Wellen, Edward
Entry updated 30 December 2024. Tagged: Author.
(1919-2011) US author born Edward Paul Levy but at an early age given his mother's anglicized surname (Wellen for Wilensky) following her divorce. His output consists almost exclusively of short stories, mostly in the mystery genre. He began to publish work of sf interest with a "non-fact article", "Origins of Galactic Slang" in Galaxy for July 1952, which was followed by a sequence of similar Galactic Origins spoofs over the following ten years. His actual sf was concise, literate, cynical and frequently anthologized over his forty-year career, and is overdue for collection; Perps (coll 2000) assembles mysteries only. In his only sf novel, Hijack (May 1970 Venture; exp 1971), told with a delicate balance of spoof and splatter, the Mafia learns that the US Government is secretly preparing to escape the Solar System because the Sun is going nova, and muscles in on the action. In the end, a representative sample of humanity heads toward the stars. [JC]
see also: Messiahs.
Edward Paul Wellen
born New Rochelle, New York: 2 October 1919
died New Rochelle, New York: 15 January 2011
works (selected)
collections and stories
- Perps (Waterville, Maine: Five Star, 2000) [hb/]
- Note for a Time Capsule (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2023) [story: first appeared March 1958 Infinity Science Fiction: na/]
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