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Fil:Mauricio Rojas Mullor (official portrait).png

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Mauricio_Rojas_Mullor_(official_portrait).png (328 × 342 pixlar, filstorlek: 363 kbyte, MIME-typ: image/png)


Español: Ministro de las Culturas Mauricio Rojas Mullor.
Källa http://www.cultura.gob.cl/ministro-culturas/
Skapare Ministerio de las Culturas, Las Artes y el Patrimonio, Gobierno de Chile.


This file was produced by the Government of Chile, and was released under the following licence according to the official communications guidelines for digital platforms and social media, confirmed legally by the Decree N.° 1 (11 March 2015), of the Ministry Secretariat General of the Presidency, which approves technical mandates about systems and websites of State administration institutions:
w:sv:Creative Commons
Denna fil har gjorts tillgänglig under licensen Creative Commons Erkännande 3.0 Chile.
Erkännande: Gobierno de Chile
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nuvarande10 augusti 2018 kl. 13.02Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 10 augusti 2018 kl. 13.02328 × 342 (363 kbyte)Rec79{{Information |description={{es|1=Ministro de las Culturas Mauricio Rojas Mullor.}} |date=2018-08-10 |source=http://www.cultura.gob.cl/ministro-culturas/ |author=Ministerio de las Culturas, Las Artes y el Patrimonio, Gobierno de Chile. |permission= |other versions= }} =={{int:license-header}}== {{Cc-Gobierno de Chile}} Category:Mauricio Rojas

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