I am transparent even though I have my comments turned off ~ They are turned off due to edits being place here instead of where they belong. It is difficult to find your relative if you accidentally provide an incorrect memorial number and I have multiple Mary Smith's. If you wish to contact me for ANY reason other than an edit, you may choose any memorial that I maintain and send an alternative edit request with your message included. I will most definitely get your e-mail and will respond as my condition allows. I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding...thank you!
I do not copyright my photographs, therefore I give you permission to use any GRAVE marker photograph as you wish. I DO NOT give my permission for use of photo's on the memorials that I maintain that I did not personally take. You will need to contact the photo contributor for permission to use. Please do not take photo's that are NOT of grave markers. Thank you.
If I have made any errors on any of the memorials I have created, PLEASE let me know. Some of my sources are not always accurate and therefore I won't be either. I do try to cross reference when able but sometimes things still come out wrong, for this I apologize. I do not intend to pass along erroneous information.
I will not add an obituary in its entirety to a memorial unless that person is my personal friend or family member or if the obituary is very old due to copyright laws. If you knew the person and have an obituary to add please ask for a transfer of that individual first and then add the obituary once you have control. If you send me an obituary to use and have not asked for a transfer then I will not use the obituary in its entirety but will note where it may be found and names of deceased individuals. Any names of the living will be omitted. I will not include any other particulars as doing so would be an infringement on the copyright. If you send me an obituary and I have already noted where it may be found, I'm sorry but your request will simply be ignored. Other than old obituaries that are no longer copyrighted, the only time that I will add an obituary to those I did not know personally is when a family member of that individual sends me the obituary to add but does not want a transfer of the memorial. At that time I will note who gave me permission with a link to their contributor page. I have no control over obituaries that may be archived after I have added information.
I have no problem whatsoever with transfer requests and will transfer out of guidelines. That includes distant family members and friends or acquaintances. Some members are only in it for the numbers and I would rather a memorial be with someone that knew the person or is in their family tree rather than a complete stranger who just wants their memorial count to increase. FIND A GRAVE is NOT a GAME and you aren't going to win anything by having the most memorials, all the memorial hoarders out there I say get over yourselves and grow up ~ this isn't Monopoly. I will not transfer any of my own family members or friends except upon rare circumstances. All my family members or friends are marked as such on each of their memorials as My family member or Personal Friend.
Please be courteous when you are requesting edits/transfers or just corresponding. Rude and demanding people will be ignored, nice and courteous people will get their edit requests and transfers fulfilled promptly
Please do not send me a request asking me to request photo's for the memorials that I create. If you want the photo, then YOU request it. I am not an unintelligent person and can read between the lines. Asking me to request photo's for memorials that I maintain is the same thing as asking me to request photo's that you have already taken and refuse to add to the memorials without a request because you want your Volunteer Photo's Taken count to increase. Your request will be refused. As you can see to the right, my PHOTO'S taken (6000+) far outweighs my VOLUNTEER PHOTO'S Taken (100+) because my volunteer photo count means nothing to me. If I have a photo, I add it regardless of a request. What happens when you refuse to add a photo because someone didn't request it? Well, you could die and then years later when someone does try to request the photo the stone may be completely damaged and illegible. But YOU, the only person with a beautiful brand new untouched photo are dead and cannot fulfill the request. I view that as pure selfishness.
Your tombstone stands among the rest,
neglected and alone.
The name and date are chiseled out
on polished, marble stone.
It reaches out to all who care;
it is too late to mourn.
You did not know that I exist;
you died, and I was born.
Yet each of us are cells of you,
in flesh, in blood, in bone.
Our blood contracts and beats a pulse
entirely not our own.
Dear Ancestor, the place you filled
so long ago
Spreads out among the ones you left,
who would have loved you so.
I wonder how you lived and loved,
I wonder if you knew
That someday I would find this spot,
And come to visit you.
~Author Unknown
I am transparent even though I have my comments turned off ~ They are turned off due to edits being place here instead of where they belong. It is difficult to find your relative if you accidentally provide an incorrect memorial number and I have multiple Mary Smith's. If you wish to contact me for ANY reason other than an edit, you may choose any memorial that I maintain and send an alternative edit request with your message included. I will most definitely get your e-mail and will respond as my condition allows. I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding...thank you!
I do not copyright my photographs, therefore I give you permission to use any GRAVE marker photograph as you wish. I DO NOT give my permission for use of photo's on the memorials that I maintain that I did not personally take. You will need to contact the photo contributor for permission to use. Please do not take photo's that are NOT of grave markers. Thank you.
If I have made any errors on any of the memorials I have created, PLEASE let me know. Some of my sources are not always accurate and therefore I won't be either. I do try to cross reference when able but sometimes things still come out wrong, for this I apologize. I do not intend to pass along erroneous information.
I will not add an obituary in its entirety to a memorial unless that person is my personal friend or family member or if the obituary is very old due to copyright laws. If you knew the person and have an obituary to add please ask for a transfer of that individual first and then add the obituary once you have control. If you send me an obituary to use and have not asked for a transfer then I will not use the obituary in its entirety but will note where it may be found and names of deceased individuals. Any names of the living will be omitted. I will not include any other particulars as doing so would be an infringement on the copyright. If you send me an obituary and I have already noted where it may be found, I'm sorry but your request will simply be ignored. Other than old obituaries that are no longer copyrighted, the only time that I will add an obituary to those I did not know personally is when a family member of that individual sends me the obituary to add but does not want a transfer of the memorial. At that time I will note who gave me permission with a link to their contributor page. I have no control over obituaries that may be archived after I have added information.
I have no problem whatsoever with transfer requests and will transfer out of guidelines. That includes distant family members and friends or acquaintances. Some members are only in it for the numbers and I would rather a memorial be with someone that knew the person or is in their family tree rather than a complete stranger who just wants their memorial count to increase. FIND A GRAVE is NOT a GAME and you aren't going to win anything by having the most memorials, all the memorial hoarders out there I say get over yourselves and grow up ~ this isn't Monopoly. I will not transfer any of my own family members or friends except upon rare circumstances. All my family members or friends are marked as such on each of their memorials as My family member or Personal Friend.
Please be courteous when you are requesting edits/transfers or just corresponding. Rude and demanding people will be ignored, nice and courteous people will get their edit requests and transfers fulfilled promptly
Please do not send me a request asking me to request photo's for the memorials that I create. If you want the photo, then YOU request it. I am not an unintelligent person and can read between the lines. Asking me to request photo's for memorials that I maintain is the same thing as asking me to request photo's that you have already taken and refuse to add to the memorials without a request because you want your Volunteer Photo's Taken count to increase. Your request will be refused. As you can see to the right, my PHOTO'S taken (6000+) far outweighs my VOLUNTEER PHOTO'S Taken (100+) because my volunteer photo count means nothing to me. If I have a photo, I add it regardless of a request. What happens when you refuse to add a photo because someone didn't request it? Well, you could die and then years later when someone does try to request the photo the stone may be completely damaged and illegible. But YOU, the only person with a beautiful brand new untouched photo are dead and cannot fulfill the request. I view that as pure selfishness.
Your tombstone stands among the rest,
neglected and alone.
The name and date are chiseled out
on polished, marble stone.
It reaches out to all who care;
it is too late to mourn.
You did not know that I exist;
you died, and I was born.
Yet each of us are cells of you,
in flesh, in blood, in bone.
Our blood contracts and beats a pulse
entirely not our own.
Dear Ancestor, the place you filled
so long ago
Spreads out among the ones you left,
who would have loved you so.
I wonder how you lived and loved,
I wonder if you knew
That someday I would find this spot,
And come to visit you.
~Author Unknown
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