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Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario/Team/Biographies

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Please find below the team involved in Wikimania Esino Lario bid. For a portrait of the current Wikimania Esino Lario team please refer to Organization on wikimania2016 website.
Image Name Last name Involvement Based Skills / biography Wikimania experience Team Contacts
Charles Andrés Switzerland, Neuchâtel Staff Wikimedia CH --- Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong, Wikimania 2014 London. Program, co-general coordinator
Andyrom75 Andyrom75 Volunteer Italy, Florence area Member of Wikimedia Italia, very active on wikivoyage in Italian. Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong, Wikimania 2015 Mexico City. Documentation, wikivoyage User:Andyrom75
Ilenia Atzori Volunteer Italy, Sardinia Active member of Wikimedia Italia. Involved in Wiki Loves Monuments. Bachelor in Operator for cultural tourism and experience as a tourist guide. [it], [en]. Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong. Program, wikiexcursions.
Fabio Baioni Volunteer Italy, Milan area Active member of Wikimedia Italia. Work in ICT and he has experience in Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong, Wikimania 2014 London, Wikimania 2015 Mexico City. Technical, equipment User:Fabexplosive
Piercarlo Barindelli Volunteer Italy, Esino Member of associations and groups in Esino Lario (Soccorso Val d'Esino, Esino 2000, CAI). Works in a studio of an architect. / Location
Domenico Berardinelli Volunteer Barcellona, Spain Experience in designing and coordinating public programmes both for cultural and educational organizations. In addition, works in the sector of communication 2.0, specifically dealing with social media management for arts & design. [it], [en], [es]. / Program, special events, art curator. linkedin
Elvezia Bertarini Volunteer Italy, Esino Teacher at Esino Lario primary school; involvement in off school activities and workshops. / Location
Tecla Bertarini Volunteer Italy, Esino Student in Natural Sciences (Master), collaboration with the city council of Esino Lario (tourist office) and Comunità Montana della Valsassina, Valvarrone, Val d'Esino e Riviera (excursions, activities for children, workshops). [it], [en]. / Location
Roberta Bonetti Volunteer Italy, Florence area Anthropologist, Ph.D. with a specialization in education and intercultural learning. Professor in Bologna and Bolzano, cofounder and board member of the Italian society of applied anthropology (SIAA Società Italiana di Antropologia Applicata), and member of the scientific committee of the association Associazione Mani Altri Sguardi. [it], [en], [fr]. / Evaluation CV in Italian
Carlo Borgia Volunteer Italy, Esino Former member of Esino Lario city council, hear of tourism and coordinator of the program of events in Esino Lario. / Location
Niccolò Caranti Volunteer Italy Photographer and active member of Wikimedia Italia. [it], [en]. Wikimania 2011 Haifa, Wikimania 2012 Washington DC, Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong. Documentation, Photos of the event. user:Jaqen
Mauro Cassina Volunteer Switzerland, Ticino Wikimedia CH board member. Wikimedian, wikipedian and photographer. He has worked in the field of events and catering and he currently works in the field of renewable and alternative energy. Documentation, Photos of the event. User:Cassinam
Marco Chemello Volunteer Italy, Vicenza area Architect with experience in working in innovative projects involving both communication and technology. Co-promoter the Festival delle libertà digitali (Festival of digital freedom). Active member of Wikimedia Italia. / Program, chair of the sessions user:Marcok
Lorenzo Colombo Volunteer Italy, Lecco Press office of a large company. He has a house in Esino Lario. / Communication, chair
Cristian Consonni Volunteer Italy, Trento and Milan area Wikimedia Italia board member - treasurer, wikipedian, wikimedian. Researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation. [it], [en], [fr] Wikimania 2010 Gdansk, Wikimania 2012 Washington DC, Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong, Wikimania 2014 London. Wikimedia Italia board User:CristianCantoro
Roberto Corda Volunteer Italy, Milan Wikipedian and wikimedian. Works in ICT. Wikimania 2005 Frankfurt.
Ornella Costanzo Volunteer Italy, Turin area Project and content manager in the field of culture and video, with experience in multimedia museum design, production of documentaries, audience and crossmedia design. Executive Producer at Studio Azzurro Produzioni s.r.l. / Program, special events, art curator. [it.linkedin.com/pub/ornella-costanzo/a/aa9/b50 linkedin]
Dario Crespi Volunteer Italy, Milan area Active member of Wikimedia Italia. Involved in Wiki Loves Monuments, Archeowiki and BustopediA. Wikipedian and OSM user. [it], [en]. Wikimania 2014 London, Wikimania 2015 Mexico City. Open Street Map User:Yiyi
Bishakha Datta Volunteer Wikimedia, former board member of Wikimedia Foundation --- Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong, Wikimania 2014 London. Program, focus on gender
Elisa Dell'Era Volunteer Italy, Esino / Lecco Former member of Esino Lario city council. University degree in economics, she has been working for several years in event planning on Lake Como. She has also experience in managing a 1'000 participants conference. / Location
Giovanni Dell'Era Volunteer Italy, Esino Former major of Esino Lario. Quantitative surveyor (geometra) and municipal engineer (tecnico comunale). / Location, chair
Simona Dell'Era Volunteer Italy, Esino [it], [en]. / Location
Shani Evenstein Volunteer Israel Involved in Wikimedia outreach projects related to GLAM-Wiki & Edu-Wiki.Teaching experience. Works at Tel-Aviv University [TAU], at the Sackler School of Medicine. Wikimania 2011 Haifa - attendee; Wikimania 2012 Washington DC, - speaker; Wikimania 2014 London - speaker. Program, focus on GLAM User:Esh77
Tommaso Fara Volunteer Italy, Milan Consultant and collaborator for an organization of of catering; he is specialized in proposing menus, organizing thematic lunches and dinners, and experimenting new recopies and traditional and innovative cooking techniques. He is the author of radio programs about cuisine and of the books "Il cucchiaino caramellato" (DeAgostini, 2005), "La cucina a impatto [quasi] zero" (in collaboration with Lisa Casali, Edizioni Gribaudo, 2010) and "Diversamente cotto: Metodi di cottura e strumenti tra tradizione e innovazione" (Edizioni Gribaudo, 2012); he is the curator of eight volumes on Italian cuisine for DeAgostini (2007-2008). He also works as restorer of antiquities. / Location, food curator
Susanna Giaccai volunteer Italy, Firenze Wikimedia Italia member. Librarian. / Program User:Giaccai
Isla Haddow Volunteer South Africa, Cape Town Project manager WikiAfrica, board member Wikimedia ZA [en]. Wikimania 2011 Haifa, Wikimania 2012 Washington DC, Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong, Wikimania 2014 London. Program User:Islahaddow
Michele Lavazza Volunteer Italy, Milan Wikipedian, wikimedian. Student in philosophy. [it], [en], [fr]. Wikimania 2014 London. Program MLWatts
Federico Leva Volunteer Italy, Milan
  • Wikimedian since 2006 in several areas, did stuff.
  • WMIT: treasurer 2008-2009, wrote first reimbursement policy; helped a bit setting up WMIT Wikimania scholarships program 2011–, evaluator in 2013.
  • University of Milan: board of directors 2009-2012 overseeing 750 M€ budget, contracts up to ~10 M€; committee dividing ~170 k€ / y among students orgs; co-organised students event with thousands participants, 2009-2012.
Attended 2010 and 2011 kickstarting a renewed Italian delegation; into Wikimania discussions since then; watched since 2007. Scholarship working group, chair User:Nemo_bis
Lorenzo Losa Volunteer Italy, Milan area and Pisa Former Wikimedia Italia board member, wikipedian, wikimedian. Wikimania 2011 Haifa, Wikimania 2012 Washington DC, Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong, Wikimania 2014 London, Wikimania 2015 Mexico City. Wikimedia Italia board User:Laurentius
Ester Maglia Volunteer Italy, Esino Manages Esino Lario tourist office and she is involved with Pro Loco in the organization of events. Student in pharmacy. / Location
Luca Martinelli Volunteer Italy, Rome area Wikimedia Italia board member. Wikimania 2011 Haifa, Wikimania 2012 Washington DC, Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong, Wikimania 2014 London, Wikimania 2015 Mexico City. Evaluation, chair user:sannita
Lara Marziali Volunteer Italy, Bologna Wikimedian and wikipedian Wikimania 2012 Washington DC, Wikimania 2014 London, Wikimania 2015 Mexico City. Social network User:.laramar.
Francesca Milano Volunteer Italy, Lecco Student in communication / Communication
Giusy Nasazzi Volunteer Italy, Esino Teacher in Esino Lario Kindergarten. / Location
Nicola Nasazzi Volunteer Italy, Esino Former member of Esino Lario city council. / Location
Serena Nasazzi Volunteer Italy, Esino Treasurer of the association Pro Loco in Esino Lario. She has been organizing and managing events in Esino. / Location
Giuditta Nelli Volunteer Italy, Genova area Artist. / Program, special events
Alberto Nogara Volunteer Italy, Taceno Architect, former architect for Comunità Montana Valsassina Valvarrone Val d'Esino e Riviera, competence and experience on the territory and public administrations. / Location
Giammario Ortelli Volunteer Italy, Esino Lario Former Esino Lario city council, vice-mayor. / Location
Roberto Paci Dalò Volunteer Italy, Rimini Artist, composer, director and activist. A pioneer in the use of digital technologies and telecommunication systems in art, his works have been presented worldwide in the major theatres, festivals, museums. Recipient of the Premio Napoli 2015 and the Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD fellowship. He teaches Interaction Design at UNIRSM / IUAV Venice. / Artistic direction, documentation, technical and special events Roberto Paci Dalò
Iolanda Pensa Volunteer Italy, Milan / Esino Experience in directing and managing international projects, and in fundraising, research and communication. Interdisciplinary academic studies (university degree in medieval art history, thesis in contemporary art, Ph.D. in anthropology and territorial government and planning). Experience in problem-solving, international youth exchanges and social work. Coordinator of the Ecomuseo delle Grigne. Wikipedian and wikimedian, volunteer in Esino Lario. [it], [en], [fr]. Wikimania 2011 Haifa, Wikimania 2012 Washington DC, Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong, Wikimania 2014 London, Wikimania 2015 Mexico City. Promoter iopensa
Carlo Maria Pensa Pensa Volunteer Italy, Lake Como / Esino Engineer and businessman. As a volunteer - among other activities - mayor of Esino Lario for 10 years, involved in the Comunità montana, president of Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne. Deep knowledge of the territory. / Location and promoter
Pietro Pensa Volunteer Italy, Milan area / Esino Architect and engineer. He is specialized in safety and security issues. He is one of the professional experts in-charge of safety and security for Expo Milan 2015 buildings. / Location, security and infrastructural upgrades [1]
Alberto Pinto Volunteer Italy, Milan area / Switzerland, Ticino Expertise in sound and acoustics (BS-MS in pure mathematics, MS in applied physics focusing on digital signal processing perceptual audio coding and music information and Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Milan and visiting scholar at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics at Stanford University; he is the director of the CESMA, a European Centre for Studies in Music and Acoustics based in Lugano). He is also plays the organ (conservatory of Milan, Haute Ecole de Musique de Genève, organist of San Bartolomeo church in Milan, Prize of the National Organ Competition of Viterbo - CariVit and the "Pierre Segond" Prize - City of Geneva) / Technical, sound [2]
Vincent Plisson Volunteer France / UK / South Africa Graphic designer. He has been working in Great Britain, France and South Africa. / Communication [3]
Remulazz Remulazz Volunteer Italy, Milan area Wikipedian. / Documentation, geography User:Remulazz
Simone Sala Volunteer Italy, Milan; Switzerland, Lugano 9-year experience in a wide range of cross-sectorial applications of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Sustainable Development in emerging regions. Proven ability to design and deliver tailored ICT-related projects and programmes to both non-governmental organizations and governmental institutions in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Ghana, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Senegal, United States of America. [it], [en], [fr], [es]. Wikimania 2015 Mexico City Technical, chair linkedin
Ginevra Sanvitale Volunteer Italy, Bologna area / South Corea Wikimedia Italia board member. Specific interest in gender activities and projects (in Italy and at large), collaboration in WLM communication. [it], [en], [es]. Wikimania 2011 Haifa, Wikimania 2012 Washington DC, Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong, Wikimania 2014 London, Wikimania 2015 Mexico City. Program, general coordinator User:Atropine
Catherine de Senarclens Volunteer Italy, Lake Como / Esino Experience in organizing events (school exchanges, trips of the Associazione Amici del Museo), volunteer coordinator, editor of books and excellent organizational and relational skills. Former English teacher and vice-headmaster of a linguistic high school. [it], [fr], [en], [de]. / Location, accommodation
Giulia Sepe Wikimedia Italia staff Italy, Milan Project manager, experience in organizing and implement large-scale events, project manager of the Wikimedia Conference 2013 in Milan. [it], [en], [es], [fr]. / Wikimania Esino Lario bid project manager, start-up phase December 2013 - March 2014.
Chiara Somajni Volunteer Germany, Berlin Independent journalist, formerly employed at Il Sole 24 Ore (major Italian financial newspaper), writing, editing, focus on culture and technology. Board member of ActionAid International. [it], [en], [de]. Participated in Wikimania 2005 Frankfurt. Program, relationships with keynotes. linkedin
Francesco Tarantini Volunteer Italy, Milan area Experience in coordinating nursing and health medical services, former member of Wikimedia Italia board, member of Wikimedia Italia active on Wikipedia medical content. Former board member of Italian Red Cross volunteers of Milan committee. Nursing degree's adjunct professor at University of Milan. Participated in the Wikimedia Conference in Milan. Safety, coordinator nursing and health medical services and accessibility linkedin - User:Franciaio
Leigh Thelmadatter Coordinator-Wiki Borregos Tec de Monterrey Mexico Language professor in Mexico's largest private university system. I have worked with Wikipedia in English-as-a-foreign-language classes since 2007. Since 2011, I have coordinated efforts to develop a Wikipedia Education program at the school with projects in classrooms, to fulfill community service requirements and organize events such as photo contests related to Mexico's culture. These efforts have been recently re-organized under the name of "Wiki Borregos" (name of school mascot), accepted by the school system but still in process to be recognized as a user group by the Foundation. [en], [es] Wikimania 2012 Washington DC speaker. Program, focus on education
Ilario Valdelli Wikimedia CH staff Switzerland, Lugano Excellent knowledge of the territory of Wikimania Esino Lario, network in Italy and Switzerland, experience of organizing and contributing to Wikimedia events, strong engagement in the movement. Community manager in Ticino Switzerland for Wikimedia CH, he also works in ICT. [it], [en], [fr]. Member of the jury of previous Wikimania. Wikimania 2014 London, Wikimania 2015 Mexico City. Program, Wikimania Takes Lake Como, activities in Ticino Switzerland. User:ilario, linkedin
Fabio Vanin Volunteer Italy, Venice Architect and urban designer, Ph.D. in Urbanism. He worked as project leader for several strategic plans in Europe (Antwerp, Gent, Gorzow, Poznan) and Africa (Nairobi), and as research assistant at TU Eindhoven and at University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. He is the co-founder of Latitude: Platform for Urban Research and Design. / Location Linkedin, site
Fiorenzo Viglienghi Volunteer Italy, Esino Former bus driver of the local company, knowledge and network of the local transport and bus companies, extensive experience in driving busses in the area (also very large vehicles) / Transport (local reference person)
Giovanni Viglienghi Volunteer Italy, Esino Entrepreneur in Esino Lario, president of the Alpini, former member of Esino Lario city council. / Location


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Meeting rooms

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