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Due to an overwhelming amount of spam, Cooking For Engineers is trying a new way to avoid spambots without resorting to the removal of anonymous/guest posting.
For each letter or number you see below, type the next letter in the alphabet instead. If you see 'A', then type 'B'. If you see 'B', then type 'C', and so on. If you see 'Z', then type 'A'. Also increment numbers: '0'->'1', '1'->'2', ..., '9'->'0'.
If you are visually impaired or cannot otherwise read this code please contact the Administrator for help.
Confirmation code: * Enter the code with each letter or number INCREMENTED by one ('A' -> B, 'B' -> C, . . ., 'Z' -> A, '9' -> 0). The code is in all capitals and zero has a diagonal line through it.
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