Three years without my precious Dad, it doesn't get any easier. Life goes on because it just does. Though life is not the same, their is no actual pleasure anymore. Just an existence. Though I do thank God that I have my darling sister's to help me, or I most probably would not be here. Life would be too hard to bear. God Bless them both
17th February 2022.
To all of you wonderful people on this site.
I am unable to add tokens to your loved ones, at this present time I am at my lowest point, and am struggling mentally.
So sorry. Though I have not forgotten any of you, and will endeavour to add tokens when I can. Xx
20th June 2021
To all of the wonderful people on this site, thank you for the wonderful tokens that you have placed on all of my memorial, over the years. Please, if I do not add tokens to your loved ones that often, it is not because I have forgotten, it is because sometimes I struggle mentally, and cannot face the sadness I feel for the loss of so many loved ones. Sorry x
Three years without my precious Dad, it doesn't get any easier. Life goes on because it just does. Though life is not the same, their is no actual pleasure anymore. Just an existence. Though I do thank God that I have my darling sister's to help me, or I most probably would not be here. Life would be too hard to bear. God Bless them both
17th February 2022.
To all of you wonderful people on this site.
I am unable to add tokens to your loved ones, at this present time I am at my lowest point, and am struggling mentally.
So sorry. Though I have not forgotten any of you, and will endeavour to add tokens when I can. Xx
20th June 2021
To all of the wonderful people on this site, thank you for the wonderful tokens that you have placed on all of my memorial, over the years. Please, if I do not add tokens to your loved ones that often, it is not because I have forgotten, it is because sometimes I struggle mentally, and cannot face the sadness I feel for the loss of so many loved ones. Sorry x
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