Genealogy is my pastime, I shall not stray.
It Maketh me lie down and examine half-buried tombstones. It Leadeth me into still courthouses;
It restoreth my ancestral knowledge.
It leadeth me in paths of census records and ship's passenger lists for my surname's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the shadows of research libraries and microfilm readers,
I shall fear no discourgement.
For a strong urge is within me;
The curiosity and motivation they comforteth me.
It annointeht my head with burning mid-night oil; My family group sheets runneth over.
Surely birth, marriage, and death dates shall follow me all the days of my life;
And I shall dwell in the house of a family history seeker forever.
Author Unknown
My family surnames are Christian, Zumbrunnen, More, Taylor, Lee, Brown, Torrey, Sessions, Price, Wing, Richards, Greene, Tirell, Haviland, Almy and Barlowe, Washburn, Alden, Chilton, Howland, Cooke.
I am also working on my children's deceased father's family. These names would be McArthur, McDonald, Wadsworth, Calebaugh, Mallory, Revill, Atkinson, Ellis, and Byrd.
If anyone has information on these names, I would be very interested.
Genealogy is my pastime, I shall not stray.
It Maketh me lie down and examine half-buried tombstones. It Leadeth me into still courthouses;
It restoreth my ancestral knowledge.
It leadeth me in paths of census records and ship's passenger lists for my surname's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the shadows of research libraries and microfilm readers,
I shall fear no discourgement.
For a strong urge is within me;
The curiosity and motivation they comforteth me.
It annointeht my head with burning mid-night oil; My family group sheets runneth over.
Surely birth, marriage, and death dates shall follow me all the days of my life;
And I shall dwell in the house of a family history seeker forever.
Author Unknown
My family surnames are Christian, Zumbrunnen, More, Taylor, Lee, Brown, Torrey, Sessions, Price, Wing, Richards, Greene, Tirell, Haviland, Almy and Barlowe, Washburn, Alden, Chilton, Howland, Cooke.
I am also working on my children's deceased father's family. These names would be McArthur, McDonald, Wadsworth, Calebaugh, Mallory, Revill, Atkinson, Ellis, and Byrd.
If anyone has information on these names, I would be very interested.
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