Gt Grandfather was Harry Daily and he was adopted by John & Anna (Carvey) Daily from Sparta, WI. John's parents were Stewart & Betsy (Egleston) Daily, going back to Pennsylvania. If anyone is related to any of these people, please contact me!
We have even tried DNA testing with other members of the family, but to no avail. My mothers grandparents came from Sweden and it has been very difficult to find records on them too.
So, I decided to look into my husband's sides of the family. What a wealth of information we have on both sides, dating back to the early settlers of Pennsylvania.
I like to find out-of-the way cemeteries then taking pictures of those that don't have headstones on Find A Grave.
Gt Grandfather was Harry Daily and he was adopted by John & Anna (Carvey) Daily from Sparta, WI. John's parents were Stewart & Betsy (Egleston) Daily, going back to Pennsylvania. If anyone is related to any of these people, please contact me!
We have even tried DNA testing with other members of the family, but to no avail. My mothers grandparents came from Sweden and it has been very difficult to find records on them too.
So, I decided to look into my husband's sides of the family. What a wealth of information we have on both sides, dating back to the early settlers of Pennsylvania.
I like to find out-of-the way cemeteries then taking pictures of those that don't have headstones on Find A Grave.