10 Most Stressful Anime Series of All Time, Ranked
The most stressful anime series feature high stakes, incredible plot twists, and a great deal of action, drama, or both.
The most stressful anime series feature high stakes, incredible plot twists, and a great deal of action, drama, or both.
With so many shows ending, now is the perfect time to watch some anime movies on Crunchyroll. These short films are some of the best.
These PS1 games had intro sequences so incredible that they've lingered on in the minds of fans, even after decades have passed in the real world.
According to PriceCharting, Phantasy Star and Alex Kidd in Shinobi World are among the rarest Sega Master System games.
Some Sailor Moon characters are easily defeated, have heartbreaking & unfair deaths, or die too soon after their redemption arc.
Gi-Hun ruined his likability as a character in Squid Game Season 1, but his actions in Season 2 have helped redeem him in many ways.
Plenty of action anime feature women who can match the men on the battlefield — or even surpass them.
Specific plotlines and situations could turn potential fans off from enjoying even the most beloved shojo anime series.
Over the years, DC Comics has created dozens of memorable superhero teams, from the famous Justice League to many lesser-known teams.
Dragon Ball’s worst jobbers, from Krillin to Piccolo, merely serve as a momentary distraction for the villain to make the main combatants look better.
Seinfeld is arguably one of the greatest TV sitcoms of all time. However, there are some parts of the show that make no sense.
Some of the best movies of all time are the ones that offered a shocking twist for the audience.
Dungeons & Dragons provides narrative inspiration at every turn, and these magical items can easily be the basis for a campaign to be built around.
Hunter X Hunter is among the darkest battle shonen anime, and the evil acts committed by its worst villains prove it.
According to PriceCharting, The House of the Dead and Panzer Dragoon Saga are among the rarest Sega Saturn games.
The 2010s provided a stellar list of anime for mecha anime fans to sink their teeth into.
Marvel's new Ultimate Universe has been blowing fans' minds since its start, and a few key moments have stuck out as particularly excellent.
Clayface is officially out as the main villain of The Batman: Part 2; here's who Robert Pattinson's Batman could fight instead in the upcoming film.
Several well-known anime might be silly, but some of them are hilariously dumb through either intentional comedy or unintended terrible quality.
The Transformers franchise is no stranger to death within its stories, but, the comics in particular are known to have the most shocking deaths ever.
2015 was jam-packed with high-quality anime, and these 7 titles are the cream of the crop.