My fascination with genealogy and genealogy journey has brought me to Find A Grave website. I have found Find A Grave to be excellent source for "another" confirmation of our genealogy. Descendents of Cornwall England, France, Germany and Germans from Russia.
The tours of the local cemeteries; Mountain View Cemetery; Fresno Memorial Gardens; Belmont Memorial Cemetery; I noticed multiples of the first name; last name and or both. Thus, my fascination with genealogy and determination with how the families are related.
Yost, Meisner, Keast, Janssen, Underwood, Cagle, Edwards, Holt
My dream is to simplify genealogy through Find A Grave and preserve history.
Please send me corrections and feel free to ask me to add to Find A Grave listings.
Best Wishes, David
My fascination with genealogy and genealogy journey has brought me to Find A Grave website. I have found Find A Grave to be excellent source for "another" confirmation of our genealogy. Descendents of Cornwall England, France, Germany and Germans from Russia.
The tours of the local cemeteries; Mountain View Cemetery; Fresno Memorial Gardens; Belmont Memorial Cemetery; I noticed multiples of the first name; last name and or both. Thus, my fascination with genealogy and determination with how the families are related.
Yost, Meisner, Keast, Janssen, Underwood, Cagle, Edwards, Holt
My dream is to simplify genealogy through Find A Grave and preserve history.
Please send me corrections and feel free to ask me to add to Find A Grave listings.
Best Wishes, David