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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Enterprise and the translation is 39% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Wikimedia Enterprise

ウィキメディア収益事業(Wikimedia Enterprise)はウィキメディア財団のサービスとして、enterprise.wikimedia.comでご利用可能です。その趣旨とは、ウィキメディアのコンテンツを大容量に商業転用する利用者を対象にしたサービスの構築です。このサービスは2021年3月に告知し(ブログ投稿『WIRED 』の記事)、同年10月に開始しました(報道発表ならびに『OpenFutures』掲載記事)。

この事業が対象とする組織は、ウィキメディアのコンテンツを他のコンテキストで転用し、より高速かつ包括的で、信頼性が高く、安全なデータサービスを大規模に提供することを目指しています。本事業を通して、ウィキメディアのユーザー・エクスペリエンスが、我々のWebサイトの外でも向上することを目指したり、コンテンツをより多くの人に見つけられるようにしたり、 また自己資金サービスを通じてプロジェクトのデータを転用する組織が容易に情報の典拠の確認や内容の検証をできるようにします。


運動戦略の勧告の中には、「私たちの運動の持続可能性を高める」「ユーザーの経験を向上」というものがあり、それぞれの勧告の中には次のようなことが推奨されています。「パートナーシップと収入によって、収入創出と自由な知識普及の両方のための新しい機会を模索。例えば、... 企業レベルのAPIを構築すること」そして「大規模ユーザーと協力しながら、ウィキメディアのAPI Suiteを、より包括的、確実、安全、高速にしていく。...そして、コンテンツの再利用者の属性と検証性の認識と容易さを改善する」ことです。






  • 頻度: ウィキメディア・プロジェクトの定期的なスナップショット
  • 信頼性: 信頼できるアクセス可能なインフラ
  • 品質: 「最高の最新改訂版」

Emphasizing a self-funding set of specific use cases allows the Wikimedia API team to focus on volunteers, teams, and organizations looking to access (and, most importantly, interact with) our data sets. This includes the majority of community editing tools, which will be out of scope for this service. For more information on improvements to the existing Wikimedia APIs see the service page on the "API Gateway" initiative.


  • コンテンツ: ウィキメディア運動のコンテンツをより多く、一貫した機械可読形式で提供し、すべての研究者と再利用ユーザーに無料で提供する。
  • リソース負荷: 現在私たちの実稼働サーバーをターゲットにしている、頻度も容量も最大級の再利用ユーザーによる高強度のウェブ・スクレイピングの必要性を減らす。
  • 資金調達: 最大級の再利用ユーザーが、規模の異なる不定期の利他的な寄付を行うのではなく、得られた利益を運動に再投資するための、より明確で一貫性のある方法を提供する。




過去の公開ミーティング: 2021年3月 #1 & 2021年3月 #2, 2021年4月, 2022年6月, 2023年2月

...and also at the EMWCon Spring 2021 conference (video); March and July 2022 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) meetings; the May 2021 Wikimedia Clinic ; at Wikimania in 2021 and 2023 .

以下は、より詳細なコミュニティ・エッセイ の冒頭の段落です。

The full essay covers the following topics

Libre and Gratis are the two meanings of "free," commonly phrased as free as in speech, or free as in beer.

Wikimedia projects are, have always been, and will always remain libre. The principles of free cultural works mean that anyone can use Wikimedia without restriction, including commercially. As a movement, we embrace this. It is why we reject ‘non-commercial’ licenses, as they would limit the kinds of reuse possible. And it is why we consider commercial reuse an important means of distributing knowledge to audiences.

Equally, Wikimedia projects are, have always been, and will always remain gratis. The ability to freely access the knowledge available across all Wikimedia projects has always been core to the mission of the Foundation and the movement. We provide this access not only to individuals visiting our websites but also programmatically to machines so that our content can be repurposed in other environments. The full corpus of Wikimedia content always has been, and will continue to be, made available for reuse in various forms (including but not limited to database dumps, APIs, and scraping) at no cost.

As a result, our content is often repurposed by for-profit organizations that rely on it to support their business models, and which consequently earn revenue from it. Outside of voluntary corporate donations to the Wikimedia Foundation, the movement has never received benefits from any of this revenue through return investment. In acknowledgement of this, under the heading of Increase the sustainability of our movement the Movement Strategy process asked the Wikimedia Foundation to explore, among other things, "enterprise-level APIs...models for enterprise-scale for-profit reusers, taking care to avoid revenue dependencies or other undue external influence in product design and development." Furthermore, under the heading Improve User Experience , a further recommendation stated, "Make the Wikimedia API suite more comprehensive, reliable, secure, and fast, in partnership with large scale users where that aligns with our mission and principles, to improve the user experience of both our direct and indirect users, increase the reach and discoverability of our content and the potential for data returns, and improve awareness of and ease of attribution and verifiability for content reusers."

The Enterprise project team is developing a new resource aimed at for-profit content reusers, who have product, service, and system requirements that go beyond what we freely provide. Use of this offering will not be required for for-profit content reuse; companies can continue to use the current tools available at no cost. All Enterprise API revenue will unequivocally be used to support the Wikimedia mission—for example, to fund Wikimedia programs or help grow the Wikimedia Endowment.

This project represents a new kind of activity at the Foundation. The project is at a very early stage that should be considered a learning period. We will have successes, we will make mistakes, and we will need to adapt our strategies. The team is committed to listening, engaging, and where possible, integrating the feedback we get on our work. This document is organic and is reflective of the team's current thinking; we are attempting to document as much work as possible in the open. Up until now, our work has been shaped by a series of initial interviews with community members, Wikimedia Foundation Board and staff, researchers, and reusers.

コミュニティ・エッセイの 続きはこちら で読むことができます。よくある質問 原則 もご覧ください。

Given the nature of the service, primary decision making for it will rest with the Wikimedia Foundation. We are seeking community input, in particular from the technical community and those who have been involved in the strategy process, throughout the lifetime of the service. Technical feedback has been gathered from colleagues at the Wikimedia Foundation, industry and research partners, technical partners across the movement, and with the broader technical communities via Phabricator. Input into the funding development side of the service will follow a similar pattern. We will continue gathering input via research interviews and focus groups, as well feedback here on Meta as per our principles.


製品の動作に関する詳しい情報については、MediaWiki.orgのドキュメント ホームページ APIドキュメント サブページ を参照してください。

今後、提供される「製品」は増加かつ改善されます。この情報は 2023 年 2 月時点のものです。



ウィキメディア・エンタプライズ オンデマンド APIは、リリース時に次の機能が含まれます:

  • 商用スキーマ
  • SLA


現在、大規模な再利用者は、ウィキメディアのコミュニティが施す変更に大きく依存しており、EventStream API を使用してこれらの変更にアクセスし、自社の製品をリアルタイムで更新しています。大規模な再利用者は、受信した変更をフィルターして処理を制限し、安定した HTTP 接続を保証してデータ損失を防ぎ、イベントごとに必要な API 呼び出しの数を制限するより便利なスキーマを提供できるサービスに関心を持っています。


  • プロジェクトまたはリビジョン名前空間によるイベントのフィルタリング
  • 保証された接続
  • 「オンデマンドAPI」および「スナップショットAPI」で構築しているものと同様の商業的に有用なスキーマ*
  • SLA



For high volume reusers that currently rely on the Wikimedia Dumps to access our information, we have created a solution to ingest Wikimedia content in near real time without excessive API calls (On-demand API) or maintaining hooks into our infrastructure (Realtime).

Enterprise Snapshot API, at release, will contain:

  • 24-hour JSON[1] , Wikitext, or HTML compressed dumps of "text-based" Wikimedia projects
  • A hourly update file with revision changes of "text-based" Wikimedia projects
  • SLA
  1. JSON dumps will contain the same schema per page as the On-demand API.


Enterprise APIデータセットにアクセスする方法はいくつかあります。

  • 有料
  • 無料
    • Creating an account via the Enterprise API product website includes 10,000 on-demand API requests (including the Structured Contents endpoint) and monthly snapshot API file in NDJSON format at no cost.
    • An update of the Enterprise API data is provided for all every two weeks at https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/enterprise_html/
    • Snapshot API + Realtime (Batch) via Data services, available to anyone with a Wikimedia cloud services account.
    • Those who have a non-commercial and mission-relevant use-case, which cannot be fulfilled by existing free-access APIs/dumps etc, can request ongoing access to the paid service at no cost.



Names in bold indicate management.

Many people from different teams also contribute significantly, including from the WMF Legal, Engineering, Partnerships, Design, Communications teams etc. Additional contract work provided by: Speed & Function are providing engineering support; PartnerHero provide customer support services; Vuurr are assisting our sales process; and Super Natural Design are the designers of the project website.


The board of the LLC overseeing the project are Ex officio from Wikimedia Foundation leadership, representing their Wikimedia Foundation staff roles. This includes the Chief Advancement Officer Lisa Seitz-Gruwell; General Counsel Stephen LaPorte; Chief Product and Technology Officer Selena Deckelman; and Lane Becker who serves as the LLC's president. The LLC is subject to the governance of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees as described at the Wikimedia Foundation Board Statement on Wikimedia Enterprise revenue principles .

All reports and official documents of the LLC are published on a dedicated Wikimedia Enterprise page on the Wikimedia Foundation Governance website. For convenience, annual reports are also linked here:

See also: FAQ § Legal


Initial announcement - March 2021

Initial Wikimedia Foundation Diff blogpost
note: media stories listed below are written and published independently and were neither pre-reviewed nor approved by the WMF

Of particular note:

ShiftDelete.net Wikimedia launches its paid service (translated from Turkish)
Digital Trends Español Wikipedia will start charging large companies (translated from Spanish)
iPadizate Apple will have to pay Wikipedia to use its data (translated from Spanish)
iPhone Italia Wikipedia may soon ask Apple for 'the bill' (translated from Italian)
EZANIME.net Apple will soon have to pay for the Wikipedia data it uses (translated from Spanish)
RTL Nieuws Wikipedia will offer payment services to tech giants (translated from Dutch)
Tuga Tech Apple may have to pay to use Wikipedia data (translated from Portuguese)
turi2 Wikimedia launches paid service for businesses. (translated from German)
Les Echos Wikipedia wants to make Gafa pay (translated from the french)
Punto Informatico Wikimedia Enterprise to debut by 2021 (translated from Italian)
C News Wikipedia becomes paid. So far for IT giants (translated from Russian)
SDP Noticias Wikipedia will have a paid version for companies (translated from Spanish)
L'usine Digitale Wikimedia wants to launch a new paid service for digital giants (translated from French)
version2.dk Wikipedia will sell its content to businesses (translated from Danish)
Cinco Días (El País) Wikipedia will launch its paid version for companies at the end of the year (translated from Spanish)
Slo Tech The Wikimedia Foundation prepares paid services (translated from Slovenian)
Sawt Beirut International Create a paid service for companies that rely on Wikipedia data (translated from Arabic)
der brutkasten Wikipedia misses out on a business model (translated from German)
Canal RCN Wikipedia will launch a paid version for companies (translated from Spanish)
Ammon News Wikipedia turns some of its services into "paid" (translated from Arabic)
Nexofin Wikipedia announces that it will have a paid version (translated from Spanish)
Thanh Niên Apple will pay for Wikipedia content (translated from Vietnamese)
Business Insider Mexico Wikimedia will offer a payment service to companies that use its content (translated from Spanish)
Engadget Wikipedia plans to charge large organizations using its encyclopedia
Feber Wikimedia launches business payment service (translated from Swedish)
Letem světem Applem Apple may have to pay Wikipedia to use Siri's content (translated from Czech)
suara.com No longer free, Wikipedia will charge users (translated from Indonesian)
Techtoday Wikipedia will be paid, but users should not worry (translated from Ukrainian)
WIRED Italia Wikipedia will have a paid service reserved for big techs (translated from Italian)
dir.bg Wikipedia will charge large organizations that use it (translated from Bulgarian)
Bug.hr Wikimedia launches a paid service for large companies (translated from Croatian)
De Standaard Wikipedia is getting a paid version (translated from Dutch)
El Universal Wikipedia plans to start charging for its content (translated from Spanish)
masralyoum.net Reports: Use of Wikipedia will not be free for these parties (translated from Arabic)
Sputnik News "Wikipedia" to charge for major IT companies (translated from Japanese)
Business AM Wikipedia will soon no longer be free for everyone (translated from Dutch)
sentieriselvaggi.it Wikipedia's payday: Wikimedia Enterprise is born (translated from Italian)
Heidi.news Wikipedia wants to bring GAFA to the cashier (translated from French)
The Friday Checkout Story 3: Wikipedia getting paid (via YouTube)
La Stampa Are the tech greats willing to pay to use Wikipedia? (translated from Italian)
China Press Wikipedia will charge a fee! (translated from Simplified Chinese)
BitPort A really weird pairing: comes the enterprise Wikipedia (translated from Hungarian)
El Mundo (Pixel) Wikipedia is paid: this is all you need to know (translated from Spanish)
kumparanTech Wikipedia Will Have Premium Version, Comotous Content is Charged (translated from Indonesian)
marketingprzykawie.pl Wikipedia is launching a paid service for big tech (translated from Polish)
El Comercio Wikipedia announces its first paid version on the internet (translated from Spanish)
Tokar.ua Wikipedia will be paid for by IT giants (translated from Ukrainian)
HICOMM Paid Wikipedia platform launched for technology giants (translated from Bulgarian)
iPro Up Wikipedia launches its paid version aimed at companies (translated from Spanish)
Agencja Informacyjna Wikipedia is commercializing (translated from Polish)
Nezavisne novine Wikimedia is launching a paid service for large companies (translated from Bosnian)
it resenja Wikimedia is launching a paid service for large companies (translated from Bosnian)
Digital de León Wikipedia will be paid, we tell you everything (translated from Spanish)
Compromiso Atresmedia Wikipedia will have a paid service (although you will never use it) (translated from Spanish)
65 y Más Wikipedia Enterprise: the new paid version for companies (translated from Spanish)
Commercial launch - October 2021

Wikimedia Foundation Press release

Of particular note:

Golem Wikipedia gets a commercial offer (Translated from German)
Linux-Magazin.de Wikimedia Enterprise has a commercial offer (Translated from German)
First customers - June 2022

Press Release
note: media stories listed below are written and published independently and were neither pre-reviewed nor approved by the WMF

Of particular note:


  • API:Main page – MediaWiki Action API documentation
  • Wikitech: Data Services portal – A list of community-facing services that allow for direct access to databases and dumps, as well as web interfaces for querying and programmatic access to data stores.
  • Enterprise hub – a page for those interested in using the MediaWiki software in corporate contexts.

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