateful.
You are welcome to use the headstone photos I have taken. Please do not download my personal family photos from my trees and/or memorials then upload to your own public website(s) without permission. It's a good rule of thumb that if you cannot personally identify the face in the photo, you probably should not post it.
Beginning 2019, all photos are being taken with an iPhone and added through the Find A Grave app to preserve data. If I add a grave photo to a memorial with an existing grave photo, it is very likely to add the GPS coordinates. Transfers within guidelines.
PLEASE keep in mind when submitting edits this is a memorial site. Be respectful of the dead as their circumstances in life may not be fully understood by you. While the rules allow for multiple surnames, do you believe your loved one wishes to be remembered by every name they ever went by in life? They may have been born with one name but were called something different their entire life. Was there a legal name change you may be unaware of? Would they want the name they didn't use and potentially never liked at the top of their memorial? Could it be noted in the bio section?
Please do not copy/paste an indexed record into the memorial section. Take a minute and compose a note in memory of the deceased. Think about how YOU would want YOUR memorial to look when you are gone!
If I am unable to quickly validate edits, they will be denied. It would be swell to include a link to your source(s) when submitting, thanks.
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