
Member for
22 years 1 month 27 days
Find a Grave ID


Hello all! been awhile...however you remain in my heart and mind. I retired in 2015 22yrs of service. I lost my daddy 2 cancer 12 Oct 16, so I am trying 2 get it together. Thank you for your continued support...IT MEANS EVERYTHING!

"Our lives begin to end the day we go silent about things that matter" ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.~

Mariha T. Smith A beautiful precious angel~Gone 2 Soon
Genuine Compassion Love & Understanding is a must for me. I have zero tolerance for anything less.
~♥~A special Thank-You to all my F.A.G. friends and family...I appreciate each and every token of remembrance that is left for my dearly beloved and missed. It warms my heart to know that Earth Angels exist.~♥~
My Grandma

My Mother-In-Law

My Great-Great Grandma

Bessie Ann Bowers My dear friend Ozzie's beloved Mother-In-Law
I proudly serve as a Master Sergeant in the United States Air Force. Currently I'm station at U.S. CENTCOM, Macdill, AFB, Tampa Bay, Florida. However, I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. Diversity, respect for all mankind, all faiths, love is the answer, love conquers all. Homicide victims, parents who have lost a child, and the siblings who are left behind hold a special place in my heart. All Armed Forces Veterans hold a special place in my heart. Through it all, there is sunshine after the rain, as long as precious memories are kept alive. Yes, it hurts to remember, but I don't want to forget. Thank you for remembering my dearly beloved & missed I have nothing but ~♥~for all my F.A.G. family and friends...chismosa's included. Spread the word~Stay Beautiful, Loved & Blessed~
My beloved Big Brother Ronnie
was the sunshine of our lives, the ray of hope that brought you up when you were down. He was my best-friend, 1 January 2011, was his Angel Day...15yrs without him and it still feels like yesterday the ache in my heart very real. His 25 yrs life on earth was brief. However, Ronnie lived everyday day to the fullest. He proudly served his country, he was a Navy Gulf War Veteran, and he got to travel the world and made many friends. Ronnie loved his family more than anything in the world. And we will miss & love him forever, until we meet again. It is comforting to know that his final resting place is Ft Sam National cemetery. My Grandpa and Grandma are buried together at Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery. My grandparents passed away when I was 2yrs old. Grandpa passed away Christmas Day 1974, and Grandma passed away six months later. Faith only God knows why~
My Sistah~Friend passed away in Mar 07. Tina is my little sistah, not by "blood" but in our ♥'s Tina, my Angel~Sistah with a "24k ~♥~ of gold"
"When I need her my sistah is there for me...sometimes I don't even have to tell her what's going on. My sistah just knows"....Peace & Eternal Blessings ♥ & Miss U Baby Gurl.
Hello all! been awhile...however you remain in my heart and mind. I retired in 2015 22yrs of service. I lost my daddy 2 cancer 12 Oct 16, so I am trying 2 get it together. Thank you for your continued support...IT MEANS EVERYTHING!

"Our lives begin to end the day we go silent about things that matter" ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.~

Mariha T. Smith A beautiful precious angel~Gone 2 Soon
Genuine Compassion Love & Understanding is a must for me. I have zero tolerance for anything less.
~♥~A special Thank-You to all my F.A.G. friends and family...I appreciate each and every token of remembrance that is left for my dearly beloved and missed. It warms my heart to know that Earth Angels exist.~♥~
My Grandma

My Mother-In-Law

My Great-Great Grandma

Bessie Ann Bowers My dear friend Ozzie's beloved Mother-In-Law
I proudly serve as a Master Sergeant in the United States Air Force. Currently I'm station at U.S. CENTCOM, Macdill, AFB, Tampa Bay, Florida. However, I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. Diversity, respect for all mankind, all faiths, love is the answer, love conquers all. Homicide victims, parents who have lost a child, and the siblings who are left behind hold a special place in my heart. All Armed Forces Veterans hold a special place in my heart. Through it all, there is sunshine after the rain, as long as precious memories are kept alive. Yes, it hurts to remember, but I don't want to forget. Thank you for remembering my dearly beloved & missed I have nothing but ~♥~for all my F.A.G. family and friends...chismosa's included. Spread the word~Stay Beautiful, Loved & Blessed~
My beloved Big Brother Ronnie
was the sunshine of our lives, the ray of hope that brought you up when you were down. He was my best-friend, 1 January 2011, was his Angel Day...15yrs without him and it still feels like yesterday the ache in my heart very real. His 25 yrs life on earth was brief. However, Ronnie lived everyday day to the fullest. He proudly served his country, he was a Navy Gulf War Veteran, and he got to travel the world and made many friends. Ronnie loved his family more than anything in the world. And we will miss & love him forever, until we meet again. It is comforting to know that his final resting place is Ft Sam National cemetery. My Grandpa and Grandma are buried together at Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery. My grandparents passed away when I was 2yrs old. Grandpa passed away Christmas Day 1974, and Grandma passed away six months later. Faith only God knows why~
My Sistah~Friend passed away in Mar 07. Tina is my little sistah, not by "blood" but in our ♥'s Tina, my Angel~Sistah with a "24k ~♥~ of gold"
"When I need her my sistah is there for me...sometimes I don't even have to tell her what's going on. My sistah just knows"....Peace & Eternal Blessings ♥ & Miss U Baby Gurl.
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