Wikimedia Foundation Audit Committee/2018-06-05
Wikimedia Foundation Audit Committee Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2018
9:00 - 10:30 am PDT
16:00 - 17:30 UTC
Participating in person: Tony Le, Jaime Villagomez, James Baldwin, Amy Vossbrinck, Katherine Maher.
Participating remotely: Kelly Battles, Christophe Henner, Julian Singh.
Approval of the minutes from March 21, 2018 Audit Committee Meeting
The minutes from the March 21, 2016 Audit Committee Meeting were unanimously approved.
Renewal of the term for the Audit Committee Advisors
Julian Singh and Michael Snow agreed to serve another one year term as Audit Committee Advisors. The Committee thanked them for their service.
Approval of the FY 2018-19 Annual Plan
Jaime and Katherine presented the changes to the proposed FY 2018-19 Annual Plan to the Audit Committee for their review and approval.
Katherine’s introduction Based on community input, discussions at the Wikimedia Conference, and further review, there have been incremental changes in the draft FY 2018-19 Annual Plan. An additional 0ドル.8 Million has been added to the budget for a total budget of 92ドル.9 Million.
Specific Programmatic Increases included:
●くろまる Grants to emerging communities +100ドルK Research, Positioning and Messaging for Wikimedia Brand +250ドルK ●くろまる Additional roles for Privacy and Security+250ドルK
●くろまる Support working groups for Movement Strategy+200ドルK
Jaime’s description of financial outcomes
The final Annual Plan budget proposal as described by Katherine represents an 0ドル.8 Million change as outlined in the following priority areas:
●くろまる Evolve systems and structure +0ドル.2 Million
●くろまる Grow new content and contributors - no change
●くろまる Increase reach and audiences -0ドル.3 Million
●くろまる Other Program funding +0ドル.7 Million
●くろまる Non-Program funding +0ドル.2 Million - General Administration
From an external filter (Form 990) the majority of the Annual Plan expense budget (77%) is programmatic, 11% is Fundraising and 12% is General Administration.
Revenue targets were reviewed and remain unchanged at 93ドル.1 Million.
The Committee was asked if they had any final questions or concerns about the FY 18-19 Annual Plan. The Wikimedia Foundation FY 18-19 Annual Plan was unanimously approved by the Audit Committee and recommended for full Board of Trustees approval.
Next Audit Committee Meeting - to review the Audit Plan will be held in July or August. The Committee will be polled todetermined the best date.
Respectfully Submitted, Amy Vossbrinck