It is my belief that these memorials are done for future generations and the families they are associated with. As a kid I didn't care about history but now I like it the places and people tell how it was or is .I failed to ask questions of my living relatives .so few alive now so the markers and obits have to tell me about them now .
I got involved with my family tree in 2000.i have been working on family members here in Alabama .My great grandfather was born in Potosi MO .Firman leander {lee}.. His father firman francis and his father john james were laid to rest some where in Missouri. i have found firman leander and have been able to prove where the relatives all are in Alabama .ON THE ROUBDIOUX but there still PARKER, CANTRELL, COLVERT ect the further I get away from the first grand parents layer of the family.. It wasn,t untill i got involved , there was no photo history of where their final resting paces were . I a few years back took photos of the ones I knew of. I stumbled across find a I decided to see how many were listed or had photographs and my surch showed me NADA, ZERO ,ZILCH, NUTHING so i decided i add my stone photos here OF MY KNOWN RELATIVES . I LIKE BEING HELPFUL WHEN AND WHERE I CAN .I do have my heart in the right place even though I do not all ways the the outcome I aim for but I still try just to see if I can What do you think when you pass a cemetery ???? Have you ever driven past cemetery before and never wondered how many there have been forgotten or no one knows they are there ,I have . I get so agrivated when i find a grave in the over growth , woods, under over growth grass, the worse is burried under the ground and it has increption on it says love or LOST OR GONE BUT NOT FORGOTEN. I know i do not have alot free time since i do work a full time job, involved in sons life, family, car club and still try have time for me . I do what i can , when i can , if i find a grave for you i tried hard to get you the answers , if i can,t then i can,t .Ifeal like I am giving back a little bit every time I help others find what they are looking for and YES I HAVE NEVER ASKED FOR MONEY WHILE DOING IT .I HAVE FOUND THAT BEING ABLE TO GO TO A CEMETERY AND LOOKING and WALKING AROUND IS PEACEFULL TO ME AND RELAXING .A DESTRESSOR,its the break I need away from business and my family its MY TIME PEACEFULL TO ME .. What ever i post i will share if it is in find a grave guide lines ,, just ask if it,s a photo request or if you can prove family line then if it one i have set up i will transfer it to you be it in the guide lines of find a grave .I HAVE MADE GRID BOOKS OF VALHALLA,CEDAR HILL,HIGHLAND . I hope thru all my running around and efforts may some day be recongized,if just one photo or one name documented BY ME .I hope it helps someone to find the truth and the history of the family or indivual .If you have a question about a post or photograph ask me.. i dont know what else to say thanks Russell Roubdioux,Bessemer Alabama ..PS IF YOU CAN FIND THE SECTION LOT AND PLOT OF CEDAR HILL, HIGHLAND, VALHALLA BY CALLING THEIR OFFICES ... I CAN GET THEM COMPLETED MUCH FASTER. ************* try to get the section and lot I will go photo it from my grid book *************************....many other places like Union,Kimbrell, Lincoln,Pinehill,Brighton,Mason,Smith,Valley Creek,Viginia Mines, ect IN THE AREA .....They have NO office and no one to ask... It,s just a big surch for how ever long it takes..volunteer Russell Roubdioux is on facebook ..OR [email protected]
It is my belief that these memorials are done for future generations and the families they are associated with. As a kid I didn't care about history but now I like it the places and people tell how it was or is .I failed to ask questions of my living relatives .so few alive now so the markers and obits have to tell me about them now .
I got involved with my family tree in 2000.i have been working on family members here in Alabama .My great grandfather was born in Potosi MO .Firman leander {lee}.. His father firman francis and his father john james were laid to rest some where in Missouri. i have found firman leander and have been able to prove where the relatives all are in Alabama .ON THE ROUBDIOUX but there still PARKER, CANTRELL, COLVERT ect the further I get away from the first grand parents layer of the family.. It wasn,t untill i got involved , there was no photo history of where their final resting paces were . I a few years back took photos of the ones I knew of. I stumbled across find a I decided to see how many were listed or had photographs and my surch showed me NADA, ZERO ,ZILCH, NUTHING so i decided i add my stone photos here OF MY KNOWN RELATIVES . I LIKE BEING HELPFUL WHEN AND WHERE I CAN .I do have my heart in the right place even though I do not all ways the the outcome I aim for but I still try just to see if I can What do you think when you pass a cemetery ???? Have you ever driven past cemetery before and never wondered how many there have been forgotten or no one knows they are there ,I have . I get so agrivated when i find a grave in the over growth , woods, under over growth grass, the worse is burried under the ground and it has increption on it says love or LOST OR GONE BUT NOT FORGOTEN. I know i do not have alot free time since i do work a full time job, involved in sons life, family, car club and still try have time for me . I do what i can , when i can , if i find a grave for you i tried hard to get you the answers , if i can,t then i can,t .Ifeal like I am giving back a little bit every time I help others find what they are looking for and YES I HAVE NEVER ASKED FOR MONEY WHILE DOING IT .I HAVE FOUND THAT BEING ABLE TO GO TO A CEMETERY AND LOOKING and WALKING AROUND IS PEACEFULL TO ME AND RELAXING .A DESTRESSOR,its the break I need away from business and my family its MY TIME PEACEFULL TO ME .. What ever i post i will share if it is in find a grave guide lines ,, just ask if it,s a photo request or if you can prove family line then if it one i have set up i will transfer it to you be it in the guide lines of find a grave .I HAVE MADE GRID BOOKS OF VALHALLA,CEDAR HILL,HIGHLAND . I hope thru all my running around and efforts may some day be recongized,if just one photo or one name documented BY ME .I hope it helps someone to find the truth and the history of the family or indivual .If you have a question about a post or photograph ask me.. i dont know what else to say thanks Russell Roubdioux,Bessemer Alabama ..PS IF YOU CAN FIND THE SECTION LOT AND PLOT OF CEDAR HILL, HIGHLAND, VALHALLA BY CALLING THEIR OFFICES ... I CAN GET THEM COMPLETED MUCH FASTER. ************* try to get the section and lot I will go photo it from my grid book *************************....many other places like Union,Kimbrell, Lincoln,Pinehill,Brighton,Mason,Smith,Valley Creek,Viginia Mines, ect IN THE AREA .....They have NO office and no one to ask... It,s just a big surch for how ever long it takes..volunteer Russell Roubdioux is on facebook ..OR [email protected]
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