If I have any pictures on these memorials that I have posted that you would like to use for your genealogy purposes, please feel free to use them as you wish. However, if someone else posted a picture, please make sure to check with them first.
Corrections -- please allow time for me to get corrections made on these memorials. I work a full time job and have been putting in a lot of overtime. I also have children to attend to. I cannot always get to the corrections right away and it may take me a couple months to get your corrections processed. If you send me an email or leave a message on this site, and I don't respond right away please be patient, I will work on all corrections as time allows. Your patience is much appreciated.
Thanks!! -- Cathy :)
If I have any pictures on these memorials that I have posted that you would like to use for your genealogy purposes, please feel free to use them as you wish. However, if someone else posted a picture, please make sure to check with them first.
Corrections -- please allow time for me to get corrections made on these memorials. I work a full time job and have been putting in a lot of overtime. I also have children to attend to. I cannot always get to the corrections right away and it may take me a couple months to get your corrections processed. If you send me an email or leave a message on this site, and I don't respond right away please be patient, I will work on all corrections as time allows. Your patience is much appreciated.
Thanks!! -- Cathy :)
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