etcMission 31Prepare2Save3Prevent4Enhance5Protect6Developetc15 16
Mission3Promotion of residential fire prevention measures
Investigations into the causes of fires and leakage of hazardous materials, and promotion
of prevention of fire caused by ignition of products 火災原因・流出事故原因調査、製品火災対策の推進
The annual number of fatalities due to residential fires in Japan is close to a
thousand. Elderly people account for nearly 70% of the fatalities—the main cause
is failure to escape the fires. The installation rate of residential fire alarms stopped
at approximately 84%, so further promotion is vital. In addition, due to concerns
about battery failure or deterioration of existing fire alarms that have been
installed for more than 10 years, we are calling for the necessity of maintenance
and management, such as regular inspections, and promoting the replacement of
residential fire alarms that have been installed for more than 10 years.
FDMA promotes public awareness through fire prevention campaigns and
symposiums for promotion of residential fire prevention measures in cooperation
with Fire Service Institutions, Volunteer Fire Corps, Female (Women's) Fire
Prevention Clubs, and voluntary disaster prevention organizations in order to reduce
the number of deaths caused by residential fires as much as possible.
住宅火災の死者は毎年 1,000 人近く発生していますが、そのうち高齢者が約 7 割を占め
その設置率は約 84%となっ
ており、さらなる設置の促進を図っています。また、設置から 10 年以上を経過した住宅
性を呼びかけるとともに、設置から 10 年以上を経過した住宅用火災警報器の取替えを推
When a fire occurs, the fire service organizations investigate the causes, and use the results for enhancing fire prevention measures and firefighting activities.
When a large-scale or unprecedented fire occurs, FDMA investigates the causes through the FDMA commissioner in order to assist the investigation activities of the fire service
organizations. Also, when the leakage of hazardous materials occurs, a municipal mayor, who holds authority over the hazardous materials facility, investigates the causes. For
an unprecedented leakage accident, the FDMA commissioner investigates the causes at the mayor's request.
In addition, the causes of recent fires have been significantly diversified, and in some cases, household products like electrical appliances and burning appliances cause fires.
To protect the security and safety of consumers, FDMA prepares a system to gather information on fires caused by the ignition of products and publishes the fire information
to alert the public, and at the same time, shares the information with the Consumer Affairs Agency and other related agencies, in order to enhance the measures against fires
caused by ignition of products.
On December 17 2021,a building fire causing serious personal injuries 27 people died (including one suspect)
occurred in Kita Ward, Osaka City. The cause of the fire was determined to be gasoline and a lighter that the
suspect used.
In response to this fire, the FDMA held a panel of experts with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
and Tourism (MLIT) to discuss fire prevention and evacuation measures in buildings with only one direct
stairway, and compiled a report.
Based on the results, we made the"Guidelines for Evacuation in Buildings with One Direct Stairway"and
reviewed on-site inspection manuals. to further promote thorough correction of violations of fire defense laws
and regulations. We also took measures such as re-notifying the fire brigade to ensure that there is proper
customer identification at gas stations through patrols and on-site inspections.
令和3年 12 月 17 日に大阪市北区において、死者 27 人(容疑者1人含む。)、負傷者1人という極めて重大な人的被害を伴う
Response to fire in Kita Ward, Osaka City and future.
The exterior of the fire
Prevent fires of greater complexity
FDMA investigated the cause, especially of large scale fires and has strived to enhance fire prevention administrations by revising fire protection laws. This effort has worked
to stop the fire incidents in large buildings which cause a number of deaths, such as the Sennichi Department Store Fire (118 deaths) or the Hotel New Japan Fire (33 deaths),
from occurring in recent years.
On the other hand, new forms of facilities have appeared in recent years, such as small scale welfare facilities including group homes, large-scale distribution warehouses, and
vacation rental homes, So there is a need for consideration of new fire prevention measures. It is also necessary to prevent accidents related to fire prevention equipment, and
appropriately address issues such as environmental regulations of fire-extinguishing chemicals.
FDMA responds flexibly to changes occurring in social structure and the usage of buildings, and carries out necessary revisions of fire protection laws and promotes training for
business operators.
の強化を図ってきました。その結果、千日デパートビル火災(死者 118 人)やホテルニュー
ジャパン火災(死者 33 人)のような、大規模な建物で多数の死者が発生する火災は現在で
A series of large-scale warehouse fires
occurred such as: the fire in Miyoshi-
cho, Saitama Prefecture in February
2017, the fire in Iwanuma City, Miyagi
Prefecture in April 2020, and the
fire in Konohana-ku, Osaka City in
November 2021. In response to this,
in order to thoroughly implement
fire prevention and safety measures
for large-scale warehouses, we are
promoting fire drills by business
operators, as well as promoting
identification of fire risks.
平成 29 年 2 月埼玉県三芳町倉庫火災、令和2年4
月宮城県岩沼市倉庫火災、令和3年 11 月大阪市此
Large-scale fires occurred in areas with a
concentration of old wooden buildings, such as
the large-scale fire in Itoigawa City in December
2016 and the fire in Kitakyushu City Tanga
District in 2022 in April and August. As a result,
we are working with local community to create
priority fire prevention areas and promote
focused guidance for places that are high risk.
平成 28 年 12 月の糸魚川市大規模火災、令和4年4月及び8月
A warehouse fire in Konohana Ward, Osaka City in 2021
(courtesy of Osaka City Fire Bureau)
A large city fire in Itoigawa City in 2016
(Provided by Itoigawa City Fire Department)
平成 28 年糸魚川市大規模火災
In recent years, new forms of facilities have appeared, such as small scale
welfare facilities that include group homes, large-scale distribution warehouses,
and vacation rental houses.
In addition, more robust measures for earthquakes in petroleum complexes and
hazardous materials facilities are also demanded.
FDMA investigates and identifies the causes and factors that expand the
damage of these complicated and diversified fires and accidents, and promotes
improvement of both hard and soft fire prevention measures.
Investigate and identify the causes of fires and accidents,
and promote fire prevention measures.
防火安全対策を推進する17011668161815611478140414041367128312501185104911101052 10271006958109312201220118711871148114810231023102210221070107099799710161016 10061006914914885
885 88988994694689989989989996696635.635.645.945.958.458.471.177.579.879.681.081.281.781.682.382.683.184.066.966.466.566.466.966.466.56867.401020304050607080905007009001100130015001700H17 H18 H19 H20 H21 H22 H23 H24 H25 H26 H27 H28 H29 H30 R1 R2 R3 R4
Number of residential fires (x10) Number of deaths from residential fires (people)
Rate of conformity (%)
Installation rate (%)(%)(x10)
* Excluding fires due to "arson"in number of fires.
* Excluding deaths due to suicide in number of deaths.
* "Installation rate" refers to the percentage of total households that have installed a fire alarm in at least one part of
the house that is obliged to do so under the fire prevention ordinance of the municipality (including households that
are exempt from installing a residential fire alarm due to the installation of automatic fire alarm equipment).
* "Rate of conformity" refers to the percentage of total households that have fire alarms installed in all parts of the
house that they are obliged to do so under the fire prevention ordinance of the municipality (including households
that are exempt from installing a residential fire alarm due to the installation of automatic fire alarm equipment).
* The number of house fires and the number of home fire deaths in 2022 have not been aggregated.11231123
しかく Usage of residential fire alarms and cases of home fires
Prevent fires and industrial disasters recently becoming diversified
Prevent fires and industrial disasters recently becoming diversified
多様化する火災・企業災害を未然に防ぐ etcMission 31Prepare2Save3Prevent4Enhance5Protect6Developetc17 18
Enhancement of disaster prevention measures for petroleum complexes, etc.
Safety of hazardous materials facilities
Preparing for nuclear disasters
To ensure the safety of petroleum complexes that store vast quantities of
hazardous materials and high pressure flammable gases, they are controlled in
accordance with the Fire Service Act, the High Pressure Gas Safety Act, and also
the Law on the Prevention of Disasters in Petroleum Industrial Complexes and
Other Petroleum Facilities.
In petroleum complexes, large-scale explosions or fires are liable to spread flames
outside the factory sites, and have serious impacts on the security and safety of the
public. In the Great East Japan Earthquake, large-scale fires at petroleum complexes
and other facilities occurred, causing huge damages.
To minimize disasters at petroleum complexes, with the object of preventing expansion
of disasters and secondary disasters, as well as of ensuring early suppression, FDMA
instructs the business operators of petroleum complexes to share the information
about the complex with the fire service organizations in advance, and also to make sure
of reporting to the fire service organizations at the time of fire, explosion, and leakage.
Furthermore, FDMA requires the operators to maintain and manage the facilities
properly, and allocate and maintain disaster prevention equipment, in order to enhance
the disaster prevention systems at the petroleum complexes, etc.
Accident prevention measures in hazardous materials facilities
Facilities with hazardous materials such as highly flammable gasoline and
diesel oil operate in various forms all over the country, ranging from industrial
facilities including chemical plants and petroleum tanks, to more familiar
facilities such as gas stations. If accidents such as fire and leakage occur in
these facilities, the security and safety of people are seriously affected.
FDMA has stepped up the responses measures to incidents in hazardous
materials facilities that occur through a variety of causes. Such measures
include inspection methods that use new technology to prevent incidents
which occur due to the aging of facilities. Also FDMA has enhanced
earthquake measures, along with promoting accident prevention
countermeasures where the national government, local governments, fire
service organizations, and business operators work closely together.
Safety measures in response to social needs
Based on the lessons learned from TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the Act
on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness was revised, and
other nuclear disaster prevention measures have been thoroughly reviewed.
Based on the experience of the firefighting activities at the Fukushima Daiichi power
plant and the current technical progress, FDMA has revised the firefighting activity
procedures to ensure that the fire brigade members can safely and effectively perform
firefighting activities. It is a part of FDMA support for the fire service organization's
operation at the nuclear power facilities.
In addition, in order to improve the response to accidents related to radioactive
substances, FDMA has deployed personal alarm dosimeters and other equipment
for radioactive substance accidents to fire service organizations, and also is creating
a specialist course at the Fire and Disaster Management College for nuclear disaster
prevention training.
Nuclear facility disaster response training
Fire at a petroleum complex (Great East Japan Earthquake)
Firefighting at a petroleum complex
Rapid Reaction Force for Energy and Industrial Infrastructure
Disasters (Dragon Hyper Command Unit)
Facilities including oil refineries and petrochemical industry
Test extinguishing of a lithium-ion storage battery using a sprinkler system
Trial testing oil tank inspection by drones
(Tomakomai-Tobu National Petroleum Stockpiling Base)
Leakage of hazardous materials from an outside storage tank ‒ In the Great East Japan
Earthquake (courtesy of Sendai City Fire Bureau)
屋外タンク貯蔵所からの危険物が流出 / 東日本大震災(仙台市消防局提供)
急速な進展に伴うドローンや IoT、AI などのデジタル技術を駆使した危険物施設におけ
In recent years, the number of accidents that pertain to hazardous materials
has been increasing such as accidents caused by corrosion and deterioration
at aged hazardous materials facilities in Japan.
On the other hand, with the advancement of science and technology and
the industrial economy, hazardous materials are used for various purposes
in the daily lives of people, and it is necessary to promote safety measures
for hazardous materials in order to ensure the convenience and safety of the
people according to the needs of society.
FDMA is studying safety measures such as when storing large amounts
of lithium-ion batteries. We are also working to identify the dangers of
new substances at an early stage, and to investigate and research "smart
security" so that we can implement effective preventive maintenance at
hazardous materials facilities using digital technologies such as drones, IoT,
and AI in response to recent technological innovation and rapid progress in
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
15 16501540 554554580580598 603560560
522 536
585 573
573 564564599560560 571
571 564564609 598562562646331352352 359359392 375375434384360
360 357357396375375 367367396345345 356
356 369369403380380 375375422170170
188 195 188223169
169 176
176 162
162 179179189 198 188 203 215 215
195 206 218187224
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 令和元年 2 3
(Note) In order to identify annual trends accident cases, only the number of accidents caused by
earthquakes with a seismic intensity higher than 6 Lower (or seismic intensity higher than 6 if
before September, 1996) are shown.
No. of leakage accident cases
Total no. of accident cases
No. of fire accident cases
しかく Trends in number of fire and leakage accidents in hazardous materials facilities

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