Health & Chemicals
- There is currently no information.
- Profiles of the Initial Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemicals
- Information on Ecotoxicity Tests (CSCL-related)/Results of ecotoxicity tests of chemicals conducted by Ministry of the Environment in Japan
- Survey of the Exposure to chemical compounds in Human
- BAT Levels concerning By-Prodcuct HCB
- Japan HPV Challenge Program
- Risk Assessment of Chemical Substances under the Chemical Substances Control Act
- Information Exchange on Chemicals Management among Japan, China and Korea
- Information on Ecotoxicity Tests (CSCL-related)
- Outline of Chemical Substances Control Law (CSCL)[PDF 221KB]PDF will open
- Results of questionnaire on Japanese companies' response to REACH[PDF 360KB]PDF will open
- Chemical Substance Fact Sheets
- 05.03.28 Partial Amendment to the Cabinet Order of the Chemical Substances Control Law
- 04.03.30 Manual for Mercury Analysis
- Standard Guidelines for the Environmental Monitoring of Chemicals (Contents)
- "Chemicals in the Environment" Reports on Environmental Survey and Wildlife Monitoring of Chemicals since 1996
- Poster Exhibition on the Fourth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management[PDF 470KB]PDF will open
- SAICM and Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Environment and Health
Endocrine Disruptors
- Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Substances
- 10.07.06"MOE's Further Actions on Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Chemical Substances"(Press Release)[PDF 72KB]PDF will open
- 05.03.14 Perspectives on Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Substances- ExTEND 2005-
- Summary of Public Opinions and MOE's Views on "MOE's Perspectives on Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Substances (draft)"[PDF 102KB]PDF will open
- 04.12.20 7th International Symposium on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors
- 03.12.05 The 6th International Symposium on Environmental Endocrine Disrupters
- 7th International Symposium on Environmental Endocrine Disrupters[PDF 9KB]PDF will open
- 03.09.12 International Symposium on Environmental Endocrine Disrupters 2003
- 03.03.03 6th International Symposium on Environmental Endocrine Disrupters
- 03.11.27 Introducing "The 6th International Symposium on Environmental Endocrine Disrupters 2003" (4th notification)[PDF 8KB]PDF will open
- 02.11.29 The 5th International Symposium on Environmental Endocrine Disrupters (Nov 28,2002)
- Results of Preliminary Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemical Substances[PDF 186KB]PDF will open
- Table 1 : Results of Initial Health Risk Assessment (FY1997 - 2000) [PDF 14KB]PDF will open
- Table 2 : Results of Initial Ecological Risk Assessment (FY1997 - 2000)[PDF 14KB]PDF will open
- Link : Millennium Project (Prime Minister of Japan's Cabinet)Open in a new window
- Strategic Programs on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors '98 (SPEED '98)?
- Result of the 1998 Simultaneous Environmental Monitoring Survey Throughout the Country
- Environmental Endocrine Disrupters
- The 3rd International Medaka Symposium, 2003 [Program and Abstracts]
- MEDAKA Development of Test Methods and Suitability of Medaka as Test Organism for Detection of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
- APPROACH TO CHEMICALS SUSPECTED OF HAVING ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING EFFECTS Brochure Depicting Achievement of SPEED'98(SPEED'98 : Strategic Programs on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors '98)
- Global Assessment of the State-of-the-Science of Endocrine Disruptors (Japanese version translated by MOE)
- Materials for the Commission on Endocrine Disruptors held under the framework of SPEED'98
- International Symposium on Endocrine Disruption
- Official ED (Endocrine Disruption) WebsiteOpen in a new window
- Reports of Researches on Effects of Endocrine Disruptors
- Link : Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Database (NIES)Open in a new window
- Link : UK-Japan Joint ResearchOpen in a new window
- Link : Global Assessment of the State-of-the-Science of Endocrine DisruptorsOpen in a new window
- Information Brochure Dioxins 2012[PDF 341KB]PDF will open
- 09.10.1-2Report of the 3rd Workshop on Reduction of Unintentional POPs in East Asian Countries[PDF 1.4MB]PDF will open
- 05.11.25 FY2004 Enforcement Status of the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins
- 05.08.11 Dioxin Concentration of Exhaust Gas emitted from Waste Incinerators
- 05.08.09 Cabinet Ordinance Partially Amending the Enforcement Ordinance of the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins
- 05.06.20 Plan to Reduce Dioxins Levels Resulting from Business Activities Modified
- 04.12.27 Ministerial Ordinance Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulations of the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins
- 03.12.11 Cabinet Ordinance Partially Amending the Enforcement Ordinance of the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins
- Government Plan to Reduce Dioxin Levels Resulting from Business Activities in Japan[PDF 28KB]PDF will open
- 03.12.05 Enforcement Status of the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins in FY2002
- Dioxin Emission Inventory 2000[PDF 317KB]PDF will open
- State of Enforcement of the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins in FY 2000[PDF 24KB]PDF will open
- Findings of the Fiscal 2000 Survey on Brominated Dioxins[PDF 374KB]PDF will open
- Detailed Study of Dioxin Exposure: Findings of the Fiscal 1999 Survey
- Guidelines on Quality Assurance/Quality Control for The Environmental Measurements of Dioxins[PDF 82KB]PDF will open
- Basic Guidelines of Japan for the Promotion of Measures against Dioxins[PDF 26KB]PDF will open
- Regarding the Results of the Urgent Simultaneous Nationwide Survey of Dioxins (Conducted in 1998)[PDF 443KB]PDF will open
- Reducing Dioxin Releases (Leaflet)[PDF 126KB]PDF will open
- Report on Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) of Dioxin and Related Compounds[PDF 305KB]PDF will open
- Guideline on Securing the Reliability of the Environmental Measurements of Dioxins Commissioned Outside[PDF 31KB]PDF will open
Health & Safety
- Japan Environment and Children's Study (JECS)
- Pollution Disputes Settlement System
- Outline of Health Damage Prevention Projects
- Minamata Disease
- Health Effects of Radiation
- Countermeasures against pollution-related health damage
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