Uncyclopedia:Ban Patrol

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We have your ass in a sling now, don't we?!

"Often the best solution to morale problems is just to ban all the unhappy people."

~ Oscar Wilde

This page is for reporting someone for blanking, vandalizing, improperly reverting, or otherwise disrupting Uncyclopedia.

Before reporting
  1. Ensure that there is more than one offense. Don't report IPs that make a single edit; it is pointless. With registered users, discuss disagreements before escalating them to this page.
  2. Read this page to make sure the user hasn't already been reported. Admins do not always see fit to respond to a report with a ban.
  3. If the vandalism happened well in the past, check Blocked IPs, Block log, and the archive of this page to see if the user was already banned.
To report someone
  1. Create a new entry just below the section heading. Newest entries on top, please!
  2. Start the entry with * (for a bulleted list item).
  3. Identify the user in question. For anonymous users (IPs), use the {{IP}} template. For registered users, use the {{User}} (not {{U}}) template. (Advanced users can use the {{Range}} template.)
    Example 1: *{{IP|}} Keeps blanking [[World of Warcraft]]. ~~~~
    Example 2: *{{User|Fred}} Revert war at [[Sheep]]. ~~~~
  4. You should briefly explain why you have added this person to Ban Patrol and sign with 4 tildes ~~~~.


THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION PAGE. Please keep the chatter to the possible minimum. If you feel the need to ramble, use the talk page.

Attention all those who put down ban reasons such as "Bad Person" or "Monkey Breath": Please put an actual explanation of why you've BPd this person. Violators shall be sent for a week in the Cajek academy for the criminally insane.

Ban requests[edit ]

The users listed below were checked out by: Spike.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were knowing me/knowing you aha there is nothing we can do.
  • User:Vlazzy: Vandal. OnePunch Talk to me 01:33, 11-Oct-22
    Thanks for the report: after several trivial edits, commenced to blanking one Admin's talk page and another Admin's signature. Spıke 🎙️ 02:16 11-Oct-22
The users listed below were checked out by: Romartus.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been excused from finger painting classes until further notice.
  • IP too many edits to revert. I tried but got bored. OnePunch Talk to me 06:03, 14-Jul-22
UPDATE: all edits reverted, plus this page: Category:Recursion, should be deleted. OnePunch Talk to me 06:24, 14-Jul-22
The users listed below were checked out by: Spike.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the Choir Invisible.
  • IP 2603:7080:C43E:B500:8C5A:AF0B:BD17:B987: same guy as below. OnePunch Talk to me 02:05, 24-May-22
  • IP 2603:7080:C43E:B500:21AF:2A9C:4A2C:AFCB: vandal. OnePunch Talk to me 01:50, 24-May-22
The users listed below were checked out by: Dark Web, White Hat.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been excused from finger painting classes until further notice.
The users listed below were checked out by: Dark Web, White Hat.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have stopped, collaborated and listened.
  • IP address: been spamming the same "libtard" message on multiple articles. I rollbacked all edits. OnePunch Talk to me 07:40, 2 December 2021 (UTC)
    Blocked. Thank you. Dark Web, White Hat (talk) 07:46, 2 December 2021 (UTC)
The users listed below were checked out by: Nigel Scribbler.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were shot through the heart, and you're to blame.
All note that I huffed the link [1] article (as noted by GINA) by at minimum being about someone not notable or at worst an attack page. This was decided independently of the X is Y crap on that page. I count that as strike one so I think a short ban is appropriate for any further worthless "contributions". But everyone here is Alden Loveshade, anyway, yes? --Nigel Scribbler sig2.png (talk) 07:06, August 22, 2018 (UTC)
The users listed below were checked out by: Romartus.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have stopped, collaborated and listened.
Thought I had to be in ban patrol first, but I finally found the admin controls. Will do next time. --Nigel Scribbler sig2.png (talk) 11:31, June 17, 2018 (UTC)
I just saw this and thought why would you ban Alden Loveshade? But it's Loveshade Alden! :D Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 19:19, August 21, 2018 (UTC)
The users listed below were checked out by: Romartus.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or received a complimentary pair of short trousers to wear as punishment.
Older Ban Patrol: v - e

46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51
52 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018

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