On my wife's side there are Bartholomew, Frame, Funk, Guthrie, Hewitt, and Musterer.
I also research local history in those and other locales in Morris and Passaic counties in NJ.
-- I grant permission to any user to take my grave photos for use on other memorials on this site, or any other purpose a loved one or researcher deems appropriate. No need to ask!
-- I would be more than happy to transfer management of any listing to ANY loved one.
On my wife's side there are Bartholomew, Frame, Funk, Guthrie, Hewitt, and Musterer.
I also research local history in those and other locales in Morris and Passaic counties in NJ.
-- I grant permission to any user to take my grave photos for use on other memorials on this site, or any other purpose a loved one or researcher deems appropriate. No need to ask!
-- I would be more than happy to transfer management of any listing to ANY loved one.