Blackwood, Algernon
Entry updated 17 February 2025. Tagged: Author.
(1869-1951) UK author who spent a decade in Canada and the USA from the age of twenty, a period remembered in his partial autobiography Episodes Before Thirty (1923; vt Adventure Before Thirty 1934); a prolific author of novels and short stories for half a century. He was in active service during World War One as an intelligence agent based in Switzerland, and in other roles. His novels of occult pantheism – best exemplified in The Centaur (1911), which builds on the theories of Gustav Fechner (1801-1887) in its projections of a sentient Mother Earth (see Gaia) – tend to argue a logic of history which seems sufficiently rational for some of his work to count as sf. This is particularly true of the LeVallon sequence, Julius LeVallon (1916) and The Bright Messenger (1921). The first is primarily an occult novel regarding an individual who retains memories of past lives (see Reincarnation) and who seeks to remedy an error caused in that life when trying to raise a fire elemental. The remedy misfires and the elemental takes over the body of a baby still in the womb. The second novel explores the life of that child as he matures in the form of a new uber-being (see Superman) for a New Age (see Perception).
Blackwood's earliest known fiction is a simple ghost story, A Mysterious House (July 1889 Belgravia; 1987 chap), and he remains best remembered for his numerous short stories published over the next half century, including those about his Occult Detective [see The Encyclopedia of Fantasy under links below] John Silence, most of whose adventures are collected in John Silence, Physician Extraordinary (coll 1908) [see Checklist for vts]. Although his "explanation" of the abyssal devil-worship that irradiates an uncannily Pastoral French town (where Shapeshifters blasphemously become Cats) in "Ancient Sorceries" is demeaningly literal, John Silence does usually avoid imposing the kind of scientific or Pseudoscientific apparatus which brings the exploits of William Hope Hodgson's investigator Carnacki not quite satisfactorily close to sf. In the first Silence investigation, "A Psychical Invasion", Drugs can open doors to a potentially dangerous spiritual world; other investigations feature a kind of Werewolf and a fire elemental.
More central to Blackwood's achievement are the works that intensify a pantheistic sense of reality as driven by elemental forces which can work through other Dimensions. This is most potent in one of his most popular stories, "The Willows" (in The Listener and Other Stories, coll 1907), set in a remote stretch of the River Danube where the space between the dimensions is thin and an unexplained energy force, which drains life, leaches across the divide [for Crosshatch here and Pan directly above see The Encyclopedia of Fantasy under links below]. Blackwood's central philosophy is not dissimilar to the (rather more cynical) Unanimism of Jules Romains (1885-1972), or the "Creative Evolution" to be found in Ralph Straus's The Dust Which Is God: An Undimensional Adventure (1907). Blackwood's belief in other dimensions, or "higher space", as he called them, fuels several of his later stories. He enjoyed the phrase "elsewhere and otherwise", believing that people might slip through into a higher dimension and either reappear at a great distance, as in the later John Silence story "A Victim of Higher Space" (December 1914 The Occult Review) and "The Man Who Was Milligan" (November 1923 Pearson's Magazine), or be trapped in higher space, aware of our plane of existence but unable to make contact (see Parallel Worlds), as in "Elsewhere and Otherwise" (in Shocks, coll 1935).
His short fiction, which can often reach novella length and on occasion be too long for its core message, can often reach heights of brooding lyricism as in "A Descent Into Egypt" (in Incredible Adventures, coll 1914) where a man's spirit has such an affinity with the immensity of the age of the Earth that it is absorbed into the past; or "Onanonanon" (March 1921 English Review), where a man who had created an alter ego for his wartime espionage finds himself haunted by his other self. Blackwood's fascination with the concept and implications of Time manifests itself in many of his stories."The Man Who Found Out" (June 1909 The Lady's Realm) features an ancient record, the "Tablets of the Gods", whose message – including the revelation that Time is a delusion – has Basilisk-like effects on readers. Blackwood was a friend of J W Dunne, whose theories about the Serial Universe he espoused in "The Man Who Lived Backwards" (12 December 1930 World Radio; in Shocks, coll 1935) (see Time in Reverse). Other stories about time and space include "Malahide and Forden" and "Playing Catch" (both in Tongues of Fire, coll 1924) and three of his books about children, The Education of Uncle Paul (1909) and The Extra Day (1915), both of which include episodes of Perception; and The Fruit Stoners: Being the Adventures of Maria among the Fruit Stoners (1934), which deepens the scrutiny of childhood and its fate follows Maria's dream-like but binding trek into extreme old age, and back again, accompanied and seduced by the emblematic fruit stoners of the title. The Cosmology adduced is literally derived from Blackwood's understanding of Einsteinian Relativity; but a sense that past and future are rooms along a visitable corridor of time seems also to reflect the theories of J W Dunne.
Overall, Blackwood is perhaps best understood as an author of supernatural fiction with cosmic aspirations, in which guise he was a significant influence on H P Lovecraft and his circle. [MA/JC/DRL]
see also: Horror in SF.
Algernon Henry Blackwood
born Shooter's Hill, Kent: 14 March 1869
died London: 10 December 1951
works (selected)
- Julius LeVallon: An Episode (London: Cassell, 1916) [LeVallon: hb/]
- The Bright Messenger (London: Cassell, 1921) [LeVallon: hb/]
- Julius LeVallon / The Bright Messenger (Eureka, California: Stark House, 2016) [omni of the above two: LeVallon: pb/]
individual titles
- Jimbo: A Fantasy (London: Macmillan, 1909) [hb/]
- The Education of Uncle Paul (London: Macmillan, 1909) [hb/]
- Jimbo / The Education of Uncle Paul (Eureka, California: Stark House, 2007) [omni of the above two: pb/Campbell Shepard]
- The Human Chord (London: Macmillan, 1910) [hb/]
- The Centaur (London: Macmillan, 1911) [hb/W Graham Robertson]
- The Human Chord / The Centaur (Eureka, California: Stark House, 2016) [omni of the above two: pb/C B Williams]
- The Extra Day (London: Macmillan, 1915) [hb/]
- The Wave: An Egyptian Aftermath (London: Macmillan, 1916) [hb/]
- The Promise of Air (London: Macmillan, 1918) [hb/]
- The Garden of Survival (London: Macmillan, 1918) [hb/]
- The Promise of Air / The Garden of Survival (Eureka, California: Stark House, 2018) [omni of the above two: pb/C B Williams]
- The Fruit Stoners: Being the Adventures of Maria among the Fruit Stoners (London: Grayson and Grayson, 1934) [hb/]
collections and stories
Collected Short Fiction
- The Willows and Others: Collected Short Fiction of Algernon Blackwood, Volume 1 (New York: Hippocampus Press, 2024) [coll: Collected Short Fiction: pb/Jason Van Hollander]
- The Nemesis of Fire and Others: Collected Short Fiction of Algernon Blackwood, Volume 2 (New York: Hippocampus Press, 2024) [coll: Collected Short Fiction: pb/Jason Van Hollander]
collections: individual titles
- The Empty House and Other Ghost Stories (London: Eveleigh Nash, 1906) [coll: hb/]
- The Listener and Other Stories (London: Eveleigh Nash, 1907) [coll: hb/]
- John Silence, Physician Extraordinary (London: Eveleigh Nash, 1908) [coll: John Silence: hb/]
- John Silence (London: Richards Press, 1942) [coll: vt of the above: hb/]
- John Silence, Five Stories (London: John Baker, 1962) [coll: vt of the above: hb/photograph by Peter Underwood]
- The Complete John Silence Stories (Mineola, New York: Dover, 1997) [coll: exp vt of the above with one added story: edited by S T Joshi: pb/photographic]
- John Silence – Physician Extraordinary and The Wave (Eureka, California: Stark House, 2017) [coll/omni of the two titles: John Silence: pb/]
- The Lost Valley and Other Stories (London: Eveleigh Nash, 1910) [coll: hb/]
- Pan's Garden (London: Macmillan, 1912) [coll: hb/W Graham Robertson]
- Incredible Adventures (London: Macmillan, 1914) [coll: hb/]
- Ten Minute Stories (London: John Murray, 1914) [coll: hb/Cynthia Bryn Williams]
- Day and Night Stories (London: Cassell, 1917) [coll: hb/]
- Ten Minute Stories / Day and Night Stories (Eureka, California: Stark House, 2014) [omni of the 2 colls: pb/]
- The Wolves of God, and Other Fey Stories (London: Cassell, 1921) with Wilfred Wilson [coll: hb/]
- The Lost Valley / The Wolves of God (Eureka, California: Stark House, 2016) [omni of the above and The Lost Valley: pb/Cynthia Bryn Williams]
- Tongues of Fire and Other Sketches (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1924) [coll: hb/Philip Simmonds]
- Tongues of Fire and Other Stories (New York: Dutton, 1925) [coll: vt of the above: hb/]
- Tongues of Fire and Other Sketches (Eureka, California: Stark House, 2014) [coll: exp of the above with three stories added: edited by Mike Ashley: pb/Cynthia Bryn Williams]
- The Dance of Death and Other Tales (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1927) [coll: hb/]
- Full Circle (London: Elkin Mathews and Marrot, 1929) [story: first appeared May 1925 The English Review: hb/J G P]
- Shocks (London: Grayson and Grayson, 1935) [coll: hb/Monroe]
- The Doll and One Other (Sauk City, Wisconsin: Arkham House, 1946) [coll: hb/Ronald Clyne]
- A Mysterious House (Edinburgh, Scotland: Tragara Press, 1987) [story: first appeared July 1889 Belgravia: edited by Richard Dalby: pb/]
- Algernon Blackwood (Lakewood, Colorado: Centipede Press, 2014) [coll: edited by S T Joshi: hb/]
- The Face of the Earth and Other Imaginings (Eureka, California: Stark House, 2014) [coll: edited by Mike Ashley: pb/C B Williams]
reprint compilations (selected)
- The Dance of Death and Other Tales (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1927) [coll: hb/]
- The Dance of Death and Other Stories (London: Pan Books, 1963) [coll: vt of the above: pb/W Francis Phillipps]
- Strange Stories (London: William Heinemann, 1929) [coll: hb/]
- The Best Supernatural Tales of Algernon Blackwood (New York: Causeway Books, 1973) [coll: abridged edition and vt of the above: hb/]
- Short Stories of To-Day and Yesterday (London: Harrap, 1930) [coll: edited by F H Pritchard: hb/]
- The Tales of Algernon Blackwood (London: Martin Secker, 1938) [coll: hb/photographic]
- Tales of the Uncanny and Supernatural (London: Peter Nevill, 1949) [coll: hb/Lowen]
- Tales of the Mysterious and Macabre (London: Spring Books, 1967) [coll: hb/]
- Tales of Terror and Darkness (London: Spring Books, 1977) [coll: slightly abridged omnibus of above two volumes: hb/]
- Ancient Sorceries and Other Stories (Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1968) [coll: contents differ from Ancient Sorceries (coll 2022) below: pb/Ink Studios]
- The Magic Mirror (Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Equation, 1989) [coll: edited by Mike Ashley: pb/]
- The Empty House and Other Ghost Stories / The Listener and Other Stories (Eureka, California: Stark House, 2014) [omni of the 2 colls: pb/C B Williams]
- Four Weird Tales (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2014) [coll: pb/]
- The Lure of the Unknown: Essays on the Strange (Dublin, Ireland: Swan River Press, 2022) [nonfiction: coll: edited with introduction by Mike Ashley: hb/Chloe Cumming]
- The Whisperers & Other Stories: A Lifetime of the Supernatural (London: British Library, 2022) [coll: edited by Mike Ashley: hb/]
- Ancient Sorceries (London: Pushkin Press, 2022) [coll: contents differ from Ancient Sorceries and Other Stories (coll 1968) above: hb/]
- A Little Black Book of Bedevilment (Benson, Maryland: Borderlands Press, 2022) [coll: edited by Mark Sieber: hb/]
- The Unknown: Algernon Blackwood Weird Writings, 1900-1937 (Reading, Berkshire: Handheld Press, 2023) [coll: fiction/nonfiction: pb/]
about the author
- John Robert Colombo. Blackwood's Books: A Bibliography Devoted to Algernon Blackwood (Toronto: Hounslow Press, 1981) [nonfiction: pb/]
- Mike Ashley. Algernon Blackwood: A Bio-Bibliography (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1987) [nonfiction: hb/nonpictorial]
- Mike Ashley. Starlight Man: The Extraordinary Life of Algernon Blackwood (London: Constable, 2001) [nonfiction: critical biography: hb/]
- Mike Ashley. Algernon Blackwood: An Extraordinary Life (New York: Carroll and Graf, 2001) [nonfiction: vt of the above: critical biography: hb/]
- The Algernon Blackwood Society
- Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- Project Gutenberg
- The Encyclopedia of Fantasy: Crosshatch; Occult Detectives; Pan.
- Picture Gallery
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