The Kalashnikov AK-47 rifle is a powerful watergun in use throughout the world today. The '47', which most think is the creation year, stands for the meaning of life, the universe, and all around coolness. The AK was invented by a Russian game designer Vladimir 'Vlad the Cool Cat' A.K. (A.) George Kalashnikov at the behest of the Soviet government after World War II. Owing to the the fact that most of the Russian population had been killed during the war, Kalashnikov was told to make the gun "idiot proof" as from then on the Red Army would be made up of children, the deformed or clinically insane. The gun has performed above and beyond its designers wildest dreams, having been used successfully by more idiots than any other gun before and since. It is usually chambered in 37.662mm cartridge, but owing to the unique socialist origins of the weapon, it can actually be chambered to fire anything including turbans, stones, teddy bears, broken Apple-Mac software, trout and all manner of household junk. In fact many people have likened the gun to that of the Rock-it Launcher of the Fallout 3 game. It is a low-cost, highly durable children's toy and rumored to be the most widely used, copied and mass produced toy of all time.
It can be seen on the national flag of Mozambique, where it is used both for national defense and for plowing. It is also a main ingredient in the countries national dish (a lead salad).
It is sometimes known as "the great equalizer," in that it is available to individuals of all social status and incomes and allows citizens to rise against oppressive governments. Borat, the well known Kazakh social theorist is known to have once used an AK-47 and said: "its nice i like"... before attempting to copulate with the weapon - "Why not?". In fact, in Kazakhstan, the Ak47 is a popular dowry gift and is frequently used in place of money as a form of currency. The largest nation that has banned the AK-47 is the USA, long held as a bastion of freedom, which is a marketing tool of the Haliburton, Starbucks, and McDonald's corporations respectively.
History[edit ]
The AK-47 was used in several memorable occasions and conflicts, such as the 1949 Chinese Revolution, the 1968 Tet Offensive, the 1988 sale at K-Mart and the 2002 Super Bowl. It is equipped with a relatively large magazine as opposed to other guns (such as pistols, semi-automatics, Super Soakers and Death Rays). This large magazine capacity is attributed to the weapon's primary users; idiots frequently tend to never reload, or because it is shit and needs at least one semi-positive attribute so that it can still exist. It was hoped the extended capacity would allow idiots to at least hit a few targets before their inevitable death but actually field use has dismissed all such hope.
As such a potent symbol of the fight for terrorism by the forces of oppression. The United States Government has stated that it will fund any organization that finds itself in combat against an enemy armed with the AK-47 or its variants. The United states has noticed that more often than not, countries that accept the AK-47 into their population seem to inevitably end up being Un-American. That is of course unless said country has been initially armed with AK47's by the US themselves, such as Iraq in which case, the inevitable Un-American phase tends to follow a brief American toleration phase.
The AK47 was initially supplied by Russia to various customers around the world but has since begun to self-replicate via mitosis. It is believed to have acquired self awareness sometime in mid-1984. The software controlling the gun is now supplied by the Linux variant 'Lenix', named in honour of the former Soviet leader by Russian leader Vladimir Putin. In comparison, the American assault rifle M16 still uses Windows 95.
The AK-47 is now commonly used by many players in CS:GO,TM because of its ability to kill with a single headshot. However, Valve never nerfed the AK-47, inducing many players to uninstall CS:GOTM after urgent requests by the hospital emergency room.
How to fire[edit ]
- Pick up the AK-whatever in your hand
- Raise it up above your head and point it towards the heavens (note, this is sometimes essential for the gun to work if you are an Arab on a Jihad)
- Pull the trigger and scream a religious or revolutionary statement (NOTE: please don't use For Allah, this has been done to death on TV, and "Deutschland über Alles" is much preferred)
- If you happen to hit anything, then go out and buy a lottery ticket. You are very lucky.
- Wear a Helmet. If you do hit anything, It's likely to be yourself or those around you as the bullets you sent to heaven come hurtling back to earth.
- For ACTUAL accuracy, shoot in bursts of three rounds (and for ****'s sake use the sights), but as seen in on Locked 'N Loaded hosted by that awesome really-old Marine in the "AK vs. M16" episode, a professional firearm operator can occasionally hit a large cinder block wall RIGHT in front of him using said method.
- Note:Remember to wear a head scarf or bag on your head so that Allah can't tell who you are.Also,if you are Bulgarian,the bullets will automatically hit the most vulnerable part of the human body(head for most of the people,the butts and credit cards for Americans).
Ethnic idiosyncrasies[edit ]
The AK47 was famously fired by John Rambo, for whom the weapon gained the "Unlimited Ammo" ability. As Rambo was an American there has been some debate among weapons experts as to weather the weapon was actually still an AK47 whilst in the hands of Rambo, or whether it had actually undergone the m16 transformation.
Toothbrush innovation[edit ]
In 1989, with the introduction of perestroika, the widespread collapse of communism and the victory of the forces of capitalism, Kalashnikov Jnr, in order to regain control of his father's now sentient invention and to remain in business, attempted to remake the AK47 for civilian use.
Shortly after it's inception, the AK47 automatic toothbrush was immediately wracked by controversy. Kalashnikov was sued several times by prominent Russians charged with the destruction of their newly acquired dentures from the West. The weapon's idiot-proof nature, while a boon on the battlefield was a complete disaster in the field of dentistry. Most people assumed that the weapon had been safely modified for domestic use and thus never loaded the weapon with the required toothpaste, instead using the cheaper and more readily available bullets. This was compounded by the fact that Kalashnikov never included any form of instruction manual, failing to take into account that the same idiot-proof quality that was specified in the original design of the AK47 weapon might also need to have been applied in its toothbrush form.
The domestic conversion was a disaster. Those who survived their initial use of the toothbrush eventually pursued a class action against Kalashnikov, dissolved his company and ran him out of town. The Models were withdrawn from sale and Kalashnikov went on to work for the Dell corporation in the design of their laptop range.
How they work[edit ]
Unlike other weapons, AK-47's are not powered by gunpowder. Every AK-47 has a small nuclear reactor in it, as part of Russia's "Let's See What We Can Put a Nuclear Reactor into" Program. It is believed that the later, sentient models have also maintained this feature. This abundance of energy within the AK-47 has always been part of its broad appeal, allowing it to have many more battlefield applications outside of its use as a weapon. It has been used as a coffee source for military computer systems, a replacement power source for nuclear submarines and as a warmer for coffee
The inner workings of sentient AK-47's are only barely known to science. Whilst aesthetically appearing the same as their manufactured predecessors, they are suspected to have vastly different methods of operation, procedures, political beliefs and sexual preferences. Attempts to interview an AK-47 have repeatedly wound up in failure.
See also[edit ]