
Member for
13 years 2 months 4 days
Find a Grave ID


I have been a family historian for 45+ years. Professional Genealogist for 22 years (Retired 2016). Historian Emeritus (Retired). A world history education specializing in US history. A member of FAG since 16 January 2012 under Jim Tipton which I loved and a far cry from today. Our voices are being silenced even here as the left tries to rewrite history to their agenda. I share this profile with my son Terry Glenn Peden Jr. who maintains most of my memorials now and will take over for me someday. I can no longer answer questions but if you have edits, follow the procedure below. If the edit is sound, it will be made.

Genealogical websites on the internet are not professional, reliable, proven, documented, data sources. Nothing can replace old fashioned research and documentation which my attic is full and hasn't been touched in years, however, even though I stand behind all data on my memorials, I do not claim to use any documentation, nor does this wording support a claim. If I did it would be a full-time job answering queries as everyone has their own opinion. Usually with no more proof than I have. The further back in time, the less proof. I do support family traditional statements with circumstantial evidence to a degree. I'm probably one of the few who does. I no longer research so If you have conflicting data and want an edit, please send proof documents with sources and I will correct accordingly if sound. (See procedure below) Be wary of Genealogical DNA sites. It's fun to play with but currently worthless and you give the government and 3rd parties (read the fine print) access to your DNA. I will be glad to transfer any memorial I have that is not connected to me. Below is the procedures for edit submittal. Only proven documented edits will be made. However, grandmas' stories are welcome and will be filed in the family file.

Edit procedure:

1. Describe claim thoroughly
2. Provide APG Standard documented evidence of claim
3. If no documentation, provide substantial family traditional evidence for filing in
database for research.


My research and stance on any DNA Research:

FYI: please read the fine print before you sell your DNA to the world. Understand it's a scam to make money. The Human Genome Project states "Genealogical DNA websites are scams as they cannot scientifically prove their findings past 1 generation (Legally)." Current Professional DNA research only guarantees 99% accuracy to 1 legal generation. It may give you a mitochondrial lead, but nothing currently replaces old fashioned research, and it is not worth the risk of a third party selling it to the world (our government).

Current Professional Genetics have PROVEN:

1 Generation: 99% Accurate (Legal)
2 Generations: 74% Accurate
3 Generations: 49% Accurate
4 Generations: 24% Accurate
5 Generations: 09% Accurate
6 Generations: to 1% Accurate

"At seven generations back, less than 1% of your DNA is likely to have come from any given ancestor or ethnicity."'t%20inherit%20more%20than%20half%20of%20an%20ancestor's%20DNA&text=At%20seven%20generations%20back%2C%20less,come%20from%20any%20given%20ancestor

So, when a Genealogical DNA website that you sent in your sample and paid their fee and they send back that you are in John Doe 1615-1703 groupXXXX, ask them do they guarantee their findings? They won't answer of course, however if they do guarantee it in writing, ask for a signed copy of that statement and please contact me with it. My collogues have several lawsuits pending on some of these websites and can use that information.

For the love of ancestry,

I have been a family historian for 45+ years. Professional Genealogist for 22 years (Retired 2016). Historian Emeritus (Retired). A world history education specializing in US history. A member of FAG since 16 January 2012 under Jim Tipton which I loved and a far cry from today. Our voices are being silenced even here as the left tries to rewrite history to their agenda. I share this profile with my son Terry Glenn Peden Jr. who maintains most of my memorials now and will take over for me someday. I can no longer answer questions but if you have edits, follow the procedure below. If the edit is sound, it will be made.

Genealogical websites on the internet are not professional, reliable, proven, documented, data sources. Nothing can replace old fashioned research and documentation which my attic is full and hasn't been touched in years, however, even though I stand behind all data on my memorials, I do not claim to use any documentation, nor does this wording support a claim. If I did it would be a full-time job answering queries as everyone has their own opinion. Usually with no more proof than I have. The further back in time, the less proof. I do support family traditional statements with circumstantial evidence to a degree. I'm probably one of the few who does. I no longer research so If you have conflicting data and want an edit, please send proof documents with sources and I will correct accordingly if sound. (See procedure below) Be wary of Genealogical DNA sites. It's fun to play with but currently worthless and you give the government and 3rd parties (read the fine print) access to your DNA. I will be glad to transfer any memorial I have that is not connected to me. Below is the procedures for edit submittal. Only proven documented edits will be made. However, grandmas' stories are welcome and will be filed in the family file.

Edit procedure:

1. Describe claim thoroughly
2. Provide APG Standard documented evidence of claim
3. If no documentation, provide substantial family traditional evidence for filing in
database for research.


My research and stance on any DNA Research:

FYI: please read the fine print before you sell your DNA to the world. Understand it's a scam to make money. The Human Genome Project states "Genealogical DNA websites are scams as they cannot scientifically prove their findings past 1 generation (Legally)." Current Professional DNA research only guarantees 99% accuracy to 1 legal generation. It may give you a mitochondrial lead, but nothing currently replaces old fashioned research, and it is not worth the risk of a third party selling it to the world (our government).

Current Professional Genetics have PROVEN:

1 Generation: 99% Accurate (Legal)
2 Generations: 74% Accurate
3 Generations: 49% Accurate
4 Generations: 24% Accurate
5 Generations: 09% Accurate
6 Generations: to 1% Accurate

"At seven generations back, less than 1% of your DNA is likely to have come from any given ancestor or ethnicity."'t%20inherit%20more%20than%20half%20of%20an%20ancestor's%20DNA&text=At%20seven%20generations%20back%2C%20less,come%20from%20any%20given%20ancestor

So, when a Genealogical DNA website that you sent in your sample and paid their fee and they send back that you are in John Doe 1615-1703 groupXXXX, ask them do they guarantee their findings? They won't answer of course, however if they do guarantee it in writing, ask for a signed copy of that statement and please contact me with it. My collogues have several lawsuits pending on some of these websites and can use that information.

For the love of ancestry,

Search memorial contributions by tgpeden
