Judy Lynn

Member for
14 years 3 months
Find a Grave ID
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If you need to email me, just click on the edit button on memorial itself.

To enlarge pictures or obits, just double click on the picture. If it still isn't big enough for you then double click on the second picture.

Everyone is welcome to copy my pictures except for people copying them to put on findagrave itself. If you want my picture on your memorial then ask me to do it.

Thanks to all who have sent me email thanking me for finding their relatives. I'm glad to be helping you! Everyone should know where and who their relatives are (whether they want to claim them or not).

The Russell County newspapers are online now at http://russellcounty.advantage-preservation.com/

The Adair County newspapers are online at http://adaircounty.advantage-preservation.com/

There are more online now than when I put these links on here. Clinton, Green and Wayne County are also online. More may be. To find out, just go to one of these links and change the name of the County in the link to the one you want to see. Example: http://adair (change this to Green or another county). All else stays the same.

I have been writing up the cemeteries with bios of the family in Russell and Adair County. If you would like to see those then join the groups Historical Russell County on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1590752527627974/?multi_permalinks=3935253349844535 and Adair, Cumberland and Metcalfe County, Ky History at https://www.facebook.com/groups/adaircumberlandmetcalfecountykyhistoryandgenealogy. Just look in the file sections of each and search for the cemetery you want.
If you need to email me, just click on the edit button on memorial itself.

To enlarge pictures or obits, just double click on the picture. If it still isn't big enough for you then double click on the second picture.

Everyone is welcome to copy my pictures except for people copying them to put on findagrave itself. If you want my picture on your memorial then ask me to do it.

Thanks to all who have sent me email thanking me for finding their relatives. I'm glad to be helping you! Everyone should know where and who their relatives are (whether they want to claim them or not).

The Russell County newspapers are online now at http://russellcounty.advantage-preservation.com/

The Adair County newspapers are online at http://adaircounty.advantage-preservation.com/

There are more online now than when I put these links on here. Clinton, Green and Wayne County are also online. More may be. To find out, just go to one of these links and change the name of the County in the link to the one you want to see. Example: http://adair (change this to Green or another county). All else stays the same.

I have been writing up the cemeteries with bios of the family in Russell and Adair County. If you would like to see those then join the groups Historical Russell County on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1590752527627974/?multi_permalinks=3935253349844535 and Adair, Cumberland and Metcalfe County, Ky History at https://www.facebook.com/groups/adaircumberlandmetcalfecountykyhistoryandgenealogy. Just look in the file sections of each and search for the cemetery you want.


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