Gayton, Bertram
Entry updated 18 November 2024. Tagged: Author.
Working name of UK author Bertram Edgar Guyton (1893-1969), in active service during World War One; his sf novel, The Gland Stealers (1922), deals with physical Rejuvenation achieved by grafting glands from apes into the bodies of elderly humans. Supply shortages lead to a comic ape hunt in Africa. The inevitable Apes as Human issues are handled lightly; and the story ends tragi-farcically as the renewal of youth, though real enough, proves to be temporary. The novel was inspired by, and mentions, but does not give allegiance to the theories of Serge Voronoff, who became notorious in the 1920s and later for grafting tissues from monkey testicles into human testicles, in order to rejuvenate human males. [JC]
see also: Medicine.
Bertram Edgar Guyton
born Portsmouth, Hampshire: 2 February 1893
died Gosport, Hampshire: 9 December 1969
- The Gland Stealers (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1922) [hb/uncredited]
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