von Harbou, Thea
Entry updated 18 November 2024. Tagged: Author, Film.
(1888-1954) German author, most noted for her novels based (at least in part) on screenplays written by herself and her husband, Fritz Lang, who divorced her after she joined the Nazi Party in 1932; she was co-author of the screenplays for all the films Lang made before leaving Germany in 1933. Neither Metropolis (1926; trans anon 1927), which was written in conjunction with Metropolis (1926), nor Frau im Mond (1928; trans Baroness von Hutten as The Girl in the Moon 1930; cut vt The Rocket to the Moon; from the Novel, The Girl in the Moon 1930), later filmed as Die Frau im Mond (1929), has much of either film's symbolic force, and both are thickly propagandistic. [JC]
see also: Automation; Cities; Women SF Writers.
Thea Gabrielle von Harbou
born Tauperlitz, Germany: 27 December 1888
died Berlin: 1 July 1954
works (highly selected)
- Metropolis (Berlin: August Scherl, 1926) [in conjunction with the film: hb/Willy Reimann]
- Metropolis (London: The Reader's Library Publishing Company, 1927) [trans anon of the above: hb/Aubrey Hammond]
- Frau im Mond (Berlin: August Scherl, 1928) [hb/S B Singer]
- The Girl in the Moon (London: The Reader's Library Publishing Company, 1930) [trans by Baroness von Hutten of the above: hb/]
- The Rocket to the Moon; from the Novel, The Girl in the Moon (New York: World Wide Publishing Company, 1930) [vt of the above: hb/]
- The Girl in the Moon (London: The Reader's Library Publishing Company, 1930) [trans by Baroness von Hutten of the above: hb/]
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