View alternate routes

Explore different routing options before and during your drive. Read the latest about route options in Waze.

View alternate routes before you drive

  1. Open Waze
  2. Search for your destination
  3. Tap your destination
  4. Tap View routes if you're navigating to a new destination
  5. Swipe up to see alternate routes

View alternate routes during your drive

  1. Tap the ETA at the bottom of the screen
  2. Tap Routes in the bottom-left corner
    • To view a route in steps, tap List view
    • To view a route on the map, tap Map view

Android Auto

View alternate routes during your drive on Android Auto

Tap to see a list of alternate routes during your drive.

Android Automotive (AAOS)

View alternate routes during your drive on AAOS

Tap to see a list of alternate routes during your drive.


View alternate routes during your drive on CarPlay

  1. Tap
  2. Tap All routes. You'll see a list of alternate routes.
    Tip: You can tap More details to know more about the selected route.

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