SPECIAL NOTICE: My wife passed away 3 years ago and since that my PTSD had kicked up worse than ever. It had been in remission for many years and I really thought it was gone. I am back on meds and regular counseling which is helping. I apologize if I have been inattentive to requests in this period, but it is not lack of interest. I am trying to work on Find A Grave several days a week for a few hours. I'm also back checking the Forum. Please in the future ONLY request transfers and edits that can be handled by the new edit tools on the memorial page there and ONLY there. They should not be posted on the stream here. In addition to the inappropriate requests here in the stream having been very active at one time the volume of requests can be overwhelming. Please if you request a transfer have it be in your direct line, not a fifth cousin's cousin. Please give your line of descent from the person and if it is not one where I have received more than one request from other descendants and if it is not one that I or my children or grandchildren are descended from I will certainly consider the transfer. Memorials are not a mater of OWNERSHIP, but STEWARDSHIP and as a good steward, I want to be sure that a transfer is in the best interest of the person being well represented and cared for. Ultimately I will re-write this bio and incorporate these additions, but for now I just wanted us to get on the same page! Please feel free to use any of my marker photos on Ancestry or any free site other than elsewhere on find-a-grave, but please post the following with the photo: Photo by contributor D.C. McJonathan-Swarm, used with his permission, all rights reserved. Lastly if your comment below has been removed, it is not ignored, but I have printed it out to respond to it. Please do not repost here. My email has always been listed here with my profile. If you have a comment or request, please if it is not covered in the Edit requests on a Memorial page, send me an email. Thanks, let's make every effort to work together here.
Direct relatives within four generations:
... siblings,
... parents,
... grandparents,
... great-grandparents,
... children,
... grandchildren,
... great-grandchild).
Please don't justify an out-of-guideline transfer request for the sake of adding links and/or other information.
Must state relationship in your request.
All messages - questions, comments, additions, corrections, transfer requests - must come through the "edit" systems.
If you enter edits for dates, relationship or name, you will be notified by Find a Grave when these have been accepted or rejected.
[last updated 09/10/2015]
SPECIAL NOTICE: My wife passed away 3 years ago and since that my PTSD had kicked up worse than ever. It had been in remission for many years and I really thought it was gone. I am back on meds and regular counseling which is helping. I apologize if I have been inattentive to requests in this period, but it is not lack of interest. I am trying to work on Find A Grave several days a week for a few hours. I'm also back checking the Forum. Please in the future ONLY request transfers and edits that can be handled by the new edit tools on the memorial page there and ONLY there. They should not be posted on the stream here. In addition to the inappropriate requests here in the stream having been very active at one time the volume of requests can be overwhelming. Please if you request a transfer have it be in your direct line, not a fifth cousin's cousin. Please give your line of descent from the person and if it is not one where I have received more than one request from other descendants and if it is not one that I or my children or grandchildren are descended from I will certainly consider the transfer. Memorials are not a mater of OWNERSHIP, but STEWARDSHIP and as a good steward, I want to be sure that a transfer is in the best interest of the person being well represented and cared for. Ultimately I will re-write this bio and incorporate these additions, but for now I just wanted us to get on the same page! Please feel free to use any of my marker photos on Ancestry or any free site other than elsewhere on find-a-grave, but please post the following with the photo: Photo by contributor D.C. McJonathan-Swarm, used with his permission, all rights reserved. Lastly if your comment below has been removed, it is not ignored, but I have printed it out to respond to it. Please do not repost here. My email has always been listed here with my profile. If you have a comment or request, please if it is not covered in the Edit requests on a Memorial page, send me an email. Thanks, let's make every effort to work together here.
Direct relatives within four generations:
... siblings,
... parents,
... grandparents,
... great-grandparents,
... children,
... grandchildren,
... great-grandchild).
Please don't justify an out-of-guideline transfer request for the sake of adding links and/or other information.
Must state relationship in your request.
All messages - questions, comments, additions, corrections, transfer requests - must come through the "edit" systems.
If you enter edits for dates, relationship or name, you will be notified by Find a Grave when these have been accepted or rejected.
[last updated 09/10/2015]
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