Use Google Accounts on your watch

The first time you set up Wear OS on your watch, you’ll be guided to sign into a Google Account. You’ll get notifications, share contacts, and sync apps from this account, unless you change it later.

Add or switch accounts on your watch

  1. If you can't see your screen, wake up the watch.
  2. To wake up your watch, from the watch face, slide down.
  3. Tap Settings Settings and then Account and Backup and then Google Account.
    • On Wear 2: Tap Settings Settings and then Personalization.
    • To add an account: Tap AccountsAccounts and then Add Google Account.
    • To switch accounts: Tap AccountsAccounts and choose a different account.

Your watch uses the Google Account that you set up when you first connected your watch. You can have multiple Google accounts on both your watch and phone.


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