
Member for
12 years 6 months 20 days
Find a Grave ID


Graveyards throughout Cheshire, Sullivan & Hillsborough counties, NH; Franklin & northern Worcester counties, MA. Member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, Mayflower Society, Winthrop Society, Colonial Clergy, Piscataqua Pioneers, Colonial Dames XVII Century, NH Old Graveyard Assoc. (NHOGA) & the Historical Society of Cheshire County.

Please help honor and preserve our past-ADOPT A CEMETERY IN YOUR AREA.
PLEASE folks, remember the function of this website is ONLY for DOCUMENTED BURIAL locations of the DECEASED, not plot purchase lists, blind family trees ("burial unknown") or theories (plopping). Create your family trees to your heart's content on Ancestry, FamilySearch & the like. This is an interactive site-No plopping please!

I do not connect to "burial unknown", copy/paste info from Ancestry or plagiarize obituaries. Edit requests from these will be declined, this is not the place. Again, please remember this is Find-a-GRAVE not find-a-name, find-an-obit or find-a-tree. Wikipedia definition says it all:
"Find A Grave is a website that allows the public to search and add to an online database of CEMETERY records."
Thank you.
My Goal: My work is based on photographic inventories of a cemetery that may aid in documentation for lineage societies. If an interment record has not been entered in that cemetery then I enter it with the research. (I do not have the time to track down a possible "burial unknown" or entry plopped in the wrong cemetery. First memorial created in the correct cemetery takes precedence.) I try to adopt the small older cemeteries here in southwestern New Hampshire that either have not been covered or completing those that only have a few entries. I do my best to be complete: vital record research, transcriptions, photo & any known family connections verified by vitals. If town histories are available, I try to enter any additional information for a person.

Now that I have basically completed all of my family lines, I hope I can help you find leads for your ancestors. As long as an entry is not a direct ancestor of mine, I do transfer memorials gladly to direct family members (please include relationship with your request). Please feel free to use any of the stone photos with credit but please, no posting my family portraits on public family trees! People can find them here. You can use these for your private personal use.

About myself: I have been a genealogy fanatic for over 30 years, New Englander to the core. 8th generation living in Cheshire County, NH, by one of my mother's lines. It has been a wonderful trip! Through my research I have found that by three of my four grandparents we are direct descendants of 14 passengers who arrived on the Mayflower: James & dau. Mary CHILTON; Francis & son John COOKE; Edward FULLER; Stephen* & Elizabeth (Fisher) HOPKINS; John HOWLAND; Thomas & son Joseph ROGERS; John & Joan (Hurst) TILLEY w/dau Elizabeth; and Richard WARREN. (I can't believe it!!) Twenty-eight Patriots of the American Revolution isn't bad either :) Aren't our ancestors amazing!
*also at Jamestown

Happy Researching!

1. Thomas ALLEN (c 1770-1833) Mem.#114743204, need documentation of his parentage-According to Moulton's "History of Jay, Maine" he was "son of Thomas, son of Thomas". Public records do show he was married in Newton, MA (1791), removed to Jay, ME in 1792. Thomas ALLEN allegedly was of Watertown, MA at one point in time based on a child's death record. However, that 1861 death record info was given by the child's spouse.

Any leads will be greatly appreciated!
Graveyards throughout Cheshire, Sullivan & Hillsborough counties, NH; Franklin & northern Worcester counties, MA. Member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, Mayflower Society, Winthrop Society, Colonial Clergy, Piscataqua Pioneers, Colonial Dames XVII Century, NH Old Graveyard Assoc. (NHOGA) & the Historical Society of Cheshire County.

Please help honor and preserve our past-ADOPT A CEMETERY IN YOUR AREA.
PLEASE folks, remember the function of this website is ONLY for DOCUMENTED BURIAL locations of the DECEASED, not plot purchase lists, blind family trees ("burial unknown") or theories (plopping). Create your family trees to your heart's content on Ancestry, FamilySearch & the like. This is an interactive site-No plopping please!

I do not connect to "burial unknown", copy/paste info from Ancestry or plagiarize obituaries. Edit requests from these will be declined, this is not the place. Again, please remember this is Find-a-GRAVE not find-a-name, find-an-obit or find-a-tree. Wikipedia definition says it all:
"Find A Grave is a website that allows the public to search and add to an online database of CEMETERY records."
Thank you.
My Goal: My work is based on photographic inventories of a cemetery that may aid in documentation for lineage societies. If an interment record has not been entered in that cemetery then I enter it with the research. (I do not have the time to track down a possible "burial unknown" or entry plopped in the wrong cemetery. First memorial created in the correct cemetery takes precedence.) I try to adopt the small older cemeteries here in southwestern New Hampshire that either have not been covered or completing those that only have a few entries. I do my best to be complete: vital record research, transcriptions, photo & any known family connections verified by vitals. If town histories are available, I try to enter any additional information for a person.

Now that I have basically completed all of my family lines, I hope I can help you find leads for your ancestors. As long as an entry is not a direct ancestor of mine, I do transfer memorials gladly to direct family members (please include relationship with your request). Please feel free to use any of the stone photos with credit but please, no posting my family portraits on public family trees! People can find them here. You can use these for your private personal use.

About myself: I have been a genealogy fanatic for over 30 years, New Englander to the core. 8th generation living in Cheshire County, NH, by one of my mother's lines. It has been a wonderful trip! Through my research I have found that by three of my four grandparents we are direct descendants of 14 passengers who arrived on the Mayflower: James & dau. Mary CHILTON; Francis & son John COOKE; Edward FULLER; Stephen* & Elizabeth (Fisher) HOPKINS; John HOWLAND; Thomas & son Joseph ROGERS; John & Joan (Hurst) TILLEY w/dau Elizabeth; and Richard WARREN. (I can't believe it!!) Twenty-eight Patriots of the American Revolution isn't bad either :) Aren't our ancestors amazing!
*also at Jamestown

Happy Researching!

1. Thomas ALLEN (c 1770-1833) Mem.#114743204, need documentation of his parentage-According to Moulton's "History of Jay, Maine" he was "son of Thomas, son of Thomas". Public records do show he was married in Newton, MA (1791), removed to Jay, ME in 1792. Thomas ALLEN allegedly was of Watertown, MA at one point in time based on a child's death record. However, that 1861 death record info was given by the child's spouse.

Any leads will be greatly appreciated!
Search memorial contributions by Cheshire

