I enjoy taking pics at the cemeterys and submitting them in the hopes that someone will gain more family history and also because so many of the tombstones are fading or have broken thru the years. If any descendant objects to their ancestor being memorialized, please let me know and I'll remove the memorial.
I would like to give away every NON-RELATED memorial to people who have more information to add, so don't hesitate to ask; in your request, please include the memorial number (or a link to it) and your own Find-a-Grave member number.
I'm a photo rescuer - I often find old photos at flea markets and antique shops for a dollar or two with information written on the back of them. I try to find a family researcher to give the photo to or I will look for their findagrave site to add the picture to. If you see a photo and do not beleive that it belongs with the site or person please let me know to remove it. I add the photos to be shared.I can't guarantee who they are but can only go by what someone has taken the time to write on them, so if its not correct information I hope someone will let me know. I like to rescue them from being lost or destroyed, in the hopes that someday someone will find one my of lost photos.
FAMILY NAMES that my husband and I are researching: Livingston,Menke, Wiebler,Rempe,Groene, Rutledge,Bryant, Shawgo, McNew, Portlock, Tischbein, Rankin, Herd/Heard, Bailey.
I enjoy taking pics at the cemeterys and submitting them in the hopes that someone will gain more family history and also because so many of the tombstones are fading or have broken thru the years. If any descendant objects to their ancestor being memorialized, please let me know and I'll remove the memorial.
I would like to give away every NON-RELATED memorial to people who have more information to add, so don't hesitate to ask; in your request, please include the memorial number (or a link to it) and your own Find-a-Grave member number.
I'm a photo rescuer - I often find old photos at flea markets and antique shops for a dollar or two with information written on the back of them. I try to find a family researcher to give the photo to or I will look for their findagrave site to add the picture to. If you see a photo and do not beleive that it belongs with the site or person please let me know to remove it. I add the photos to be shared.I can't guarantee who they are but can only go by what someone has taken the time to write on them, so if its not correct information I hope someone will let me know. I like to rescue them from being lost or destroyed, in the hopes that someday someone will find one my of lost photos.
FAMILY NAMES that my husband and I are researching: Livingston,Menke, Wiebler,Rempe,Groene, Rutledge,Bryant, Shawgo, McNew, Portlock, Tischbein, Rankin, Herd/Heard, Bailey.
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