Don Magnuson

Member for
14 years 11 months 27 days
Find a Grave ID


Flying and family history are in my blood... My wife and I live in Lake Worth, Florida. In addition to the classic "paper" trail I have added DNA (see my home page for DNA FAQs) to help me find my ancestors:
These are my DIRECT LINE surnames:
Abraham, Acy, Albright, Allard, Allen, Ames, Anthony, Archambault, Ardion, Atkys, Aubert, Aucoin, Aunois, Ayer, Bar, Barker, Barth, Bartz, Beers, Bergeon, Bernard, Bigod, Blessing, Boisvert, Bond, Boucher, Bouchard, Bourg, Bourgeois, Bounet, Bourg, Bradley, Bramham, Brewer, Broust, Brule, Burrell, Bussen, Button, Campbell, Capet, Carolingian, Carlton, Carleton, Charlton, Charleston, Chasse, Chevalier, Chocquet, Clark, Clermont, Cloutier, Cobb, Coffin, Constable, Coombs, Cormier, Cote, Courrier, Criel, Crouch, Crosby, Crosse, Croteau, Cudworth, Cutbert, Cutiloup, Cusson, Cutler, Couture, Dauphin, Daussy, Dawkins, Dawson, Dean, Deane, De Beaumont, De Celles, De Clare, De Vermandois, Denevers, De Stuteville, Desrochers, Dean, Donarski, Doucet, Drouin, Duchesne, Ducious, Dugas, Dugue, Durand, Edson, Epouse, Estey/Esty, Evered, Ferrier, Field, Firman, Fitzgilbert, Forcier, Foubert, Fourrier, Francoise, Freitag, Friday, Foubert, Gauthier, Ganztke, Gaudet, Geissbauer, Gendre, Gervais, Giguere, Goodwin, Grenon, Greystoke, Greves, Giffard, Grimm, Greenleaf, Guillot, Guyon, Hable, Hall, Haines, Hammerton, Harcourt, Harriman, Hawkins, Haynes, Hayot, Hebert, Houde, Kimball, Hackett, Haseltine, Hinz, Hintz, Hoskins, Huot, Ingalls, Ingersoll, Jewitt, Johnson, Kimball, Knight, Kortbein, La Rouche, Lafond, Lafontaine, Lambert, Landry, Langhorne, Leblanc, Leaver, Leclerc, Lacroix, Lambert, Lamson, Le Blond, Ledet, Lefebvre, Lemoine, Lionais, Locat, Lomene, Louise, Luce, Lueckens, Luobisec, Lyonnaise, Magnuson, Mallet, Margates, Margery, Marsh, Marshall, Martel, Massard, Maugis, Melanson, Martin, McMurrough, Meline, Mesnard, Messier, Meverden, Mirlot, Mitchell, Moreau, Morrill, Moulton, Mousall, Neuville, Neville, Noyes, Oehike, Orcutt, Page, Pagnot, Palmer, Parker, Partridge, Pearson, Peche, Pelletier, Peraud, Persall, Perron, Piche, Pinnard, Pribbernow, Poisson, Poole, Pottpett, Priest, Proulx, Rabouin, Rakow, Randall, Raynier, Renaud, Renos, Ripley, Riviere, Robidas, Rogers, Romain, Rotta, Roy, Salle, Salisbury, Scargill, Schmidt, Schaedel, Schatswell, Schwandt, Scofield, Scott, Scrope, Shackilton, Shaw, Simoneau, Somers, Soret, Stanley, Steams, Stearns, Stickney, Stone, Strangeways, Strickland, Strong, Stuart, Swan, Terriot, Thibodeau, Thienotte, Torrance, Tosney, Towne, Touchet, Tourault, Toutain, Trahan, Turner, Vincent, Webster, Weichert/Wichbolt/Weigold, Wendler, Weston, Wilson, Whipple, Whitcomb, Williamson, Wood, Woodin, Wolff, Wyatt, Wyndham, Youngbauer, Zable & Zarvein
Flying and family history are in my blood... My wife and I live in Lake Worth, Florida. In addition to the classic "paper" trail I have added DNA (see my home page for DNA FAQs) to help me find my ancestors:
These are my DIRECT LINE surnames:
Abraham, Acy, Albright, Allard, Allen, Ames, Anthony, Archambault, Ardion, Atkys, Aubert, Aucoin, Aunois, Ayer, Bar, Barker, Barth, Bartz, Beers, Bergeon, Bernard, Bigod, Blessing, Boisvert, Bond, Boucher, Bouchard, Bourg, Bourgeois, Bounet, Bourg, Bradley, Bramham, Brewer, Broust, Brule, Burrell, Bussen, Button, Campbell, Capet, Carolingian, Carlton, Carleton, Charlton, Charleston, Chasse, Chevalier, Chocquet, Clark, Clermont, Cloutier, Cobb, Coffin, Constable, Coombs, Cormier, Cote, Courrier, Criel, Crouch, Crosby, Crosse, Croteau, Cudworth, Cutbert, Cutiloup, Cusson, Cutler, Couture, Dauphin, Daussy, Dawkins, Dawson, Dean, Deane, De Beaumont, De Celles, De Clare, De Vermandois, Denevers, De Stuteville, Desrochers, Dean, Donarski, Doucet, Drouin, Duchesne, Ducious, Dugas, Dugue, Durand, Edson, Epouse, Estey/Esty, Evered, Ferrier, Field, Firman, Fitzgilbert, Forcier, Foubert, Fourrier, Francoise, Freitag, Friday, Foubert, Gauthier, Ganztke, Gaudet, Geissbauer, Gendre, Gervais, Giguere, Goodwin, Grenon, Greystoke, Greves, Giffard, Grimm, Greenleaf, Guillot, Guyon, Hable, Hall, Haines, Hammerton, Harcourt, Harriman, Hawkins, Haynes, Hayot, Hebert, Houde, Kimball, Hackett, Haseltine, Hinz, Hintz, Hoskins, Huot, Ingalls, Ingersoll, Jewitt, Johnson, Kimball, Knight, Kortbein, La Rouche, Lafond, Lafontaine, Lambert, Landry, Langhorne, Leblanc, Leaver, Leclerc, Lacroix, Lambert, Lamson, Le Blond, Ledet, Lefebvre, Lemoine, Lionais, Locat, Lomene, Louise, Luce, Lueckens, Luobisec, Lyonnaise, Magnuson, Mallet, Margates, Margery, Marsh, Marshall, Martel, Massard, Maugis, Melanson, Martin, McMurrough, Meline, Mesnard, Messier, Meverden, Mirlot, Mitchell, Moreau, Morrill, Moulton, Mousall, Neuville, Neville, Noyes, Oehike, Orcutt, Page, Pagnot, Palmer, Parker, Partridge, Pearson, Peche, Pelletier, Peraud, Persall, Perron, Piche, Pinnard, Pribbernow, Poisson, Poole, Pottpett, Priest, Proulx, Rabouin, Rakow, Randall, Raynier, Renaud, Renos, Ripley, Riviere, Robidas, Rogers, Romain, Rotta, Roy, Salle, Salisbury, Scargill, Schmidt, Schaedel, Schatswell, Schwandt, Scofield, Scott, Scrope, Shackilton, Shaw, Simoneau, Somers, Soret, Stanley, Steams, Stearns, Stickney, Stone, Strangeways, Strickland, Strong, Stuart, Swan, Terriot, Thibodeau, Thienotte, Torrance, Tosney, Towne, Touchet, Tourault, Toutain, Trahan, Turner, Vincent, Webster, Weichert/Wichbolt/Weigold, Wendler, Weston, Wilson, Whipple, Whitcomb, Williamson, Wood, Woodin, Wolff, Wyatt, Wyndham, Youngbauer, Zable & Zarvein
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