
Member for
16 years 1 month 15 days
Find a Grave ID



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( ̧.• ́ ( ̧.• ́ .• ́ ̧ ̧.• ̈ ̄'• ƸӜƷ

To live in the hearts of others, is to live forever!

╔Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨Ʒ ♥ •. ̧ ̧.• ́ ̄'•.♥
║║╔═╦╦╦═╗ •. ̧ ̧.• ́ ̄'•.♥
║╚╣║║║║╩╣ ♪♫•. ̧ ̧
╚═╩═╩═╩Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ....♥ * ́ ̈♥

Ecclesiasticus 44:14
Their bodies are buried in peace; but their name liveth for evermore.


Yes, I am a Christian...Does that mean I am perfect and will never make a mistake? It does not, I make plenty of them and will continue to do so because I am also human.

I am passionate about spreading the word about child abuse prevention. I take it very seriously. Nothing sickens me more than the death of a child due to abuse. If you don't want them, don't have them. If you have them and don't want them...don't kill them, find them a good home with family or friends or even foster parents. Children matter, children are important! LEAVE THEM ALONE!

"When a child hits a child, we call it aggression.
When a child hits an adult, we call it hostility.
When an adult hits an adult, we call it assault.
When an adult hits a child, we call it
Haim G. Ginot


Unfortuantely, for the first time ever since becoming a Find A Grave member, I have a rant:

In August of 2014, I was contacted by someone who didn't like that I had left a flower on a memorial they said they were working on during the time I left the flower. I had no way of knowing this person was still working on the memorial and would like to make it clear that I would NEVER intentionally do anything to upset another Find A Grave member.

I am not here to be in control of others, I am here to be in control of ME. As for what is acceptable, Find A Grave states that quite nicely in their "guidelines" section and probably doesn't need their members telling other members they are "doing it wrong", in a rude way. I have made suggestions when I see a duplicate or if I notice something is out of order like a date, but that is as far as I have gone and that's not rude, that's just helping someone and I have been thanked many times for that.

Find A Grave enables me to memorialize people in a way that I had never known before. I have made mistakes and Find A Grave has POLITELY corrected me along the way, I don't mind that, we ALL make mistakes, even those who believe they are incapable of making mistakes and want to rule the online world. There is NEVER a reason to be rude or out of line when a simple, POLITE e-mail or note will do.

I'm Just sayin...

I personally LOVE Find A Grave. It has allowed me to be in contact with family members that I had no way of finding before I added memorials that they had viewed and then contacted me about.

I hope that others enjoy Find A Grave as much as I do and they don't try to ruin the experience for others the way I have seen in that one message. None of us are getting out alive, we all put our pants on one leg at a time. We're all the same in the eyes of God and THAT is what matters.

Please enjoy your experience on Find A Grave, what a great opportunity, privilege and honor we have all been given to memorialize our loved ones, friends, strangers and even our beloved pets. Let's all help to make it a positive experience for others, whenever we can!

If I do not get back to you as soon as you think I should, I apologize. Being sick doesn't allow me to always respond as soon as I get a message.

ALSO - PLEASE CONSIDER THIS: if you are leaving me a message, it is always courteous to allow me to leave a message back. If I have no way of contacting you, then I can only do what I can to comply with whatever you need from me. Also, when leaving tokens, most people do NOT read the bio of the person who made the memorial, therefore we do not know if you prefer not to have certain tokens used. PLEASE EXERCISE PATIENCE IN THIS AREA - we mean nothing bad, I promise.


"No one is too big to be courteous, but some are too little"


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( ̧.• ́ ( ̧.• ́ .• ́ ̧ ̧.• ̈ ̄'• ƸӜƷ

To live in the hearts of others, is to live forever!

╔Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨Ʒ ♥ •. ̧ ̧.• ́ ̄'•.♥
║║╔═╦╦╦═╗ •. ̧ ̧.• ́ ̄'•.♥
║╚╣║║║║╩╣ ♪♫•. ̧ ̧
╚═╩═╩═╩Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ....♥ * ́ ̈♥

Ecclesiasticus 44:14
Their bodies are buried in peace; but their name liveth for evermore.


Yes, I am a Christian...Does that mean I am perfect and will never make a mistake? It does not, I make plenty of them and will continue to do so because I am also human.

I am passionate about spreading the word about child abuse prevention. I take it very seriously. Nothing sickens me more than the death of a child due to abuse. If you don't want them, don't have them. If you have them and don't want them...don't kill them, find them a good home with family or friends or even foster parents. Children matter, children are important! LEAVE THEM ALONE!

"When a child hits a child, we call it aggression.
When a child hits an adult, we call it hostility.
When an adult hits an adult, we call it assault.
When an adult hits a child, we call it
Haim G. Ginot


Unfortuantely, for the first time ever since becoming a Find A Grave member, I have a rant:

In August of 2014, I was contacted by someone who didn't like that I had left a flower on a memorial they said they were working on during the time I left the flower. I had no way of knowing this person was still working on the memorial and would like to make it clear that I would NEVER intentionally do anything to upset another Find A Grave member.

I am not here to be in control of others, I am here to be in control of ME. As for what is acceptable, Find A Grave states that quite nicely in their "guidelines" section and probably doesn't need their members telling other members they are "doing it wrong", in a rude way. I have made suggestions when I see a duplicate or if I notice something is out of order like a date, but that is as far as I have gone and that's not rude, that's just helping someone and I have been thanked many times for that.

Find A Grave enables me to memorialize people in a way that I had never known before. I have made mistakes and Find A Grave has POLITELY corrected me along the way, I don't mind that, we ALL make mistakes, even those who believe they are incapable of making mistakes and want to rule the online world. There is NEVER a reason to be rude or out of line when a simple, POLITE e-mail or note will do.

I'm Just sayin...

I personally LOVE Find A Grave. It has allowed me to be in contact with family members that I had no way of finding before I added memorials that they had viewed and then contacted me about.

I hope that others enjoy Find A Grave as much as I do and they don't try to ruin the experience for others the way I have seen in that one message. None of us are getting out alive, we all put our pants on one leg at a time. We're all the same in the eyes of God and THAT is what matters.

Please enjoy your experience on Find A Grave, what a great opportunity, privilege and honor we have all been given to memorialize our loved ones, friends, strangers and even our beloved pets. Let's all help to make it a positive experience for others, whenever we can!

If I do not get back to you as soon as you think I should, I apologize. Being sick doesn't allow me to always respond as soon as I get a message.

ALSO - PLEASE CONSIDER THIS: if you are leaving me a message, it is always courteous to allow me to leave a message back. If I have no way of contacting you, then I can only do what I can to comply with whatever you need from me. Also, when leaving tokens, most people do NOT read the bio of the person who made the memorial, therefore we do not know if you prefer not to have certain tokens used. PLEASE EXERCISE PATIENCE IN THIS AREA - we mean nothing bad, I promise.


"No one is too big to be courteous, but some are too little"

Search memorial contributions by Angel
