Colchester Middle School in Colchester, Vermont (VT)

(追記) (追記ここまで) school rating (using weighted 2010 test average as compared to other schools in Vermont) from 0 (worst) to 100 (best) is 77.

Colchester, VT 5446

Grade span: 6th Grade - 8th Grade

Phone: (802) 655-1772 (make sure to verify first before calling)
No street view available for this location
Other nearby schools ratings:
Shelburne Community School (11.1 miles): 91
Essex Middle School (8.0 miles): 85
Colchester Middle School: 77
Charlotte Central School (15.6 miles): 75
Edmunds Middle School (4.5 miles): 62
Fairfield Center School (19.4 miles): 55
Milton Elementary School (8.0 miles): 54
Colchester Middle School rating compared to average state, county and city schools ratings:
Vermont: 51
Chittenden County: 63
Colchester: 74
Colchester Middle School: 77

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(追記) (追記ここまで)

Enrollment in Colchester Middle School

2005 Student Enrollment: 562

6th Grade Enrollment: 167
7th Grade Enrollment: 201
8th Grade Enrollment: 194

Female Enrollment: 278
Male Enrollment: 284

White Enrollment: 536
Black Enrollment: 6
Hispanic Enrollment: 5
Asian / Pacific Islander Enrollment: 14
American Indian / Alaskan Native Enrollment: 1

Free Lunch Eligible Students: 77
Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students: 15
Free And Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students: 92

Pupil / Teacher Ratio: 12.7
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Teachers: 44.4

Genders in Colchester Middle School

Grades in Colchester Middle School

Races in Colchester Middle School

2004 Student Enrollment: 587

6th Grade Enrollment: 194
7th Grade Enrollment: 196
8th Grade Enrollment: 197

Female Enrollment: 282
Male Enrollment: 304

White Enrollment: 553
Black Enrollment: 12
Hispanic Enrollment: 10
Asian / Pacific Islander Enrollment: 9
American Indian / Alaskan Native Enrollment: 2

Free Lunch Eligible Students: 63
Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students: 28
Free And Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students: 91

Pupil / Teacher Ratio: 14.1
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Teachers: 41.7

2003 Student Enrollment: 596

6th Grade Enrollment: 195
7th Grade Enrollment: 203
8th Grade Enrollment: 198

Female Enrollment: 311
Male Enrollment: 285

White Enrollment: 570
Black Enrollment: 10
Hispanic Enrollment: 5
Asian / Pacific Islander Enrollment: 10
American Indian / Alaskan Native Enrollment: 1

Free Lunch Eligible Students: 62
Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students: 25
Free And Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students: 87

Pupil / Teacher Ratio: 15.4
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Teachers: 38.7

2002 Student Enrollment: 599

6th Grade Enrollment: 206
7th Grade Enrollment: 199
8th Grade Enrollment: 194

Female Enrollment: 305
Male Enrollment: 294

White Enrollment: 576
Black Enrollment: 6
Hispanic Enrollment: 7
Asian / Pacific Islander Enrollment: 9
American Indian / Alaskan Native Enrollment: 1

Free Lunch Eligible Students: 55
Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students: 20
Free And Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students: 75

Pupil / Teacher Ratio: 14.7
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Teachers: 40.7

2001 Student Enrollment: 586

6th Grade Enrollment: 203
7th Grade Enrollment: 183
8th Grade Enrollment: 200

Female Enrollment: 293
Male Enrollment: 293

White Enrollment: 563
Black Enrollment: 7
Hispanic Enrollment: 5
Asian / Pacific Islander Enrollment: 8
American Indian / Alaskan Native Enrollment: 3

Free Lunch Eligible Students: 42
Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students: 11
Free And Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students: 53

Pupil / Teacher Ratio: 15.8
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Teachers: 37.2

Attendance Rate in Colchester Middle School

Retention Rate in Colchester Middle School

2006 Student Statistics:

Attendance rate: 97.2%
Here: 97.2%
State average from 232 schools: 95.4%
Retention rate: 0.2%
Here: 0.2%
State average from 169 schools: 3.3%
Special education (%): 10.7%
Here: 10.7%
State average from 231 schools: 12.4%

Home study students: 4

2005 Student Statistics:

Attendance rate: 95.7%
Here: 95.7%
State average from 233 schools: 95.2%
Special education (%): 12.4%
Here: 12.4%
State average from 232 schools: 12.3%

Home study students: 6

2004 Student Statistics:

Attendance rate: 95.8%
This school: 95.8%
State average from 232 schools: 95.5%
Retention rate: 0.3%
This school: 0.3%
State average from 141 schools: 2.4%
Special education (%): 8.7%
Colchester Middle School: 8.7%
State average from 231 schools: 12.3%

Home study students: 7

2006 Staff Statistics:

Classroom teachers: 24.70
Other teachers: 23.30
Instructional aides: 25.68
Licensed administrators: 2
Administrative support: 3.80
Other staff: 13.75

Average teacher salary ($): 49,124$
Here: 49,124$
State average from 234 schools: 44,460$

2005 Staff Statistics:

Classroom teachers: 35.70
Other teachers: 9.60
Instructional aides: 24.49
Licensed administrators: 2
Administrative support: 3.76
Other staff: 12.57

Average teacher salary ($): 48,684$
Here: 48,684$
State average from 233 schools: 42,814$

2004 Staff Statistics:

Classroom teachers: 33.70
Other teachers: 8
Instructional aides: 22.80
Licensed administrators: 2
Administrative support: 4.20
Other staff: 12.15

Average teacher salary ($): 45,919$
This school: 45,919$
State average from 233 schools: 41,394$

Risk Factor Statistics:

Poverty rate (%), July 2006: 6.0%
Here: 6.0%
State average from 231 schools: 10.6%
Poverty rate (%), Dec. 2005: 5.5%
Here: 5.5%
State average from 230 schools: 10.0%

Poverty rate town rank, July 2006: 217.0%
Here: 217.0%
State average from 232 schools: 1.6%
Poverty rate town rank, Dec. 2005: 218.0%
This school: 218.0%
State average from 231 schools: 1.6%

2007 Financial Resources Statistics:

Adjusted gross income per exemption ($): 25,942$
Here: 25,942$
State average from 233 schools: 21,550$
Adjusted gross income per exemption (rank): 40.0
Colchester Middle School: 40.0
State average from 233 schools: 156.1
Median Income for Joint & Head of Household ($): 64,994$
Here: 64,994$
State average from 233 schools: 51,309$
Median Income for Joint & Head of Household (town rank): 35.0
This school: 35.0
State average from 233 schools: 156.3
Percent of Joint & Head of Household returns less than 75,000ドル: 59.7%
Colchester Middle School: 59.7%
State average from 233 schools: 72.7%

2006 Financial Resources Statistics:

Adjusted gross income per exemption ($): 25,610$
This school: 25,610$
State average from 233 schools: 20,888$
Adjusted gross income per exemption (rank): 14.0
Colchester Middle School: 14.0
State average from 233 schools: 141.6
Median Income for Joint & Head of Household ($): 63,081$
Here: 63,081$
State average from 233 schools: 49,082$
Median Income for Joint & Head of Household (town rank): 35.0
Here: 35.0
State average from 233 schools: 155.9
Percent of Joint & Head of Household returns less than 75,000ドル: 61.7%
Colchester Middle School: 61.7%
State average from 233 schools: 75.1%

2005 Financial Resources Statistics:

Adjusted gross income per exemption ($): 24,640$
This school: 24,640$
State average from 233 schools: 19,835$
Adjusted gross income per exemption (rank): 26.0
Here: 26.0
State average from 233 schools: 136.1
Median Income for Joint & Head of Household ($): 60,434$
Here: 60,434$
State average from 233 schools: 46,686$
Median Income for Joint & Head of Household (town rank): 26.0
Here: 26.0
State average from 233 schools: 139.1
Percent of Joint & Head of Household returns less than 75,000ドル: 59.7%
Colchester Middle School: 59.7%
State average from 233 schools: 72.7%

2007 Financial Expenditures Statistics:

Percent direct instruction: 57.5%
This school: 57.5%
State average from 233 schools: 63.3%
Percent student services: 10.0%
Here: 10.0%
State average from 230 schools: 6.1%
Percent staff services: 3.5%
Here: 3.5%
State average from 230 schools: 3.3%
Percent leadership services: 9.5%
Here: 9.5%
State average from 233 schools: 8.8%
Percent operation: 19.5%
This school: 19.5%
State average from 233 schools: 19.5%

Financial Expenditures - Colchester Middle School

Financial Expenditures - Vermont

Total PK-12 current expense ($): 23,440,677$
Here: 23,440,677$
State average from 233 schools: 6,286,407$
Total PK-12 current expense per site FTE student ($): 10,846$
Here: 10,846$
State average from 233 schools: 11,797$
Total unduplicated expenditures ($): 25,430,920$
This school: 25,430,920$
State average from 233 schools: 7,256,725$
Tuition and fees to other Vermont districts ($): 329,640$
Here: 329,640$
State average from 233 schools: 1,769,547$
K-12 Town Special education costs ($): 4,092,820$
Here: 4,092,820$
State average from 203 schools: 1,421,788$

2006 Financial Expenditures Statistics:

Percent direct instruction: 57.6%
Here: 57.6%
State average from 233 schools: 63.4%
Percent student services: 9.6%
Colchester Middle School: 9.6%
State average from 232 schools: 6.0%
Percent staff services: 3.6%
Here: 3.6%
State average from 230 schools: 3.3%
Percent leadership services: 9.5%
Here: 9.5%
State average from 233 schools: 9.0%
Percent operation: 19.7%
Here: 19.7%
State average from 233 schools: 18.3%

Financial Expenditures - Colchester Middle School

Financial Expenditures - Vermont

Total PK-12 current expense ($): 22,058,795$
Here: 22,058,795$
State average from 233 schools: 6,034,752$
Total PK-12 current expense per site FTE student ($): 10,070$
This school: 10,070$
State average from 233 schools: 11,289$
Total unduplicated expenditures ($): 23,998,099$
Here: 23,998,099$
State average from 233 schools: 6,992,659$
Tuition and fees to other Vermont districts ($): 274,578$
Here: 274,578$
State average from 232 schools: 1,629,679$
K-12 Town Special education costs ($): 3,775,782$
This school: 3,775,782$
State average from 203 schools: 1,339,712$

2005 Financial Expenditures Statistics:

Percent direct instruction: 57.5%
Here: 57.5%
State average from 232 schools: 63.3%
Percent student services: 8.9%
Here: 8.9%
State average from 230 schools: 6.2%
Percent staff services: 3.2%
Colchester Middle School: 3.2%
State average from 231 schools: 3.4%
Percent leadership services: 9.3%
Here: 9.3%
State average from 232 schools: 9.1%
Percent operation: 21.1%
This school: 21.1%
State average from 232 schools: 18.1%

Financial Expenditures - Colchester Middle School

Financial Expenditures - Vermont

Total PK-12 current expense ($): 20,673,002$
Colchester Middle School: 20,673,002$
State average from 232 schools: 5,698,600$
Total PK-12 current expense per site FTE student ($): 9,328$
Colchester Middle School: 9,328$
State average from 232 schools: 10,333$
Total unduplicated expenditures ($): 22,612,870$
Here: 22,612,870$
State average from 232 schools: 6,690,749$
Tuition and fees to other Vermont districts ($): 340,942$
Here: 340,942$
State average from 231 schools: 1,491,304$
K-12 Town Special education costs ($): 3,601,584$
This school: 3,601,584$
State average from 203 schools: 1,228,117$

NECAP Results in Colchester Middle School

2007 Math New England Common Assessment (NECAP) Statistics - Grades 03 - 08:

NECAP Math Results - Colchester Middle School

NECAP Math Results - Vermont

Students tested: 332

Proportion of Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.34
Here: 0.34
State average from 234 schools: 0.18
Proportion of Students Proficient: 0.44
Here: 0.44
State average from 234 schools: 0.44
Proportion of Students Partially Proficient: 0.15
Here: 0.15
State average from 234 schools: 0.20
Proportion of Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.07
This school: 0.07
State average from 234 schools: 0.18

NECAP Math Results (Female) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP Math Results (Female) - Vermont

Female Students tested: 170

Proportion of Female Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.32
Here: 0.32
State average from 225 schools: 0.18
Proportion of Female Students Proficient: 0.48
Here: 0.48
State average from 225 schools: 0.45
Proportion of Female Students Partially Proficient: 0.14
Here: 0.14
State average from 225 schools: 0.20
Proportion of Female Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.06
Colchester Middle School: 0.06
State average from 225 schools: 0.18

NECAP Math Results (Male) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP Math Results (Male) - Vermont

Male Students tested: 162

Proportion of Male Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.36
This school: 0.36
State average from 225 schools: 0.19
Proportion of Male Students Proficient: 0.39
Here: 0.39
State average from 225 schools: 0.43
Proportion of Male Students Partially Proficient: 0.17
Here: 0.17
State average from 225 schools: 0.20
Proportion of Male Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.07
Here: 0.07
State average from 225 schools: 0.18

NECAP Math Results (FRL) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP Math Results (FRL) - Vermont

Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 59

Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.15
Colchester Middle School: 0.15
State average from 202 schools: 0.09
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.51
Colchester Middle School: 0.51
State average from 202 schools: 0.38
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.19
Here: 0.19
State average from 202 schools: 0.24
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.15
Here: 0.15
State average from 202 schools: 0.28

NECAP Math Results (Not FRL) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP Math Results (Not FRL) - Vermont

Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 273

Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.39
Here: 0.39
State average from 202 schools: 0.21
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.42
Here: 0.42
State average from 202 schools: 0.47
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.15
Colchester Middle School: 0.15
State average from 202 schools: 0.18
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.05
This school: 0.05
State average from 202 schools: 0.13

2007 Reading New England Common Assessment (NECAP) Statistics - Grades 03 - 08:

NECAP Reading Results - Colchester Middle School

NECAP Reading Results - Vermont

Students tested: 333

Proportion of Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.17
This school: 0.17
State average from 234 schools: 0.17
Proportion of Students Proficient: 0.66
Here: 0.66
State average from 234 schools: 0.52
Proportion of Students Partially Proficient: 0.14
Colchester Middle School: 0.14
State average from 234 schools: 0.20
Proportion of Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.03
Here: 0.03
State average from 234 schools: 0.11

NECAP Reading Results (Female) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP Reading Results (Female) - Vermont

Female Students tested: 170

Proportion of Female Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.23
Here: 0.23
State average from 225 schools: 0.22
Proportion of Female Students Proficient: 0.64
This school: 0.64
State average from 225 schools: 0.52
Proportion of Female Students Partially Proficient: 0.12
Here: 0.12
State average from 225 schools: 0.17
Proportion of Female Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.01
Here: 0.01
State average from 225 schools: 0.08

NECAP Reading Results (Male) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP Reading Results (Male) - Vermont

Male Students tested: 163

Proportion of Male Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.10
Here: 0.10
State average from 225 schools: 0.12
Proportion of Male Students Proficient: 0.69
Here: 0.69
State average from 225 schools: 0.52
Proportion of Male Students Partially Proficient: 0.15
This school: 0.15
State average from 225 schools: 0.22
Proportion of Male Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.06
Colchester Middle School: 0.06
State average from 225 schools: 0.14

NECAP Reading Results (FRL) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP Reading Results (FRL) - Vermont

Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 59

Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.03
Here: 0.03
State average from 202 schools: 0.09
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.69
Here: 0.69
State average from 202 schools: 0.46
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.17
Here: 0.17
State average from 202 schools: 0.26
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.10
Here: 0.10
State average from 202 schools: 0.18

NECAP Reading Results (Not FRL) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP Reading Results (Not FRL) - Vermont

Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 274

Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.20
Here: 0.20
State average from 202 schools: 0.20
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.66
Here: 0.66
State average from 202 schools: 0.56
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.13
Colchester Middle School: 0.13
State average from 202 schools: 0.17
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.02
This school: 0.02
State average from 202 schools: 0.08

2007 Writing New England Common Assessment (NECAP) Statistics - Grades 03 - 08:

NECAP writing Results - Colchester Middle School

NECAP writing Results - Vermont

Students tested: 167

Proportion of Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.14
Here: 0.14
State average from 194 schools: 0.14
Proportion of Students Proficient: 0.50
Here: 0.50
State average from 194 schools: 0.33
Proportion of Students Partially Proficient: 0.30
Colchester Middle School: 0.30
State average from 194 schools: 0.32
Proportion of Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.05
Colchester Middle School: 0.05
State average from 194 schools: 0.21

NECAP writing Results (Female) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP writing Results (Female) - Vermont

Female Students tested: 89

Proportion of Female Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.18
Here: 0.18
State average from 139 schools: 0.19
Proportion of Female Students Proficient: 0.55
Here: 0.55
State average from 139 schools: 0.39
Proportion of Female Students Partially Proficient: 0.25
This school: 0.25
State average from 139 schools: 0.30
Proportion of Female Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.02
Here: 0.02
State average from 139 schools: 0.13

NECAP writing Results (Male) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP writing Results (Male) - Vermont

Male Students tested: 78

Proportion of Male Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.09
This school: 0.09
State average from 139 schools: 0.08
Proportion of Male Students Proficient: 0.45
Here: 0.45
State average from 139 schools: 0.28
Proportion of Male Students Partially Proficient: 0.37
This school: 0.37
State average from 139 schools: 0.34
Proportion of Male Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.09
Here: 0.09
State average from 139 schools: 0.29

NECAP writing Results (FRL) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP writing Results (FRL) - Vermont

Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 28

Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.04
Here: 0.04
State average from 100 schools: 0.05
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.36
Colchester Middle School: 0.36
State average from 100 schools: 0.26
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.46
Here: 0.46
State average from 100 schools: 0.37
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.14
This school: 0.14
State average from 100 schools: 0.32

NECAP writing Results (Not FRL) - Colchester Middle School

NECAP writing Results (Not FRL) - Vermont

Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 139

Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.16
Here: 0.16
State average from 100 schools: 0.14
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.53
This school: 0.53
State average from 100 schools: 0.37
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.27
Here: 0.27
State average from 100 schools: 0.32
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.04
Colchester Middle School: 0.04
State average from 100 schools: 0.16

2006 Math New England Common Assessment (NECAP) Statistics - Grades 03 - 08:

Students tested: 345

Proportion of Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.19
This school: 0.19
State average from 232 schools: 0.19
Proportion of Students Proficient: 0.44
Here: 0.44
State average from 232 schools: 0.44
Proportion of Students Partially Proficient: 0.17
Here: 0.17
State average from 232 schools: 0.19
Proportion of Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.21
Here: 0.21
State average from 232 schools: 0.18

Female Students tested: 163

Proportion of Female Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.17
Colchester Middle School: 0.17
State average from 224 schools: 0.18
Proportion of Female Students Proficient: 0.47
Here: 0.47
State average from 224 schools: 0.46
Proportion of Female Students Partially Proficient: 0.17
This school: 0.17
State average from 224 schools: 0.19
Proportion of Female Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.19
Here: 0.19
State average from 224 schools: 0.18

Male Students tested: 182

Proportion of Male Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.21
Here: 0.21
State average from 224 schools: 0.19
Proportion of Male Students Proficient: 0.41
Here: 0.41
State average from 224 schools: 0.44
Proportion of Male Students Partially Proficient: 0.16
Here: 0.16
State average from 224 schools: 0.18
Proportion of Male Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.22
This school: 0.22
State average from 224 schools: 0.19

Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 59

Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.05
Colchester Middle School: 0.05
State average from 198 schools: 0.09
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.27
Here: 0.27
State average from 198 schools: 0.40
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.19
Here: 0.19
State average from 198 schools: 0.23
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.49
Here: 0.49
State average from 198 schools: 0.28

Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 286

Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.22
Here: 0.22
State average from 198 schools: 0.22
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.47
Colchester Middle School: 0.47
State average from 198 schools: 0.48
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.16
Here: 0.16
State average from 198 schools: 0.17
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.15
Here: 0.15
State average from 198 schools: 0.13

2006 Reading New England Common Assessment (NECAP) Statistics - Grades 03 - 08:

Students tested: 345

Proportion of Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.10
Here: 0.10
State average from 232 schools: 0.15
Proportion of Students Proficient: 0.57
Colchester Middle School: 0.57
State average from 232 schools: 0.53
Proportion of Students Partially Proficient: 0.23
Here: 0.23
State average from 232 schools: 0.21
Proportion of Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.10
Here: 0.10
State average from 232 schools: 0.11

Female Students tested: 163

Proportion of Female Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.15
Here: 0.15
State average from 224 schools: 0.19
Proportion of Female Students Proficient: 0.62
Here: 0.62
State average from 224 schools: 0.53
Proportion of Female Students Partially Proficient: 0.16
Here: 0.16
State average from 224 schools: 0.19
Proportion of Female Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.07
Here: 0.07
State average from 224 schools: 0.08

Male Students tested: 182

Proportion of Male Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.04
Here: 0.04
State average from 224 schools: 0.11
Proportion of Male Students Proficient: 0.53
Here: 0.53
State average from 224 schools: 0.52
Proportion of Male Students Partially Proficient: 0.30
Here: 0.30
State average from 224 schools: 0.23
Proportion of Male Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.13
Colchester Middle School: 0.13
State average from 224 schools: 0.14

Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 59

Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.05
This school: 0.05
State average from 198 schools: 0.07
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.36
Here: 0.36
State average from 198 schools: 0.46
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.29
Here: 0.29
State average from 198 schools: 0.27
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.30
Here: 0.30
State average from 198 schools: 0.19

Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 286

Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.11
Here: 0.11
State average from 198 schools: 0.18
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.61
Here: 0.61
State average from 198 schools: 0.56
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.22
Colchester Middle School: 0.22
State average from 198 schools: 0.18
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.06
Here: 0.06
State average from 198 schools: 0.07

2006 Writing New England Common Assessment (NECAP) Statistics - Grades 03 - 08:

Students tested: 189

Proportion of Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.04
Colchester Middle School: 0.04
State average from 195 schools: 0.13
Proportion of Students Proficient: 0.24
Here: 0.24
State average from 195 schools: 0.35
Proportion of Students Partially Proficient: 0.42
Here: 0.42
State average from 195 schools: 0.28
Proportion of Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.30
Here: 0.30
State average from 195 schools: 0.23

Female Students tested: 79

Proportion of Female Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.05
Here: 0.05
State average from 136 schools: 0.19
Proportion of Female Students Proficient: 0.39
Here: 0.39
State average from 136 schools: 0.40
Proportion of Female Students Partially Proficient: 0.34
Here: 0.34
State average from 136 schools: 0.26
Proportion of Female Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.22
Here: 0.22
State average from 136 schools: 0.15

Male Students tested: 110

Proportion of Male Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.03
This school: 0.03
State average from 136 schools: 0.08
Proportion of Male Students Proficient: 0.14
Here: 0.14
State average from 136 schools: 0.30
Proportion of Male Students Partially Proficient: 0.47
Here: 0.47
State average from 136 schools: 0.32
Proportion of Male Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.36
Here: 0.36
State average from 136 schools: 0.30

Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 34

Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.09
Here: 0.09
State average from 93 schools: 0.28
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.44
This school: 0.44
State average from 93 schools: 0.31
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.47
Here: 0.47
State average from 93 schools: 0.36

Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 155

Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.04
Here: 0.04
State average from 93 schools: 0.16
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.28
This school: 0.28
State average from 93 schools: 0.38
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.41
This school: 0.41
State average from 93 schools: 0.28
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.27
Here: 0.27
State average from 93 schools: 0.18

2005 Math New England Common Assessment (NECAP) Statistics - Grades 03 - 08:

Students tested: 365

Proportion of Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.16
Here: 0.16
State average from 280 schools: 0.17
Proportion of Students Proficient: 0.45
Here: 0.45
State average from 280 schools: 0.46
Proportion of Students Partially Proficient: 0.23
Colchester Middle School: 0.23
State average from 280 schools: 0.21
Proportion of Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.17
Here: 0.17
State average from 280 schools: 0.17

Female Students tested: 177

Proportion of Female Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.15
Here: 0.15
State average from 271 schools: 0.16
Proportion of Female Students Proficient: 0.47
Here: 0.47
State average from 271 schools: 0.46
Proportion of Female Students Partially Proficient: 0.23
Here: 0.23
State average from 271 schools: 0.21
Proportion of Female Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.14
Here: 0.14
State average from 271 schools: 0.17

Male Students tested: 188

Proportion of Male Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.17
Here: 0.17
State average from 271 schools: 0.17
Proportion of Male Students Proficient: 0.42
Here: 0.42
State average from 271 schools: 0.45
Proportion of Male Students Partially Proficient: 0.22
Here: 0.22
State average from 271 schools: 0.21
Proportion of Male Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.20
This school: 0.20
State average from 271 schools: 0.17

Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 56

Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.05
Here: 0.05
State average from 230 schools: 0.08
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.34
Here: 0.34
State average from 230 schools: 0.40
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.32
This school: 0.32
State average from 230 schools: 0.26
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.29
Here: 0.29
State average from 230 schools: 0.26

Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 309

Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.18
Here: 0.18
State average from 230 schools: 0.19
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.47
Here: 0.47
State average from 230 schools: 0.48
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.21
Colchester Middle School: 0.21
State average from 230 schools: 0.19
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.15
Here: 0.15
State average from 230 schools: 0.14

2005 Reading New England Common Assessment (NECAP) Statistics - Grades 03 - 08:

Students tested: 365

Proportion of Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.10
This school: 0.10
State average from 280 schools: 0.13
Proportion of Students Proficient: 0.55
Here: 0.55
State average from 280 schools: 0.53
Proportion of Students Partially Proficient: 0.26
Here: 0.26
State average from 280 schools: 0.24
Proportion of Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.09
Here: 0.09
State average from 280 schools: 0.10

Female Students tested: 177

Proportion of Female Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.16
Here: 0.16
State average from 271 schools: 0.17
Proportion of Female Students Proficient: 0.54
Here: 0.54
State average from 271 schools: 0.53
Proportion of Female Students Partially Proficient: 0.25
Colchester Middle School: 0.25
State average from 271 schools: 0.21
Proportion of Female Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.05
Here: 0.05
State average from 271 schools: 0.08

Male Students tested: 188

Proportion of Male Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.03
Here: 0.03
State average from 271 schools: 0.10
Proportion of Male Students Proficient: 0.57
Here: 0.57
State average from 271 schools: 0.51
Proportion of Male Students Partially Proficient: 0.27
Here: 0.27
State average from 271 schools: 0.26
Proportion of Male Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.13
Here: 0.13
State average from 271 schools: 0.13

Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 57

Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.54
Here: 0.54
State average from 230 schools: 0.45
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.26
Here: 0.26
State average from 230 schools: 0.32
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.19
Here: 0.19
State average from 230 schools: 0.17

Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 308

Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.11
Here: 0.11
State average from 230 schools: 0.16
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.56
This school: 0.56
State average from 230 schools: 0.56
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.26
Here: 0.26
State average from 230 schools: 0.21
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.07
Here: 0.07
State average from 230 schools: 0.08

2005 Writing New England Common Assessment (NECAP) Statistics - Grades 03 - 08:

Students tested: 182

Proportion of Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.11
Here: 0.11
State average from 238 schools: 0.09
Proportion of Students Proficient: 0.47
Colchester Middle School: 0.47
State average from 238 schools: 0.43
Proportion of Students Partially Proficient: 0.27
Here: 0.27
State average from 238 schools: 0.34
Proportion of Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.15
Colchester Middle School: 0.15
State average from 238 schools: 0.14

Female Students tested: 96

Proportion of Female Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.14
Colchester Middle School: 0.14
State average from 173 schools: 0.13
Proportion of Female Students Proficient: 0.57
This school: 0.57
State average from 173 schools: 0.50
Proportion of Female Students Partially Proficient: 0.24
Here: 0.24
State average from 173 schools: 0.29
Proportion of Female Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.05
Colchester Middle School: 0.05
State average from 173 schools: 0.07

Male Students tested: 86

Proportion of Male Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.08
Colchester Middle School: 0.08
State average from 173 schools: 0.05
Proportion of Male Students Proficient: 0.35
Here: 0.35
State average from 173 schools: 0.36
Proportion of Male Students Partially Proficient: 0.30
Here: 0.30
State average from 173 schools: 0.39
Proportion of Male Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.27
Here: 0.27
State average from 173 schools: 0.20

Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 29

Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.28
Here: 0.28
State average from 123 schools: 0.33
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.41
Here: 0.41
State average from 123 schools: 0.41
Proportion of Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.31
This school: 0.31
State average from 123 schools: 0.22

Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students tested: 153

Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient with Distinction: 0.13
Colchester Middle School: 0.13
State average from 123 schools: 0.09
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Proficient: 0.50
This school: 0.50
State average from 123 schools: 0.48
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Partially Proficient: 0.24
Here: 0.24
State average from 123 schools: 0.32
Proportion of Non Free/Reduced Lunch Price Students Substantially Below Proficient: 0.12
Here: 0.12
State average from 123 schools: 0.11

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