
Mills Ashworth " id="profileImage" data-imgphoto-id = "13236075" itemprop="image">

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Flossie Alene Mills Ashworth

Jones County, Texas, USA
17 Sep 2008 (aged 92)
Abilene, Taylor County, Texas, USA
Abilene, Taylor County, Texas, USA GPS-Latitude: 32.4156302, Longitude: -99.8025716
Memorial ID
30365467 View Source

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My Great Aunt.
Wife of Johnnie Ashworth.
Flossie Alene Ashworth, 92, passed away Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at a local Abilene nursing center.

Flossie was born on January 4, 1916 in Jones County, TX to James and Rebecca Mills. She met the love of her life, Johnnie Ashworth, and they were married on December 22, 1935. Her love for the Lord and her church was evident in everything she did. She was a member of Woodlawn Church of Christ, enjoyed studying the Bible, and teaching Bible school. She found joy in baking cakes for all of her friends, volunteering with Hendrick Hospice, and helping the young people of 4-H. Flossie loved her family and loved to spend time playing dominoes and card games with her grandkids and friends from church.

Survivors include; her daughter, Beckie Stacy of Abilene; three grandchildren, Tina Stacy of Abilene, Mike Stacy and wife Daphne of Abilene and Steve Stacy and wife Karen of Katy, TX; Six great grandchildren, Jay Shipley and wife Heather of Abilene, Jennifer Shipley of Abilene, Amy Velez and husband Efrain Jr. of Abilene, John Stacy and wife Amie of Rowlett, TX, Steven Stacy Jr. of Katy, and Austin Stacy of Katy; eight great great grandchildren, Ayden and Marcus Shipley , Jacie Shipley, Efrain, William, and Rhett Velez, Jude and Gabriel Stacy; Two Nieces, Ann Schwarz and Ramona Huddleston.

Flossie was preceded in death by her husband Johnnie Ashworth, her Son-in-law, Fred Stacy, her parents, two brothers and one sister.
Aged 92 years.
My Great Aunt.
Wife of Johnnie Ashworth.
Flossie Alene Ashworth, 92, passed away Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at a local Abilene nursing center.

Flossie was born on January 4, 1916 in Jones County, TX to James and Rebecca Mills. She met the love of her life, Johnnie Ashworth, and they were married on December 22, 1935. Her love for the Lord and her church was evident in everything she did. She was a member of Woodlawn Church of Christ, enjoyed studying the Bible, and teaching Bible school. She found joy in baking cakes for all of her friends, volunteering with Hendrick Hospice, and helping the young people of 4-H. Flossie loved her family and loved to spend time playing dominoes and card games with her grandkids and friends from church.

Survivors include; her daughter, Beckie Stacy of Abilene; three grandchildren, Tina Stacy of Abilene, Mike Stacy and wife Daphne of Abilene and Steve Stacy and wife Karen of Katy, TX; Six great grandchildren, Jay Shipley and wife Heather of Abilene, Jennifer Shipley of Abilene, Amy Velez and husband Efrain Jr. of Abilene, John Stacy and wife Amie of Rowlett, TX, Steven Stacy Jr. of Katy, and Austin Stacy of Katy; eight great great grandchildren, Ayden and Marcus Shipley , Jacie Shipley, Efrain, William, and Rhett Velez, Jude and Gabriel Stacy; Two Nieces, Ann Schwarz and Ramona Huddleston.

Flossie was preceded in death by her husband Johnnie Ashworth, her Son-in-law, Fred Stacy, her parents, two brothers and one sister.
Aged 92 years.

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