annamarie tatum

Member for
14 years 10 months 3 days
Find a Grave ID


Hi Everyone. I'm Annamarie. I live in the New Forest, near the city of Southampton, along the south coast of England.
Here you see a very rare thing, a photo of me. I am with my dog Maggie. I HATE having my picture taken. As soon as someone points a camera at me, I have an overwhelming urge to pull stupid faces. Here I am, trying really hard not to pull a stupid face. It is the only photo taken of me in years, so it will have to do.
I found this site by accident, when I was trying to improve my computer skills. My 'skills' have not improved. Still useless.
I have met several really nice people here.
I am married and I have had 4 children. My son Wesley has a memorial here. I have been overwhelmed by the people who have visited him. Thank you all. THANK YOU CINDY (Blessed By Our Angels), for starting things for him and for sponsoring him. THANK YOU SSBJ for beautiful frame and for making his little face look softer.
My other children are Clive, Lara and Alysha. I am their full time carer. They are getting older, but they have problems. Clive has autism, dyspraxia and A.D.H.D. Lara has dyslexia and other problems. One doctor said it is bi-pola. A doctor said Alysha was also on the autistic spectrum, but she has the illness M.E./C.F.S. So I can't any further with her, at the moment.
I used to work with vulnerable children. Some had been abused. I despise cruelty to children and to animals.
I have a great love for animals. In some ways I get on better with them, than I do people. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, when I say that. It comes from my childhood. I lived in 2 small villages. There were not many other children around. We had alot of cats and some dogs. There were also a few horses, not ours. Their field backed onto our garden and I used to spend time with them. The animals were my childhood friends.
I want to make several memorials. The animals particularly, they were important to me. When my Mother died alot of information was lost. The photo's of the animals went. I wish that had not happened. I have tried to find some, without success. I am not sure, yet, How I am going to do the memorials for all the cats. A long list of names, no photo's, with and a few lines about their unique personalities; it would take ages to visit them all. There were about 2 dozen. They were all special and I want to be fair to all of them.
I am sorry if I miss any Angel Days or Birthdays. I have an appalling memory for dates. I am always getting dates mixed up.
I has better stop now, before I bore everyone senseless.
My love to you all. God Bless. Your friend Annamarie. xxxx
Hi Everyone. I'm Annamarie. I live in the New Forest, near the city of Southampton, along the south coast of England.
Here you see a very rare thing, a photo of me. I am with my dog Maggie. I HATE having my picture taken. As soon as someone points a camera at me, I have an overwhelming urge to pull stupid faces. Here I am, trying really hard not to pull a stupid face. It is the only photo taken of me in years, so it will have to do.
I found this site by accident, when I was trying to improve my computer skills. My 'skills' have not improved. Still useless.
I have met several really nice people here.
I am married and I have had 4 children. My son Wesley has a memorial here. I have been overwhelmed by the people who have visited him. Thank you all. THANK YOU CINDY (Blessed By Our Angels), for starting things for him and for sponsoring him. THANK YOU SSBJ for beautiful frame and for making his little face look softer.
My other children are Clive, Lara and Alysha. I am their full time carer. They are getting older, but they have problems. Clive has autism, dyspraxia and A.D.H.D. Lara has dyslexia and other problems. One doctor said it is bi-pola. A doctor said Alysha was also on the autistic spectrum, but she has the illness M.E./C.F.S. So I can't any further with her, at the moment.
I used to work with vulnerable children. Some had been abused. I despise cruelty to children and to animals.
I have a great love for animals. In some ways I get on better with them, than I do people. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, when I say that. It comes from my childhood. I lived in 2 small villages. There were not many other children around. We had alot of cats and some dogs. There were also a few horses, not ours. Their field backed onto our garden and I used to spend time with them. The animals were my childhood friends.
I want to make several memorials. The animals particularly, they were important to me. When my Mother died alot of information was lost. The photo's of the animals went. I wish that had not happened. I have tried to find some, without success. I am not sure, yet, How I am going to do the memorials for all the cats. A long list of names, no photo's, with and a few lines about their unique personalities; it would take ages to visit them all. There were about 2 dozen. They were all special and I want to be fair to all of them.
I am sorry if I miss any Angel Days or Birthdays. I have an appalling memory for dates. I am always getting dates mixed up.
I has better stop now, before I bore everyone senseless.
My love to you all. God Bless. Your friend Annamarie. xxxx
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