Vester Bryant neighborhood in Mesquite, Texas (TX), 75180 detailed profile
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Based on 2000-2022 data
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Business Search - 14 Million verified businesses
Area: 0.002 square miles
Population: 4
Population density:
Vester Bryant: 2,352 people per square mile
Mesquite: 3,398 people per square mile
Median household income in 2023:
Vester Bryant: 51,750ドル
Mesquite: 67,333ドル
Distribution of median household income
- 1Less than 10,000ドル
- 110,000ドル to 19,999ドル
- 120,000ドル to 29,999ドル
- 130,000ドル to 39,999ドル
- 140,000ドル to 49,999ドル
- 150,000ドル to 59,999ドル
- 160,000ドル to 74,999ドル
- 175,000ドル to 99,999ドル
- 1100,000ドル to 124,999ドル
- 1125,000ドル to 149,999ドル
- 1150,000ドル to 199,999ドル
- 1200,000ドル or more
Distribution of owner-occupied house/condo value
- 1Less than 50,000ドル
- 150,000ドル to 99,999ドル
- 1100,000ドル to 149,999ドル
- 1150,000ドル to 199,999ドル
- 1200,000ドル to 249,999ドル
- 1250,000ドル to 299,999ドル
- 1500,000ドル to 749,999ドル
- 11,000,000ドル or more
Distribution of rent paid by renters
- 1100ドル to 199ドル
- 1200ドル to 299ドル
- 1300ドル to 399ドル
- 1500ドル to 599ドル
- 1600ドル to 699ドル
- 1700ドル to 799ドル
- 1800ドル to 899ドル
- 1900ドル to 999ドル
- 11,000ドル to 1,249ドル
- 11,250ドル to 1,499ドル
- 11,500ドル to 1,999ドル
Median rent in 2023:
Vester Bryant: 884ドル
Mesquite: 1,262ドル
Males: 2
Females: 1
This neighborhood: 29.2 years
Whole city: 32.1 years
This neighborhood: 33.2 years
Whole city: 35.0 years
Average household size:
Vester Bryant: 2.6 people
Mesquite: 3.0 people
Percentage of family households:
Vester Bryant: 33.5%
Mesquite: 55.8%
Here: 26.0%
Mesquite: 45.1%
Percentage of married-couple families with children (among all households):
Vester Bryant: 41.5%
Mesquite: 17.6%
Percentage of single-mother households (among all households):
Vester Bryant: 16.3%
Mesquite: 11.2%
Percentage of never married males 15 years old and over:
Percentage of never married females 15 years old and over:
Vester Bryant: 30.7%
Mesquite: 20.8%
Percentage of never married females 15 years old and over:
Vester Bryant: 17.1%
city: 20.2%
Percentage of people that speak English not well or not at all:
Vester Bryant: 0.0%
Mesquite: 8.0%
Percentage of people born in this state:
Percentage of people born in another U.S. state:
Percentage of native residents but born outside the U.S.:
Percentage of foreign born residents:
Here: 61.2%
Mesquite: 61.0%
Percentage of people born in another U.S. state:
Vester Bryant: 5.3%
Mesquite: 13.1%
Percentage of native residents but born outside the U.S.:
Here: 0.0%
city: 2.2%
Percentage of foreign born residents:
Here: 33.5%
Mesquite: 23.7%
Average number of cars or other vehicles available in houses/condos:
Average number of cars or other vehicles available in apartments:
This neighborhood: 1.4
Mesquite: 2.3
Average number of cars or other vehicles available in apartments:
Here: 1.1
city: 1.6
Percentage of units with a mortgage:
Vester Bryant: 45.2%
Mesquite: 58.3%
Average estimated value of detached houses in 2023 (50.0% of all units):
Vester Bryant: 208,839ドル
Texas: 389,907ドル
Owners and renters by unit type
Owners and renters by unit type crime index for city in 2023 (higher means more crime):
City: 333.5
U.S. average: 199.8
Travel time to work (commute)
Means of transportation to work
Time leaving home to go to work
Occupations of males:
- Percentage of males in management occupations (except farmers):
Here: 4.9%city: 7.3%
- Percentage of males in computer and mathematical occupations:
Here: 7.9%city: 2.4%
- Percentage of males in healthcare practitioners and technical occupations:
Here: 6.2%city: 0.9%
- Percentage of males in service occupations:
Here: 30.6%city: 12.6%
- Percentage of males in sales and office occupations:
Here: 4.8%city: 14.4%
- Percentage of males in construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations:
Here: 25.8%city: 18.5%
- Percentage of males in transportation occupations:
Here: 3.5%city: 9.5%
- Percentage of males in material moving occupations:
Here: 20.6%city: 9.7%
Occupations of females:
- Percentage of females in legal occupations:
Here: 1.3%city: 1.2%
- Percentage of females in education, training, and library occupations:
Here: 31.6%city: 9.1%
- Percentage of females in healthcare practitioners and technical occupations:
Here: 1.0%city: 6.1%
- Percentage of females in service occupations:
Here: 58.3%city: 23.6%
- Percentage of females in sales and office occupations:
Here: 10.2%city: 33.1%
- Percentage of females in production occupations:
Here: 16.1%city: 3.4%
- Percentage of females in material moving occupations:
Here: 4.8%city: 3.8%
Education in this neighborhood (subdivision or community):
- Percentage of people 3 years and older in K-12 schools:
Vester Bryant: 0.0%Mesquite: 22.9%
- Percentage of people 3 years and older in undergraduate colleges:
Vester Bryant: 0.0%Mesquite: 4.5%
- Percentage of people 3 years and older in grad. or professional schools:
Vester Bryant: 0.0%Mesquite: 0.7%
Percentage of population below poverty level:
Vester Bryant: 9.5%
Mesquite: 15.2%
Median year owner moved in (as recorded in 2023):
Median year renter moved in (as recorded in 2023):
Vester Bryant: 2015
Mesquite: 2008
Median year renter moved in (as recorded in 2023):
Vester Bryant: 2017
Mesquite: 2021
Percentage of married-couple families with both working:
Vester Bryant: 86.9%
Mesquite: 66.8%
Most commonly used house heating fuel
Most commonly used house heating fuel
- 73.8%Electricity
- 21.5%Utility gas
- 2.8%Other fuel
- 2.0%Solar energy
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