Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron of the Botts, Payne, Murphy Post 364, Woodbridge, VA — 2nd Vice Commander, 2017-2018. Squadron of the Rev. E. Clarence Purdue, Sr. Post 17, Shipman, VA — Charter/Honorary Life Member; Commander, 2019-Present. Detachment of Virginia — Detachment Vice Commander (West), 2022 - Present.
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW)*, National Life Member; Irish Brigade Camp No.4, Fredericksburg, VA — Past Camp Commander, 2014 & 2015; Department of the Chesapeake — Past (117th) Department Commander, 2020-2021.
[*The SUVCW, founded in 1881, is the heir and legal successor to the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R., founded in 1866) which was the largest and most influential organization of Union Civil War Veterans. More information, including membership, is available at the national web site at].
Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron of the Botts, Payne, Murphy Post 364, Woodbridge, VA — 2nd Vice Commander, 2017-2018. Squadron of the Rev. E. Clarence Purdue, Sr. Post 17, Shipman, VA — Charter/Honorary Life Member; Commander, 2019-Present. Detachment of Virginia — Detachment Vice Commander (West), 2022 - Present.
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW)*, National Life Member; Irish Brigade Camp No.4, Fredericksburg, VA — Past Camp Commander, 2014 & 2015; Department of the Chesapeake — Past (117th) Department Commander, 2020-2021.
[*The SUVCW, founded in 1881, is the heir and legal successor to the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R., founded in 1866) which was the largest and most influential organization of Union Civil War Veterans. More information, including membership, is available at the national web site at].
1 - War of the Revolution
2 Memorials
2 - Civil War
23 Memorials
3 - Spanish American War
2 Memorials