The One Piece manga tells Monkey D. Luffy's story not just through the actual chapters but also through cover stories. On the first page of any chapter is a single panel of art with a description below it that tells the various events in the One Piece world. These are typically related to what happened in the previously published arc, but they can relate to any of the characters in the world. They are a good way for characters that haven't been seen in a while to maintain a presence in the story.
Not all of these cover stories are essential to the overarching plot. Many of them are just background information or send-offs to minor characters. Others set up important events that appear in the main body of later chapters, though. The anime hasn't actually adapted every cover story, and so the story gets a little disjointed. There are a few cover stories that have yet to be referenced in the manga that may be important, like "Enel's Great Space Operations". However, until they come up again, they can't really be crucial.
Straw Hat's Separation Serial Set Up The One Piece Time-Skip Training Arcs
One Piece Manga Chapters: 543-560; One Piece Anime Episodes: 418-421 & 453-456
This is one of the few cover stories that has been adapted in full to the anime because it's so important. When Bartholomew Kuma sent the Straw Hat Crew flying from Sabaody, he sent them to brand-new places in the One Piece world. Each of these places acted as obstacles, preventing the crew from reuniting. However, they show Kuma's true loyalties as each of the Straw Hats meet ideal teachers on these various islands.
Not only does this cover story ensure the readers aren't too worried about the Straw Hats' fates, but it also sets the seeds for the crew to come back stronger than ever. None of them had a great time upon arriving at these islands, especially considering how unwanted the initial separation was. However, each Straw Hat proves their devotion to their captain with their dedicated training. Although this arc was fully adapted in the anime, the anime makes some changes and puts a lot of filler content in with these episodes.
Germa 66's Ahh... An Emotionless Excursion Brought MADS Back to One Piece
One Piece Manga Chapters: 1035-1078; One Piece Anime Episodes: Episodes 1093 & 1114
This cover story is so important that the events were shown in a flashback in the anime. The fallout of the Whole Cake Island arc is a lot messier for anyone that doesn't escape alongside the Straw Hat crew. Two of the Vinsmoke brothers were captured during Germa 66's exit from the island, so they need to be rescued again. The rescue mission allows for Vinsmoke Judge to reunite with Caesar Clown. Though it hasn't become a problem yet, they've established a brand new MADS that will likely come up again.
More currently relevant, this conflict helped the Blackbeard Pirates kidnap Charlotte Pudding. Her ability to read poneglyphs hasn't manifested yet. If it ever does, she'll be one of the only people in the world that can guide the way to Laugh Tale. Pudding is still being held hostage by Blackbeard and was present for the fight against the Heart Pirates. She's only just arrived on Hachinosu, but she's very important for Marshall D. Teach's goals.
The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet Made Enemies of the Emperors
One Piece Manga Chapters: 864-919; One Piece Anime Episodes: Episodes 885 & 1081
Not all of this arc has been animated. After Dressrosa, the various members of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet have to adjust to their new loyalties and goals. Each of them split off to pursue their own desires. Some, like Cavendish, continue on their own journeys. However, others have to sever ties with various organizations. The New Giant Warrior Pirates were working for Buggy's Delivery Service, but they became enemies with Buggy by quitting. This is part of the reason Buggy can't pay the debt he owes to Crocodile back, leading to the Cross Guild's formation.
The Barto Club decide to cause problems in the New World. Bartolomeo's main goal seems to be spreading Luffy's name, but he has no problem resorting to violent methods to do so. He burns down one of Shanks' flags on an island the Emperor protects. The fallout of this event is done in the main body of a chapter. While Bartolomeo reinforces his loyalty to Luffy, the Barto Club lose their ship and their fates are up in the air.
From the Decks of the World Established The State of Reverie in One Piece
This cover story mainly goes over the various reactions of Straw Hat acquaintances to the crew's return after the time skip. Their friends and family marvel at their new wanted posters and reinforce exactly how much they care for one another. Many people from the East Blue Saga are highlighted. This is also the first appearance of Scopper Gaban in the modern day, sparking a whole new mystery. He still keeps up with his fellow Roger Pirates.
These various insights into characters' lives also set up several different elements for Reverie. Both Drum Island and Alabasta are getting prepared for this year. On top of that, Wapol shows that it's easy to become a king invited to Reverie with the right resources. The other major changes shown are how Impel Down has been restructured. Magellon's demotion later puts him in contact with Donquixote Doflamingo.
Diary of Koby-Meppo Features Koby on His Journey to Becoming a Marine
One Piece Manga Chapters: 83-119; One Piece Episodes: 68-69
Koby is now known as a marine hero and an important enough person to be valuable to pirates. He has a special bounty from the Cross Guild, and Blackbeard even considers him a worthwhile hostage after getting Boa Hancock's devil fruit. However, he starts the anime as one of the weakest characters in the entire anime series. He doesn't start gaining strength until he joins the marines and suddenly shoots up in both height and power.
The best Straw Hat tag-team fights in One Piece showcase epic teamwork, humor and unforgettable battles against powerful foes.
This cover story goes over how Koby impressed Garp enough to become the Vice Admiral's student. Without this tutelage, Koby wouldn't be nearly as important as he is today. Plus, Garp wouldn't have been able to save Koby and end up as Blackbeard's prisoner. This cover story also shows how Koby and Helmeppo became friends and why Helmeppo is so unfalteringly loyal to Koby. The two of them are now both in SWORD and are deeply invested in making the marines a place for justice.
Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works" Follows Crocodile at Impel Down
One Piece Manga Chapters: 359-414
Despite being captured by the marines at the end of the Albasta arc, most of the Baroque Works officers are free by the time the Impel Down arc starts. Only Crocodile, Daz Bones, Bon Clay and Galdino remain imprisoned, and that was by choice for the first two. Miss Goldenweek led a frankly incompetent rescue mission that luckily worked out for most of them. From there, most of the officers seem to have retired to work at a café that was once a Baroque Works cover. They do still seem loyal to Crocodile.
Crocodile's rise to power after escaping Impel Down likely came from his choices during this cover story. Not only did he have many allies outside the prison, but he made new acquaintances during the escape. His being imprisoned in Impel Down led him to become an essential ally during Luffy's time in the prison. Despite their previous battles, the two of them worked together just fine. Though he tries to kill Whitebeard, Crocodile protects Luffy from many enemies during the Summit War.
CP9's Independent Report Explored the Inner Workings of Cipher Pol
CP9 fell apart after their complete failure at Enies Lobby. They are no longer being supported by the World Government and all of them are heavily injured. This cover story sets up how they eventually get the leverage to join Aegis 0 after the time skip. It also shows a much softer side to many of the Cipher Pol agents as they help each other out and do some actual good along the way. All of them have skills that could give them lives outside the World Government.
The Cipher Pol agents of One Piece are government spies. Each agency works slightly differently from each other, and there are notable members.
The agents come together to earn money for Rob Lucci's medical bills. After Lucci's recovery, they go about enjoying normal things in life, too. When the island they're currently settled on is attacked by pirates, the agents go too far in defeating them. They end up having to leave because the World Government is pursing them. This cover story gives insight into how Cipher Pol agents are trained as the group protects the future generation. They also make enemies of Spandam and Spandine, which leads to the events of them joining CP0.
Hatchan's Sea-Floor Stroll is an Escape One Piece Adventure
Hatchan suddenly showed up in the Sabaody arc with no real warning. Previously, the Straw Hats only knew him as an enemy member of the Arlong Pirates. Anime-only fans also had no reason to know why he arrived. However, Hatchan went through his own character journey and became a better person while the Straw Hats were on their adventure. He becomes a central element of the Sabaody arc alongside the friends he met during this cover story, Camie and Pappag.
Being a fish man, Hachi escaped from marine custody easily. However, none of the other Arlong Pirates came with him. In fact, their fate is still unknonw after all this time. Still, through doing good deeds on his journey, Hachi realizes his dream and puts aside his prejudices. He becomes someone worthy of forgiveness. Hachi is changed and determined to do better. He also seeks to guide the next generation of fish men and mermaids.
Ace Gets the Spotlight in Ace's Great Blackbeard Search
Portgas D. Ace says he's chasing a pirate when he meets up with Luffy in Alabasta. He's been following Blackbeard's trail of destruction over several islands, but he's also run into a lot of false leads. The anime adds in a filler arc that gives Ace more screen time with the Straw Hat Crew. However, the manga represents this same problem through this cover story. This arc ends up showing several of Ace's key personality traits, like his need to defend Whitebeard, his impulsiveness and his kindness.
Recent reveals regarding Shanks' backstory now make him a foil to Donquixote Doflamingo. Shanks denied an opportunity Doflamingo dreamed of.
When Ace's information proves wrong, he's lucky Moda will save him from drowning. In return, Ace delivers a letter to the girl at a marine base. After a series of various shenanigans, Ace gets the information he's looking for from top-secret marine information. More importantly, Moda is in Lulusia Kingdom, a place mired in conflict. The island is later destroyed by Imu in order to kill Sabo. Moda is among the rescued people who want to join the Revolutionary Army. Although unknown to them, this acts as a poetic connection between the two brothers.
Caribou Joins Blackbeard in Caribou's Kehihihihi in the New World
One Piece Manga Chapters: 674-731; One Piece Anime Episode: 921
Caribou is a pirate who followed the Straw Hats to Fish Man Island after the time skip. He wants to kill the Straw Hats and seeks to join the Blackbeard Pirates. He escaped the Straw Hats after attacking them and caused more problems by kidnapping mermaids. Even after the Straw Hats leave, he kidnaps more mermaids and has to be dealt with by Jinbe. After being freed from marine custody and abandoning his crew, Caribou seemed to find reason to become a better person when he was mistaken for a woman's grandson.
Her grandson died while working with the Revolutionary Army. However, Caribou helps the people of the island. The person he fought to protect the grandmother worked for Kaido. This cover story ends with X Drake capturing him. Despite how terrible he is, if Caribou wasn't captured, he wouldn't have been there to help Luffy with his fight against Kaido. However, now Caribou is with Blackbeard, passing on information.
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