Pair more watches to your phone

If you like, you can pair multiple watches to your smartphone.

Important: You can't do this with an iPhone.

A single phone can pair with multiple watches

But you can only pair your watch with one phone at a time.

A single watch cannot pair with multiple phones

If you have more than one phone that you want to pair with your watch, or you own multiple watches, keep in mind:

One watch & multiple phones
Multiple watches & one phone

Important: You can't do this with an iPhone.

You can pair multiple watches to a single phone. Simply repeat the pairing steps for each watch. Below the watch you’ll see if it’s connected or disconnected.

Your watch will be disconnected if it can’t communicate with your phone or if you’ve chosen to disconnect it from the settings.

Trouble pairing existing watch to a new phone

You can pair an existing watch with a new phone but you need to reset your watch to factory settings first. Then you can pair your watch.

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